Way too many of RS III: Rebel Strike's missions involve stupid land-based combat segments that get in the way of the flying. Those lightsaber levels are ridiculous. And the missions where you use blasters are also stupid. You can rarely ever aim worth a shit because of a stupid auto-firing system. You just run around randomly shooting, hoping that your shots are locking on a target. The camera angles usually suck, meaning you sometimes can't see your character and cannot see the enemies firing at your character. If they were going to put in ground-based fighting, and with smallarms and lightsabers, they should have made these parts an FPS. It would have been much better.
And my major gripe with RS III is that you can't use as many starships on the other missions as you can in original RS, thus diminishing its re-playability. I found myself staring at all of the missions in RS III, trying to find a mission I actually felt compelled to play, and couldn't find anything. Many missions limit you to one or two starfighters when you are able to fly everything on that particular mission.
For example, the first mission where you defend Yavin IV only allows you to pilot an X-Wing or Y-Wing. Sure, those were the only two ships they had available at the time, but who cares? Let us fly other ships when we beat the mission so we can play it again a different way, morons! They let us do that in the original Rogue Squadron, so why not let us do that in the newer ones?!?! I wanted to be able to use the TIE Bomber's missiles and bombs on all of the Imperial ground forces. I wanted to be able to use the Millenium Falcon's tracking quad cannons to blast TIEs out of the sky. I wanted to be able to zip around in my Delta 7, N-1, and A-Wing. There is so much more stuff you can do with different starcraft, and they don't let you. As a result, I get tired of playing the mission over and over the same way and don't play it anymore. And this happens all throughout the entire single player game. You can see why I prefer playing Rogue Squadron over this game.
Another thing that pisses me off is that I can't go back and play the Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader missions they put in RS III, because I have no one else to play with! Why limit the extra missions to co-op?!?! Some people can't play with other people, you jerks! It drives me crazy.