Your All Star Final Fantasy Lineup
Posted: 2005-03-15 07:08am
Here are the roles you must fill and examples. the first two are just for kicks. Anyone from any Final Fantasy game is applicable. Assuming a large game was to be released and you had to use a 'Dream Team' of 8 characters who would it be? I would also say that FFX's break Damage limit and Break HP/MP limits are not applicable to this situation.
Luidicrous overly exaggerated team name: (Light Warriors!)
Fight song: (Kung Fu fighting by Carl Douglas)
-Swordsman: (Cloud, Squall)
-Bad Ass: (Auron, Barrett)
-Ranged Weapon User: (Irvine, Wakka)
-Black Magic User: (Vivi, Terra)
-White Magic User: (White Mage, Garnet)
-Blue Magic User: (Strago, I would consider Gau ok for this spot also)
-Thief: (Zidane, Locke)
-"Other": (anyone you want not already chosen above)
-Preferred Summon: (Bahamut, Shiva, Ifrit etc...)
-Main villian you least want to face: (Sephiroth, Kuja etc...)
-Optional Villian you least want to face: (Emerald Weapon, Ozma, Etc...)
-Regular monster you least want to face: (Bomb, Flan, Behemoth etc..)
I think I've wasted enough of your time already
ADDENDUM: My own lineup
Luidicrous overly exaggerated team name: Orange County Cowboys
Fight song: Super Rad by the Aquabats
-Swordsman: Cloud Strife
-Bad Ass: Auron
-Ranged Weapon User: Yuna/Gunner ability in ffx2
-Black Magic User: Terra
-White Magic User: Aeris, her max limit break was awesome
-Blue Magic User: Quina
-Thief: Zidane (for some reason I always scored the good items with him)
-"Other": Gogo
-Preferred Summon: Anima
-Main villian you least want to face: Necros in ff9
-Optional Villian you least want to face: Fucking Ozma! that bastard.
-Regular monster you least want to face: Malboros of any kind.
Luidicrous overly exaggerated team name: (Light Warriors!)
Fight song: (Kung Fu fighting by Carl Douglas)
-Swordsman: (Cloud, Squall)
-Bad Ass: (Auron, Barrett)
-Ranged Weapon User: (Irvine, Wakka)
-Black Magic User: (Vivi, Terra)
-White Magic User: (White Mage, Garnet)
-Blue Magic User: (Strago, I would consider Gau ok for this spot also)
-Thief: (Zidane, Locke)
-"Other": (anyone you want not already chosen above)
-Preferred Summon: (Bahamut, Shiva, Ifrit etc...)
-Main villian you least want to face: (Sephiroth, Kuja etc...)
-Optional Villian you least want to face: (Emerald Weapon, Ozma, Etc...)
-Regular monster you least want to face: (Bomb, Flan, Behemoth etc..)
I think I've wasted enough of your time already

ADDENDUM: My own lineup
Luidicrous overly exaggerated team name: Orange County Cowboys
Fight song: Super Rad by the Aquabats
-Swordsman: Cloud Strife
-Bad Ass: Auron
-Ranged Weapon User: Yuna/Gunner ability in ffx2
-Black Magic User: Terra
-White Magic User: Aeris, her max limit break was awesome
-Blue Magic User: Quina
-Thief: Zidane (for some reason I always scored the good items with him)
-"Other": Gogo
-Preferred Summon: Anima
-Main villian you least want to face: Necros in ff9
-Optional Villian you least want to face: Fucking Ozma! that bastard.
-Regular monster you least want to face: Malboros of any kind.