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Brain to computer interface
Posted: 2005-04-08 10:40pm
by Trekdestroyer
This may sound a little weird, but would it be great to be able to strap a helmet on and run the computer just by your thoughts? I mean, that would be a thing that would replace mice and perhaps sound technology. The experience of feeling tactile sensations during gameplay for example. I mean stuff like feeling the recoil of a shot gun or AK-47 would just be revolutionary. Does anyone else think this is cool?
Posted: 2005-04-08 10:54pm
by Shinova
I think it's very cool............and quite dangerous in the case someone finds some way to hack your brain. Of all the things that can get hacked..... *shiver*
If they invent some good security protocols or something, then maybe.
Posted: 2005-04-08 11:57pm
by Nephtys
Security'll always be a step behind of the latest attacks. If you want an idea what that'll be like, Watch/read anything related to Ghost in the Shell... and well, it'd be cool as hell as long as it's not within two miles of any internet or wireless connection.

Posted: 2005-04-09 04:50am
by Sharpshooter
If it was designed in a sort of "read-only" manner, I suppose it'd be rather good, as it'd give a person a fair number of capabilities that they'd normally be without while not presenting the potential danger for any kind of neurological damage caused by accidental feedback or direct deviousness on behalf of some other party.
I remember watching a while ago that there was in development a system that could be used for those with severe disabilities when trying to use computers. As opposed to traditional mice and keyboards or a voice recognition system, it instead made use of a system that could detect the point of a screen where a person was focused on, and would move a cursor accordingly.
I'll tell you this much: if such a system like what you're proposing were to come along, and one of the things it could do is recognise the current image that's floating through your head, the amount of fan art and shit that'd flood the internet would crash the whole of it. Hundreds of millions of people without a lick of artistic talant having these ideas in their head, suddenly finding themselves with a means of conveying their catastrophey.
Posted: 2005-04-09 04:52am
by Shinova
No, no, it just means that artists everywhere would be out of a job.

Posted: 2005-04-09 05:22am
by Sharpshooter
also means a world-wide epidemic of CTS, the collapse of several industries, and the exploding of the heads of thousands of conservatives across the world. Personally, I can't wait.
I kid, I kid, but you know it'd eventually turn to that use.
Posted: 2005-04-09 09:42am
by Terr Fangbite
Windows BE (Brain Edition)
Not only will you get the thrill of rebooting your computer, you get the fun of your brain crashing due to an illegal action.
Posted: 2005-04-09 11:12am
by Xenophobe3691
I can see communication being revolutionized by this (imagine not having to describe something, instead, you just send someone the idea itself). Unfortunately, people are also going to have to learn mental self-discipline and self-control damn quickly if they don't want to be embarassed beyond belief...
And besides, there's stuff in here that I don't want seen. I want some damn form of good protection, or I ain't pluggin' in...
Posted: 2005-04-09 04:09pm
by Vendetta
Posted: 2005-04-09 04:23pm
by Cabwi Desco
yeah, umm wouldnt the power of the human brain overpower the computer itself?
wouldnt want my brain to crash, sorry not fur mich.
Posted: 2005-04-09 04:32pm
by Praxis
Terr Fangbite wrote:Windows BE (Brain Edition)
Not only will you get the thrill of rebooting your computer, you get the fun of your brain crashing due to an illegal action.
Then the Blue Screen of Death will be literal...
And what happens if you fail to install the proper drivers? "Cannot find digestive system drivers, ejecting media..."

Posted: 2005-04-09 04:37pm
by Uraniun235
What is it about the prospect of brain/computer interfaces that suddenly makes people lose all sense of reality, drop their pants and start masturbating furiously to whatever bizarre notion catches their fancy?
Posted: 2005-04-09 04:40pm
by Cabwi Desco
probably the ability to instantly download pr0n to their brains, 235.
Posted: 2005-04-09 04:43pm
by Trekdestroyer
Uraniun235 wrote:What is it about the prospect of brain/computer interfaces that suddenly makes people lose all sense of reality, drop their pants and start masturbating furiously to whatever bizarre notion catches their fancy?
After decyphering the technobabble, I think you are refering to internet pornography. Or perhaps I mistranslated you and you mean somthing else.
Posted: 2005-04-09 04:50pm
by Slartibartfast
Sense/Net, here we cum!