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Ultimate Video Games
Posted: 2005-04-16 07:30pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Inspired by the Billionaire thread, since so many there mentioned improving or making new Video and Computer games, I thought I’d make a new thread. Given as much money as you want, and control over all the worlds Game Makers, what would you do?
Which games would you like to make yourself, or perhaps remakes of other ones. For me, there are a ton of old, ‘primitive’ video games from my childhood I’d love to see reborn with modern Tech and Graphics.
Posted: 2005-04-16 07:47pm
by 2000AD
Here's my pitch:
An X-Com game that emcompasses a lot of genres!
You take your basic X-com game.
Make the following changes:
-Instead of using a "people go there" order, you have to get them there Grand Theft Auto style.
--When your in the building you investigate as normal X-Com style, but like it is in X-Com Apocalypse, a choice between turnbased and Real time.
--If in real time you can select to play it FPS style or continue like traditional X-Com. More like Rainbow Six games than Qauke/UT /etc.
--Another option is to allow the aliens to attack you in H-t-H occasionaly, where upon it switches to a Tekken/Virtua Fighter/etc style where you take down the alien using kung fu or whatever, while dodging friendly and unfriendly fire.
-When you send out fighters yo intercept UFO's you can play it like a flight sim and shoot down the UFO yourself.
-Eventually you'll get to have human armies fighting alien armies Command and Conquer style, or some other RTS style.
you can play those bits out like in C&C:Renegade, from a FPS perspective
You can fly aircraft as air cover in those bits
-You can allow your soldiers to go on leave, and by some strange compulsion they always decide to play golf, thus you can incorporate the brilliant Tiger Woods series into it.
Now while i was typing all that out i came up with this idea:
You start off as just a grunt in an army. (regular shooter style)
You become a squad leader and start to plan your own missions. (Rainbow 6 style)
Then you go on up the ranks a bit, so you can start calling in airstrikes and requesting reinforcements, etc. (Like what Battlefield 2 is looking like)
Eventually you get all the way up to general and start doing an RTS style, though at any time you can take control of a soldier FPS style.
Make that into a MMORPG and it would rock, with experienced players leading the squads and planning the attacks and n00bs leraning the ropes as grunts. Have generals that lose a battle get demoted so it frees up space for someone that's ready, and have something like squad leaders who don't keep their squad alive in most games demoted as well.
Re: Ultimate Video Games
Posted: 2005-04-16 08:05pm
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Crossroads Inc. wrote:Which games would you like to make yourself, or perhaps remakes of other ones. For me, there are a ton of old, ‘primitive’ video games from my childhood I’d love to see reborn with modern Tech and Graphics.
I guess this is supposed to be in G&C?
Ah, first thing first, remakes would be fine as older games tend to have better *gameplay* than the new ones.
For making ultimate games, I believe the first thing need to be improved in game design is
to use *less* scripted activities and
*more* dynamic simulation of the real-world.
Privateer 1 and
Privateer 2. Sure
Privateer 2 has better graphics, but *everything* is scripted. You can find yourself repeating the same contract over and over again. On the contrary, in
Privateer 1 the world reacts accordingly to your actions, making you believe you're actually interacting in some real, living-breathing universe (despite the primitive graphics).
(as for the most blatant abuse of scripted actions, I guess it would be
Doom 3. Beautiful graphics, repetitive and boring gameplay. Typical of modern games today.)
Of course, not every games should be open-ended and dynamic by nature. Very well, for story based games, I think the thing we need is an
excellent storyline, as well as
believable & memorable characters. Games like
Ultima and
Strike Commander has primitive graphics, but who can ever forget characters like
Lord British, and
Virgil Beetlebaum? But thanks to
John Carmack and his
Quake, non-existent storyline has become something of accepted norm of today's games.
As for flightsims, my loudest scream would be,
"GIVE MY FUCKING DYNAMIC CAMPAIGN BACK!!!" Yup, dynamic campaign is something as old as
EF 2000, so what is the difficulty of putting it in modern flightsims like
Probably because some vampire game publishers decide dynamic campaigns would enhance
replay value, thus being harmful to the
Expansion Packs??
