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HL2 Deathmatch?

Posted: 2005-03-24 08:16pm
by Jadeite
Did the DM community suddenly dry up or something? I just logged onto Steam and found only three active servers. This isn't the first time either, the last time I logged on, there were only a couple hundred, and all of them had shitty latency and were virtually empty.

Posted: 2005-03-24 08:21pm
by Hamel
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch 2,031 1,111 65.867 million

I'm seeing a ton of players on right now.

Posted: 2005-03-24 08:28pm
by Shinova
Maybe you didn't update? Could be.

Posted: 2005-03-24 08:35pm
by lPeregrine
Nope, not dead. Even with my <50 ping filter, I've got a decent list of servers showing up. Not as many as counterstrike, but not at all a dead game.

Posted: 2005-03-24 08:58pm
by Assassin X
<50? Picky picky. :lol:

I have <100.

HL2DM seems to be slowing down along with CS:S. I myself im getting bored with the constant patches and hackers. I want DOD:S.

With games like FEAR coming out HL2 is becoming a memory.

Posted: 2005-03-24 09:08pm
by Jadeite
Yeah, the problem resolved itself, whatever it was.

Posted: 2005-03-25 02:00am
by Shinova
I'm waiting for the first generation of real HL2 mods to finally finish. They're also redoing Quake2 DM in Source. Woot.