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Your All Star Final Fantasy Lineup

Posted: 2005-03-15 07:08am
by Darth Fanboy
Here are the roles you must fill and examples. the first two are just for kicks. Anyone from any Final Fantasy game is applicable. Assuming a large game was to be released and you had to use a 'Dream Team' of 8 characters who would it be? I would also say that FFX's break Damage limit and Break HP/MP limits are not applicable to this situation.

Luidicrous overly exaggerated team name: (Light Warriors!)
Fight song: (Kung Fu fighting by Carl Douglas)

-Swordsman: (Cloud, Squall)
-Bad Ass: (Auron, Barrett)
-Ranged Weapon User: (Irvine, Wakka)
-Black Magic User: (Vivi, Terra)
-White Magic User: (White Mage, Garnet)
-Blue Magic User: (Strago, I would consider Gau ok for this spot also)
-Thief: (Zidane, Locke)
-"Other": (anyone you want not already chosen above)
-Preferred Summon: (Bahamut, Shiva, Ifrit etc...)

-Main villian you least want to face: (Sephiroth, Kuja etc...)
-Optional Villian you least want to face: (Emerald Weapon, Ozma, Etc...)
-Regular monster you least want to face: (Bomb, Flan, Behemoth etc..)

I think I've wasted enough of your time already :mrgreen:

ADDENDUM: My own lineup

Luidicrous overly exaggerated team name: Orange County Cowboys
Fight song: Super Rad by the Aquabats

-Swordsman: Cloud Strife
-Bad Ass: Auron
-Ranged Weapon User: Yuna/Gunner ability in ffx2
-Black Magic User: Terra
-White Magic User: Aeris, her max limit break was awesome
-Blue Magic User: Quina
-Thief: Zidane (for some reason I always scored the good items with him)
-"Other": Gogo
-Preferred Summon: Anima

-Main villian you least want to face: Necros in ff9
-Optional Villian you least want to face: Fucking Ozma! that bastard.
-Regular monster you least want to face: Malboros of any kind.

Re: Your All Star Final Fantasy Lineup

Posted: 2005-03-15 07:22am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Luidicrous overly exaggerated team name: FF3/6 Squad of Pwnage of Other FF Games
Fight song: FF 3/6 "Boss Battle"

-Swordsman: Cyan (white magic spec)
-Bad Ass: Sabin (lightning spec)
-Ranged Weapon User: Edgar (Gray magic spec)
-Black Magic User: Terra/Celes/rest of party (FF 3/6 Espers, yay)
-White Magic User: Terra/Celes/rest of party
-Blue Magic User: Terra/Celes/rest of party
-Thief: Locke (misc spells)
-"Other": Shadow (misc spells)
-Preferred Summon: Can't remember the Esper's name, but does a nice multi-elemental attack that cuts through most resists. And Interceptor, of course. :twisted:

-Main villian you least want to face: Kefka. Bitch won't die.
-Optional Villian you least want to face:
-Regular monster you least want to face: High-level magitek armor suits. Yeegh.

Obviously I like FF3/6. Everyone gets loaded out with Espers so spells for everybody. "Pure" casters like Terra and Celes are well-rounded with priority on Esper time for maximum magical pwning.

Re: Your All Star Final Fantasy Lineup

Posted: 2005-03-15 07:33am
by Darth Fanboy
JediNeophyte wrote: -Blue Magic User: Terra/Celes/rest of party
Nitpick. Only Strago is a true blue Mage, of course I'd consider Gau and possibly Relm suitable because they use 'enemy skills'.

Posted: 2005-03-15 09:00am
by Sporkzen
Luidicrous overly exaggerated team name: Whoppass warriors!
Fight song: Glen eye of the tiger (insert characters name on their turn)

-Swordsman: Cyan
-Bad Ass: Auron
-Ranged Weapon User: setzer (with loaded dice and the 4x attack relic forgot its name)
-Black Magic User: Celes,Rydia
-White Magic User: Rosa
-Blue Magic User: Gau
-Thief *ahem* treasure hunter: Locke
-"Other": Tifa
-Preferred Summon: Moogle *i dont like summons*

-Main villian you least want to face: Sephiroth, hes dull as hell
-Optional Villian you least want to face: Anything, they can take em.
-Regular monster you least want to face: None, i take anythin' on!

Posted: 2005-03-15 10:52am
by McNum
Hmm... Let me try.

Luidicrous overly exaggerated team name: Omega Fantasy Deluxe
Fight song: The Black Mages - Those Who Fight Further

-Swordsman: Squall
-Bad Ass: Barrett
-Ranged Weapon User: Vincent
-Black Magic User: Lulu
-White Magic User: Dagger/Garnet (Curaga-All!)
-Blue Magic User: Strago (Access to Blue Magic without any odd prerequsite)
-Thief: Rikku - FFX version
-"Other": Yuna - FFX version (I need a summoner)
-Preferred Summon: Bahamut. (I stick with the classic Mega Flare)

-Main villian you least want to face: Yu Yevon
-Optional Villian you least want to face: Penance (FFX International - Strongest boss ever)
-Regular monster you least want to face: What was it called... "Mad House"? The house that attacks you in FF7. Just too silly.

