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Sucking at Hw2: Warlords 0.45
Posted: 2005-04-16 06:54am
by pellaeons_scion
Ok, first off I'd like to say how much I love this mod. So much work and thought has been put into it! In the same breath however, I'd like to cry. Ive tried to play this mod many times, each time still getting slaughtered. Now, I know how to use which craft works better against others in standard HW2, but in the mod Im apparently clueless as I watch my fleets decimated.
So I guess Im asking the great gaming gurus here, for tips and tactics they find work well in Warlords, or failing that a better idea of what counters what, as there is way too many ships for me to work this out for myself.
Posted: 2005-04-16 08:38am
by InnocentBystander
Basically, get destroyers asap, look to control the map's largest resource point early on, and keep repair ships at the ready for your destroyers. Compliment them with frigates, but keep them around your destroyers as escorts, or they'll get eaten up by enemy destroyer fire.
Posted: 2005-04-16 09:31am
by pellaeons_scion
are the frigates good for killing strikecraft, or just corvettes?
Posted: 2005-04-16 12:43pm
by Vanas
Lancer Frigates > Fighters. In groups of 2+, Lancers mince fighters. The Alliance Bulk Frigate is similar, but with less effective AA guns. For AA and anti-cap, the Carrack has a nice blend of 20 light guns and 10-odd turbolasers.
But hell, back up ISDs with Lancers (or just build ISD III) for a good AA and anti-cap force
Posted: 2005-04-16 02:03pm
by Lord Pounder
The first thing you should to is research turbolasers 1, this then gives you frigate research, then build the X9( i think) destroyer shipyard and churn out some Lancers by about this time the 1st waves of fighters will be arriving to attack you. In the mean time put all your research into destroyers and improved turbolasers.
Posted: 2005-04-16 09:14pm
by Crossroads Inc.
I usually like to restrict what ships you can build to make things more interesting
But if this is an all things available game, I would recommend much of what InnocentBystander has already stated. I am unfortunately a bit behind current tactics as I only have the original Mod that was realized on Macs