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Zombie Strike
Posted: 2005-03-27 06:08pm
by 2000AD
Ok i played a bit of this in Counter Strike today and i reckon it would be a brilliant mod.
What you do is have 20 bots who can just use knives against 1 or 2 guys. It's a ton of fun abd a lot harder than it sounds.
Most of the time the bots walk around but as soon as they see you they come running, and reloading in this is a lot more tense than in regular CS. The fact that knives can be instakill from behind is also another thing to consider.
Playing CT's against T's is good on hosatge maps, but on bomb maps it ws a bit annoying when the zombies planted the bomb so it's probably better switching around then.
For a mod all i think you'd need is a zombie skin, some maps geared towards ir and a "braaaaaiiiinnnnssss" sound. Objectives could maybe be survive for as long as possible, kill all the zombies, protect some people from the zombies or if it could be worked in escape from an infested area.
Anyone else think thisis a good idea?
Posted: 2005-03-27 08:13pm
by wautd
hell yeah
I always wanted some kind of "Terminator mod".
1 player with 2000 health or something vs 20 normal guys.
Posted: 2005-03-27 09:33pm
by Uraniun235
This isn't exactly what you've put forth, but I do know of at least one CS:S server running a "zombie mod" that has one guy turn into a zombie every round. He moves a little more slowly, but if he hits you once, you instantly become a zombie, and he takes a
fuckton of damage to kill. (a couple thousand, I think...)
Oh, and the map is super-darkened, so you're reduced to your flashlight in order to see. In the CS 1.6 version of this mod, nightvision was restricted, although I think that's been reversed for Source - and the zombies all get nightvision. And the rifles and machinegun are banned as well - only pistols, shotguns, and SMGs allowed here.
It's pretty fun. I think it's more fun to have people play as zombies rather than bots.
EDIT: Oh, and it's a wholly server-side mod too, so no pesky downloads needed.

Posted: 2005-03-27 09:47pm
by SylasGaunt
People play pretty much the exact same thing in Halo 2. Hella fun game mode, shame I don't get to play it near as often as I like.
Posted: 2005-03-27 11:42pm
by Stark
It's odd that mods like this have been floating round UT2k for literally years. I guess everyone just plays CS and ignores all the other mods in the world

Posted: 2005-03-28 01:22am
by Uraniun235
I've never been a fan of the UT series - I just don't like the way movement feels for some reason.
Besides which, the UT games are fucking huge. I can easily imagine UT2K5 taking up two DVDs...
Posted: 2005-03-28 05:17am
by 2000AD
Stark wrote:It's odd that mods like this have been floating round UT2k for literally years. I guess everyone just plays CS and ignores all the other mods in the world

CS is pretty much the first game i played on line for longer than a week, the reason being i found UT2k4 too hard online.
I thought i was better than average at UT2k4 (i'd completed the game on some of the harder difficulties) until we got the network and internet set up in this flat. First thing me and my flatmate did was have a game. He wiped the floor with me completely, i think it was something like 25-1 after 10 minutes. I'm getting closer to him on 1on1 but as soon as i step online the only use i have is to attract fire from my other team mates. I spawn and i'm dead as soon as i see someone, or some times not even before i see them!
CS is slower and a lot easier to play, at least there i can have a game that doesn't consist of me getting gibbed all the time.
Posted: 2005-03-28 06:29am
by Terr Fangbite
Brain Bread is a mod for halflife 1 which does this. I hear they are working on the source mod as we speak.