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For the Ghost Recon fans
Posted: 2005-04-14 12:42am
by Alyeska
Posted: 2005-04-14 01:06am
by Hotfoot
Hmmm, both a present and a snub. I'd probably be more upset over this, except that it means that we'll likely see GR3 be a high quality game for all platforms, at least that's what I'm hoping.
In the meantime, I guess I'll have to rent or buy the PS2 version to get my Wil Wheaton fix.
Posted: 2005-04-14 02:12am
by weemadando
But let me guess - GR3 will be a "console exclusive" release for the first few months while they iron out the PC bugs... Then they'll say - hey, have GR4 instead. Continue ad infinitium.
Posted: 2005-04-14 03:07am
by Vympel
I thought GR2 for PS2 was a mediocre game in any event? If it means we'll get a high quality GR3, I'm all for it.
Posted: 2005-04-14 04:05am
by Captain tycho
GR2 was indeed quite mediocre. The over the shoulder view was clumsy, and the enemy AI was as dumb as rocks. Still, it was worth a weekend rental IMO.
Posted: 2005-04-17 05:24pm
by Alyeska
Thats one more reason why I hate Ubi Soft. The game has been canceled for quite some time and they didn't have the guts to tell us.