Finally, in designing a good game, one should not be afraid to
be innovative and
STOP recycling old formula OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Take a look at
Sword of Samurai,
Sid Meier's Pirates!,
Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon,
Star Control 2, and
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising for a modern example. They are good, quality games with a nice gameplay, which is based on innovation and fresh ideas instead of cloning and recycling generic concepts.
I believe, if games today are designed based on those above concepts, we will see ultimate games everywhere instead of console games being played on the PC.
Alas, it seems to be more profitable for vampires like
EA to brainwash the consumers with generic & repetitive games while continously lowering gamers' expectation; because, in following the spirit of
Henry Ford and
McDonald's, generic products are cheaper to produce.
If Hell exists, I hope game publisher executives will be punished by being forced to do a repetitive, boring activity over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again for eternity. Amen to that.
Posted: 2005-04-16 08:19pm
by Ra
My ideas for new video games? Read a sample below.
I think a 3-D remake of Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun is in order. I mean, cool game with a cool concept, but shitty graphics. Use the Generals or Ground Control engine.
A totally new game, based on the Homeworld universe. You knew this was coming, since I'm the leader of the Sobani. I mean, rather than epic space combat, have it more down and dirty. Put a face on Homeworld.
Have it about the Hiigaran Marines. Ever since seeing a Marine Frigate, I've fanticized about what it would be like as those power-suited marines run down corridors, fighting for control of the ship. I mean, really. That would be an awesome idea. You're part of an elite Marine unit that is posted on these really dangerous missions, like retaking Hiigaran ships, freeing hostages, raiding research facilities, sabotage, Black Ops, etc. This is my idea of the ultimate HW-verse game.
And have dynamic characters. Squad corporals, platoon officers, intelligence hacks, that sort of thing. Not just some named soldier with certain stats, a real character, like Captain Soban.
Put it in the middle of the Dust Wars or something, fighting the Taiidani Imperialists and Turanic Raiders. Hell, let's even throw the Protectors of Kadesh in there. It's not all just shooting, but that's the bulk of it. Kinda like Rainbow Six in the HW universe, but not exactly.
Well, that's my two Hiigaran Credits.
- Ra
Posted: 2005-04-16 08:19pm
by YT300000
Well, by the time Duke Nukem Forever comes out, it'll have just about everything in it...
Posted: 2005-04-16 08:29pm
by Uraniun235
I would build a replica of the Enterprise bridge to use as part of the greatest Star Trek starship simulator ever made. Now I too could attempt the Kobayashi Maru scenario!
Posted: 2005-04-16 08:37pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Under purely ideal circumstances:
- Brand-new third-person view engine reminiscent of Operation: Flashpoint's, but smoother and with more focus on interiors (perhaps more like the Splinter Cell series)
- Warhammer 40,000 license
- The single-player game would consist of a campaign in which one plays a Space Marine from Scout to Brother-Captain, as well as some instant-action skirmish missions, perhaps randomly generated
- Relatively complex control scheme (as opposed to purely action-oriented), with standing, crouching, prone positions, lean left/right, context-sensitive actions such as "stick to wall," etc.
- Thorough 40k arsenal, with basic wargear being selected before missions and depending on exact loadout the ability to pick up one or two other weapons from enemies/etc. Again, similar to Operation: Flashpoint or America's Army
- Naturally, the engine would need to support hand-to-hand combat excellently, above-and-beyond the stab/slash clickfests of FPS knife-fights. Robust third-person-compatible ranged combat with intricate melee fights, probably most similar to the Jedi Knight series, but with far superior ranged firefights.
- Concordantly, it would need to support the blend of range and melee seen in 40k, allowing for the ubiquitous bolt-pistol-and-chainsword and all variations thereof.
