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Brothers in Arms is CRAP

Posted: 2005-04-12 12:22am
by fgalkin
Just got meself a copy of BiA: Road to Hill 30 fresh from the Motherland, and let me tell you something, IT SUCKS.

Gamespot gives it a 9.0, but Gamespot can kiss my ass. The game was the most boring shooter I've played.

So, here's my review.

The Good:
You can order your squad to move to a specific location, follow you, and lay down suppressing fire. They are smart enough to take cover when shot at.
Fire suppression: all enemies can now be suppressed, making them sit whimpering behind cover.
The graphics are officially kickass.

The Bad:
The game is so frigging linear. You can't jump over a fence if the game doesn't want you too. You can't break a fucking window to get at the enemy! You can't open a door. You can't do SHIT.
The firefights with the enemies consist of the same routine over and over again: order your squad to lay down suppressing fire, flank the enemy, kill them. I have just described every encounter with the Germans in the first 5 levels.
Speaking of linearity, the enemies sometimes spawn right before your eyes. I have crossesd the street, killed some germans shooting at my team, and guess what, a kraut heavy machinegun just appeared on the street I just crossed the second I killed the krauts. BLEARGH :x I have quit the game in disgust.
Speaking of disgust, THE BODIES DISAPPEAR. That's right folks, the bodies disappear after a minute or so.
The team is useless. You still have to kill 90% of the enemies on your own.
The "personalized" stuff consist of a brief monologue about some character before the chapter starts. BO-RING.
Oh, btw, you can't save the game unless at a checkpoint.

There is just one moment in the game that I truly enjoyed, and that is when I shot up a roomful of Germans:
But that's the only exciting thing that happened in 5 levels of the game. Kind of tells you how interesting that game is.

Oh, btw, you cannot move those chairs. How's that?

Have a very nice day.

Link fixed

Posted: 2005-04-12 12:57am
by weemadando
Yes, its a wonderful, immaculately modelled replica of a corridor shooter set in an realistically modelled French countryside (assuming of course that there are only 2 types of hedgerow, 3 or 4 types of house and 1 option for progressing through a level.

Its sucky on so many levels.

Good things however:

1) Impressive AI - they really are good most of the time.

2) The feeling you get when you assault helpless infantry with a Sherman

3) Multiplayer. Its fun as hell.

Overall though, this game is not nearly as good as it should have been. And the bloom. My god the bloom.

Posted: 2005-04-12 01:39am
by Praxis

Posted: 2005-04-12 01:48am
by Stark
Is it better than RO, yes/no. It looks like ass on those screenshots.

Kinda a shame SP games are getting MORE SP-ish, though, with lame Splinter Cell style levels (l337zor Sam Fisher, stopped by a five foot broken pine paling fence) and preset 'encounters'. Game designers should stop trying to write stories.

Posted: 2005-04-12 01:51am
by Darth Raptor
Ah, yes. I'm sick of WWII games, but my brother and best friend keep coming back for more. This game is indeed utter crap.

*friend comes in my room with plastic bag*

Me: "What'd you get?"

Friend: "Brothers in Arms. Can I use your PS2?"

Me: "If it works." *blows dust off and boots up PS2*

*twenty minutes elapse*

Me: "So..."

Friend: "Yeah, it's shit. I'm taking it back tomorrow, wanna come?"

Posted: 2005-04-12 02:05am
by fgalkin
Darth Raptor wrote:Ah, yes. I'm sick of WWII games, but my brother and best friend keep coming back for more. This game is indeed utter crap.

*friend comes in my room with plastic bag*

Me: "What'd you get?"

Friend: "Brothers in Arms. Can I use your PS2?"

Me: "If it works." *blows dust off and boots up PS2*

*twenty minutes elapse*

Me: "So..."

Friend: "Yeah, it's shit. I'm taking it back tomorrow, wanna come?"
Lucky you. The store I got it from is thousands of miles away in the motherland. Oh well, at least it was only 3 bucks. :D

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2005-04-12 08:55am
by wautd
This game was quite hyped here. Luckely I developed a natural resistance against hypes