Ravengrim wrote:I dont like Macs, I used to support them and I hated it. Of course that was the 8.5 - 9.0 days. Ive never used OS X. I was under the assumption that there was even less software available than for PC, and that you still cant upgrade on the component level. If that has all changed, I may consider one. I also wanted to switch to Linux because Linus Torvalds moved his family and his Open Source Development labs to Beaverton, which is like 10 minutes away so Im pretty close to all the action. I dont know if their proximity will have any actual benefits as far as getting stuff first, but there are shitloads of people who know Linux here so there is a lot of local support. I will look into Mandrake and that Codeweaver thing. Thanks!
Just something to consider.
Mac OS 9 sucked so bad its not even funny. They started from SCRATCH with OS X essentially, throwing OS 9 out the window. They went with FreeBSD.
Mac OS X is basicly an ultimate version of FreeBSD at this point. Fully UNIX based. Terminal is always fun to play with. OpenGL, PDF-based rendering system, work offloaded to the graphics card, excellent SMP support, extremely good multitasking (remember the days when Macs couldn't run more than one program at once? OS X does multitasking better than Windows), etc. You can even install KDE. NONE of the problems of old Macs. Further you can install Linux on the Mac too.
As for upgradeability, depends on the Macs. The PowerMac G4's are actually more upgradeable than any PC. Not only can you replace the hard drive, graphics card, PCI slots, hard drive, etc like any normal PC, but you can go buy a single 400 MHz G4, swap out the daughtercard, and turn it into a DUAL 1.5 GHz system. Go find me a single processor PC that you can buy and then upgrade to a dual processor system at over 3 times the clock speed...
The Mac Mini has limited upgradeability, iMac has no upgradeability, PowerMac G5 has almost the same upgradeability as normal PC's (you can replace all the internal components except the processor since you can't buy G5's on the market).
And they use standard RAM, standard hard drives, and the only difference between the graphics cards is a different bios.
So yeah, Macs sucking is a thing of the past.
And Mac OS X Tiger is being released in two weeks, and has almost every feature Microsoft has promised for Longhorn in two years.
As for software, there is less, but still a lot. The only place it really lags behind is games, because developers take six months to a year to port, so Mac users get games late. Star Wars Battlefront is coming to Mac soon, for example. Doom 3 just came out for Mac.
But there's a LOT more games than Linux has
Might I recommend reading through
http://www.apple.com/macosx/ briefly? Especially the tech specs section under key technologies. You'll see how much Apple has changed- X11 is even built in. A LOT more open source stuff and a LOT less proprietary junk like in OS 9.