- Instead of traditional difficulty settings, use a mission score and reward system, complete with endgame high-score table. Various medals and honor awarded for particular details, e.g., purity seals for a minimum amount of backtracking through the level. Most prevalent of these would be the Crux Terminatus, or Terminator Honors. Earning this would perhaps give you a health boost, or weapon accuracy boost, or some other detail that would need actual play-testing to hammer out, in addition of course to being able to use Terminator armor later in the game. To compensate, the missions would become more difficult - a "hardcore" mode for those who want a bigger challenge - or are beating the missions too easily!
- 40k being 40k, the campaign ending would probably result in the player character's death. All rewards and honors would stick around of course for bragging rights, etc., and of course there's the high score table. Depending on score, honors earned, Crux Terminatus, etc., player would get a "rank" in the recorded histories of the Chapter: Space Marine, Veteran, Hero, Legendary Hero, and Angel of Death. Angel of Death would be the equivalent of earning "Silent Assassin" in the Hitman games.
- For both single- and multi-player, there'd be a robust character creation system. Depending on rank, equipment availability, etc., allow all manner of customization including: skin, facial features, armor designs, back banner, perhaps weapon design, and individual placement of honors earned in single-player (e.g. purity seals).
- Combat details would be fairly complex. No silly "health bar." Values for all major body areas, armor integrity by area, bleeding (though very brief for Marines, naturally), even limb loss (the game would of course be shooting for an "M" rating, it's 40k!).
- Multiplayer would be largely team-oriented, possibly allowing for non-Marine factions. Traditional deathmatch is a must, but wouldn't recieve any real attention. There would be more arcade-ish game types such as CTF variants, as well as "fluffy" competitive missions with "real" objectives. Perhaps even a duel mode similar to Jedi Knight.
- Vehicles would probably be minimal. Most reminscent of Halo. Rhinos, Land Speeders, Razorbacks, bikes, etc. No player-controlled heavy-hitters, the game is focussed on the Adeptus Astartes, not the Adeptus Mechanicus!
- EXPANSION! I've been dreaming up the possibilities for the inevitable (;)) expansion. New campaign, new stuff, standard fare... but play as a Librarian! Psychic powers with a Warp-o-meter that tells you how "hot" you are if you use too many abilities in a short duration - too high and the daemons come to play!
Posted: 2005-04-16 10:28pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Hmmm. Where should a thread on games be? Off you go.
Posted: 2005-04-16 11:30pm
by Stark
Something epic (StarSpaceTeer, Lord of Orc, Shogun, MoO, whatever) with a functioning economy. It's not fucking hard to do: where's the excess food you sell go? Hmmmm? Where'd the fuel you just buy get made? How'd it get here?
Society is economy. If you've got a proper economy, you automatically need all the little details of the real world to maintain your fictional ones. Once seeded, the gameworld should continue according to the actions of its occupants: if everyone get rich, let inflation sort them out. Don't include any copouts, like magic teleporting chests or long-range chat channels: make these things difficult, encourage industry. Someone had to put up the capital for the factory, drive the wagon trains, etc. All these things should exist, interact, etc etc.
It should *NOT* be super complex and opaque. The player need never see these things. If it plays like a regular strategy/explore game, but isn't based on 'this is the 'cheap robot' system' fixed tabledata, it'll be good. I know people who can make piles of money in any game with a proper economy, but things like X2 always break them to make it 'better'.
Posted: 2005-04-17 02:06am
by Cal Wright
Take over Star Wars Galaxies, and turn it into, gasp, Star Wars. Ground to space.
We get a REAL Sonic game after a long ass hiatus.
Then I come up with something original.
Posted: 2005-04-17 02:36am
by Praxis
1) Make the ultimate Zelda game. Also, no more talk about gods, using magic and gods is a bit of a copout so that they don't have to think of a reasonable storyline.
2) Make an MMORTS combined with an FPS and MMORPG. Yeah...I know, its complicated.
I'm thinking something like SW: Empire at War for the MMORTS. Thousands of star systems, and thousands of players to fight for them all and system hopping.
Now, for the FPS, you get a game like Battlefront, however, when you are in game you join the battle with the people playing the MMORTS. Say, the people playing the FPS are the ground troops in the MMORTS, while the RTS players control the larger vehicles.