That's my team.

Posted: 2005-03-15 11:14am
by Anarchist Bunny
Luidicrous overly exaggerated team name: Sabin Force
Fight song: Safety Dance

-Swordsman: Bartz(Dual wielding and SShot)
-Bad Ass: Sabin(if I could Sabin would be in every slot, my favorite FF character)
-Ranged Weapon User: Shadow(throw)
-Black Magic User: FF1 Black Mage named PIMP(nukey nukey)
-White Magic User: Adult Rydia[she lost her white magic] Fuck you.
-Blue Magic User: Galuf(multiples of 5 beware)
-Thief: Limit catgory, Guess I'll go with Locke after he's spent some levels with Odin.
-"Other": MOG(kupo)
-Preferred Summon: Pheonix

-Main villian you least want to face: Kefka, greatest Final Fantasy villian
-Optional Villian you least want to face: Ultros, god he was annoying as hell
-Regular monster you least want to face: TONBERRY!!! *stabstabstab*

Posted: 2005-03-15 12:35pm
by Kuja
The Hit Squad
Theme: "We Will Rock You"

-Swords(wo)man: Beatrix (FFIX)
-Bad Ass: Magus (CT)
-Ranged Weapon User: Laguna (FFVIII)
-Black Magic User: Rhydia (FFIV)
-White Magic User: Garnet (FFIX)
-Blue Magic User: Quistis (FFVIII)
-Thief: Zidane (FFIX)
-"Other": Robo (CT)
-Preferred Summon: Bahamut, of course. :)

-Main villian you least want to face: Chaos. Yawn.
-Optional Villian you least want to face: Emerald Weapon. *fapfapfap*
-Regular monster you least want to face: Yans. Get me outta here!

This team fulfills all the prerequisits, but I'm playing hard and fast with them because four members of my team can be classified as summoners (depending on what I can junction to Laguna and Quistis) to do some major damage fast (especially if I get to use the Garnet in my last game; watch for lots of quad-9s). Five members of my team can be used in a healing capacity (again, junction-dependant) four can use versions of black magic, and all but two of them can be relied upon to do a decent amount of physical damage. As a result, if one character gets knocked out, I can compensate by using second- and third-tier characters to fill their role.

Re: Your All Star Final Fantasy Lineup

Posted: 2005-03-15 04:31pm
by Hamel
Luidicrous overly exaggerated team name: Team Gosu
Fight song: Down on the Corner, by Creedence Clearwater

-Swordsman: Cidolfas Orlandu
-Bad Ass: Shadow
-Ranged Weapon User: Mustadio
-Black Magic User: Mog
-White Magic User: Gogo
-Blue Magic User: Strago
-Thief: Locke
-Asshole: Fucking Squall
-Preferred Summon: Zodiac
-Main villian you least want to face: Goddess
-Optional Villian you least want to face: Omega Weapon
-Regular monster you least want to face: Cactuar

I noticed that FFT isn't getting any affection from you guys :cry:

Orlandu is the most overpowered character I've seen in an RPG. Once you get him you rape everything in sight without an ounce of effort.

Posted: 2005-03-15 04:54pm
by Seggybop
Luidicrous overly exaggerated team name: (Ultimate Final Burning Team~!!)
Fight song: (Vamo'alla Flamenco [Black Mages version])

-Swordsman: (Squall)
-Bad Ass: (my Ranger/Samurai class from FFXI)
-Ranged Weapon User: (Rinoa)
-Black Magic User: (Terra)
-White Magic User: (White Mage -_-)
-Blue Magic User: bah, screw blue magic.
-Thief: (Locke)
-"Other": (Zell)
-Preferred Summon: (Alexander)

-Main villian you least want to face: (George W. Bush, God-Emperor of Mankind)
-Optional Villian you least want to face: (Culex)
-Regular monster you least want to face: (Dancing Weapon)

Posted: 2005-03-15 11:03pm
by Darth Fanboy
Kuja wrote:This team fulfills all the prerequisits, but I'm playing hard and fast with them because four members of my team can be classified as summoners
I specifically didn't use a Summoner category because of ff6, 7, and 8 where everyone can summon, opting instead for the 'preferred summon' Didn't think about Crono Trigger though, if I'd a thunk that i'd have possibly used Magus.

Posted: 2005-03-15 11:45pm
by Darth Raptor
Name: Infernal Warlocks
Fight Song: Hunter's Chance (Black Mages remix)

Swordsman: Sephiroth
Badass: Cecil
Ranged: Rufus
Black Mage: Kuja
White Mage: Yuna
Blue Mage: Bartz
Thief: Yuffie
Other: Red Wizard
Preferred Summon: Alexander

Least-Wanted Main Villain: Ultimecia
Least-Wanted Optional Villain: Emerald WEAPON
Least-Wanted Normal Fiend: Tonberry