And also make it a Star Wars Galaxies-style RPG, so while players are battling to control planets, people are actually living on those planets going about their thing.
Very complicated, but it would be extremely cool. It would also be three seperate games.
3) A really good ST simulator.
4) A really good SW fighter game online, say, Rogue Squadron 2 style (only online) so you can have dozens of fighters (all player-controlled) attacking one ISD...
Posted: 2005-04-17 12:09pm
by Elheru Aran
I'd like a Trek fighter-style game, built similarly to the old Yeager Air Combat-- loads of missions, with a free-flight option, you get a list of ships you can select and how many to fight, how good the AI is, where you want to fight, etc. You get bridge, behind-the-ship camera (mounted just above the nacelles and fixed there, so it moves with the ship), a fixed camera which watches the ship as it revolves, one that follows the ship, and so forth. Controls are mouse + keyboard-- phaser, torpedoes, etc.
Inspired by Bridge Commander-- I LOVED the starship-fighting mode.
Posted: 2005-04-17 12:45pm
by Losonti Tokash
Smash up EA games, then resurrect Westwood so that they can remake the original Command & Conquer with an engine the likes of which the world will never see again.
Also, get them to do an RTS set in the Halo universe.
Valve can remake Renegade, only without all the crap.
And while I'm at it, why not an RPG based on the Saga of Recluce?
Posted: 2005-04-17 01:14pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Burn EA to the ground. Have a Fallout 3 made right, and also twice as large as the last game, and virtually bug-free. Bring back old-school LucasArts-style adventure games.
Posted: 2005-04-17 02:02pm
by Master of Ossus
I would put the guys in charge of Baldur's Gate II and Icewind Dale and Planescape: Torment together again and get them to create a game in which you can create a party of adventurers both with NPC's like in BG and of your own character creations as in IWD. I would ensure it would be appropriately epic, and that even though the characters you create can have better statistics if you min/max them the NPC's have to have something to recommend them (ie. unique items, LOADS of special quests, and their personalities would be fun and entertaining). Essentially, the ultimate in RPG's. Then I would make it infinitely replayable, with multiple branching storylines and endings depending on the player's choices throughout the game.
Another great game would be "Star Wars: Fleet Commander." Set immediately after the Battle of Endor, the single-player campaign would start off by placing you in command of a single squadron of starfighters for one of the various factions of the Empire or the Alliance. As time went on, you slowly accumulated promotions until (if you did things right) you were eventually in command of entire sector groups, with the fate of the Galaxy in your hands. Through the course of the game, you not only can take an active role in the battles your ships and men fight (ala. Homeworld), but also must manage different personnel, ships, and equipment to present the best fighting force available. You really need a good XO, but the guy with the best leadership skills is also your crack pilot, and the next-best pilot sucks compared to him, while you have another officer with pretty good leadership. Your flagship is desperately in need of repairs, but the money could also be spent to provide a small fleet of smaller ships which might be more useful for certain tasks. Should you personally lead the attack on Kuat, or entrust that one to your AI second-in-command while you lead the defense of Coruscant? The multiplayer for this game would be massively-multiplayer, with players in command of all of the various factions. The very best players would still be in charge of "the big picture," ordering sector groups around and such, but the other players would be in command of every other aspect of the game--from starfighters to frigates to Mon Cals and Executors, every aspect of the Galactic Civil War would be included in the game.
Posted: 2005-04-17 03:23pm
by Vendetta
I should be allowed to make the next Ace Combat game.
I would make it truly a thing of majesty and awe.
There would be dynamic campaigns, co-operative multiplayer, and more plaines, weapons, and weapon variety than ever before.
Truly, all would bow to it.
Posted: 2005-04-17 03:38pm
by Vanas
More FreeSpace. More, I say. Show us what happened after Project ETAK. Give us more ships to play with. More.
Ra: No, no, no, no, no. Just no. HomeWorld with a face would destroy one of the nicest touches of the game. The fact you end up identifying with the only real character in the game, Fleet Intel. He's got no name, you never see him, and if you did, it'd ruin something.
As for the marines, given the lack of crew and sheer size of them, it's more of a challenge of 'finding the damned bridge' than 'killing the crew'
Flight sim would be good, perhaps in the FS vein, you know, without a main character. The final cutscene in FS2 is amazing and personal, without you ever feeling like you're in someone else's shoes.
Hmm. I'll come back to this topic later.
Posted: 2005-04-17 03:51pm
by Companion Cube
A Clone Wars era ground-to-space MMOFPS. Go on, you know you want it.
Posted: 2005-04-17 05:56pm
by Ra
Vanas wrote:Ra: No, no, no, no, no. Just no. HomeWorld with a face would destroy one of the nicest touches of the game. The fact you end up identifying with the only real character in the game, Fleet Intel. He's got no name, you never see him, and if you did, it'd ruin something.
As for the marines, given the lack of crew and sheer size of them, it's more of a challenge of 'finding the damned bridge' than 'killing the crew'
Yeah, you do have a point about the lack of a personal touch, though. That's what makes Homeworld what it is. I would like a HW game that gives you command on one ship, though. Kinda like Starfleet Command, only in the HW universe. Gimme my fucking Hiigaran destroyer!
Four gun turrets... fusion torpedoes... *drools*
- Ra
Posted: 2005-04-17 06:12pm
Vanas wrote:More FreeSpace. More, I say. Show us what happened after Project ETAK. Give us more ships to play with. More.
Ra: No, no, no, no, no. Just no. HomeWorld with a face would destroy one of the nicest touches of the game. The fact you end up identifying with the only real character in the game, Fleet Intel. He's got no name, you never see him, and if you did, it'd ruin something.
Fleet Command's name was Karan Sjet before
she got hooked up. It was in the manual of the orignal game, IIRC, and they've even showed a picture of her at least once(and in the HW2 intro). Presumably, that's her on the cover of HW2.
Posted: 2005-04-17 06:22pm
by Ra
You are correct. That was Karan S'jet, Hyperspace Goddess.
Fleet Intelligence was some nameless man that constantly said stuff when the shit hit the fan.
- Ra
Posted: 2005-04-17 07:24pm
by The Wookiee
A *true* Chrono Trigger sequel with a plain ol' turn-based fight system and a magic system that makes fucking sense.
Posted: 2005-04-17 09:06pm
by Dillon
More SW computer flight sims. XWA still fucking rocks to this day, and it's more than five years old. I'd love to see a modern one made.
Posted: 2005-04-17 10:45pm
by Elheru Aran
Just had a thought.
Equilibrium: The Game.
Use a modified Max Payne 2 engine.
You start out as a rookie Grammatron Cleric, with the dose and everything. The training level-- which will turn out to be NECESSARY, but which you can skip if you think you've got the balls-- gives you swordplay (Jedi Outcast type) and Gun-Kata training, as well as learning the various weapons and the like. There'll be this gauntlet level at the end of training, where you have various weapons laid along a large building, each loaded with their limit of ammo; you more or less have to have paid attention to each stage of training. The final step is to use your sword against a condemned rebel who's been given some basic training.
Your mission then becomes to detect sense offenders and destroy all offending materials. Not only will you be shooting up said offenders, you will also be investigating their hideouts, hunting them down, and searching for the contraband. You'll even get the blacked-out-room stage.
At some point, you will drop your dose of Prozium. You then have a choice: take your dose as you're supposed to with a replacement vial, or leave it.
If you take your dose, you then go on to eradicate the rebellion and face down John Preston himself in order to achieve the position of First Cleric. But if you decide to abandon the Prozium, then you go through some pretty complicated stages-- during which you have the option to return to Prozium-- but if not, you eventually have to contact the Resistance, get in good with them, and then betray them to Father. And then you are likewise betrayed by your brother Cleric, and you must make your way through the Tetragrammaton building to DuPont's office and cut him down, then destroy the propaganda machine of Libria.
Hmm... well, i'd certainly buy it...
Posted: 2005-04-18 10:12am
by Losonti Tokash
Elheru Aran wrote:*snip*
Hell, they could make an online game out of that, just without the juicy conclusion.