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RTW: Barbarian Invasion

Posted: 2005-04-23 11:45pm
by Fire Fly
I haven't been able to confirm it myself yet but and have both been buzzing like crazy. Here's a little tidbit from a poster at
Dont know if any1 else has posted this yet (my searches never hit anything) so I thought Id list a few details re the RTW expansion pack that is featured in the new issue of PC Zone (UK) that dropped through my door this morning.
1 - it's called RTW: Barbarian Invasion
2 - it is set in the years 364 to 476 AD, with the Roman empire split into East and West
3 - you can play as either "wing" of the Roman empire and start with a fully formed empire. Your object is simple - survive! The barabarian hordes and lots of rebellions to fend off it says.
4 - There are several barbarian campaigns - Vandals, Saxons and Huns are named
5 - There is a rival empire - the Sassanid from Persia
6 - the Huns have no settlements at all and start with "15 large armies" and have to sweep across the map
7 - there are lots of new units and tactics: a type of x-bow unit, Hun lancers, barbarian Golden Band (elite berserkers), mobile chariot artillery, the Shiltrom (a kind of barabarian phalanx), a shield wal formation, morale boosting druids and priests are all mentioned
8 - there will be spectacular night time battles where morale of the defenders will be lower at the start (tho attackers' morale can drop it seems if they don't break through!)
9 - river battles will allow some light units (inc cavalry!) to SWIM across and avoid "death at the bridge" nonsense of RTW
There is prob loads more but that's all I can see for now.
Says Autumn 2005 release.
And some pictures from the magazine article, I presume:

Scroll Down To See

Posted: 2005-04-24 03:44am
by Stark
Woo! I finally get to fight the final battle of the Roman Empire! Fight inflation! Stop the flow of precious minerals to India and China! Keep the client kingdoms down! Balance corporatism with the falling sesterce! Defend the frontiers! Crush the christians! Attempt to build a stable government in the late Imperial period!


Oh, it's just 'mongol invasion' again. Shame.

Posted: 2005-04-24 01:45pm
by Fire Fly
No other RTW players interested in part deux?

Posted: 2005-04-24 07:33pm
by Ace Pace
Fire Fly wrote:No other RTW players interested in part deux?
I'm intrested, but unless its something genuinly new, I'll pass.

Stark, WTF can you expect from that game, do you want it to grow bloated then crash like Moo3? Just let the game do what it does best.

Posted: 2005-04-24 07:53pm
by Stark
Ace Pace wrote:I'm intrested, but unless its something genuinly new, I'll pass.

Stark, WTF can you expect from that game, do you want it to grow bloated then crash like Moo3? Just let the game do what it does best.
I was just being facetious. But I bought Mongol Invasion: it was basically just a mod, giving the hordes free spawns all over the place. Rome is fun: I don't think having 'off mapedge' enemy spawns will improve it. :)

Posted: 2005-04-24 11:33pm
by Vympel
I knew it'd be Barbarian Invasion! Just like Mongol Invasion for Shogun and Viking Invasion for Medieval!

W00t! Late Roman units!

Posted: 2005-04-24 11:54pm
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
Ooh, sounds nice. Can't wait 'til I finally get a system decent enough to run it.

Posted: 2005-04-25 12:23am
by Straha
Ah BITCHES! Go for the Early Republic! Start out afresh in 510/390 and try to build you way to greatness across Italy.

Damn thunder cock obbling whore of babylon that the empire is stealing all the attention away from the Republic.

Posted: 2005-04-25 12:57am
by Fire Fly
I'm hoping that with the amount of time that Activision has had, they've been able to do some massive retooling and improvements over the first. What I would want improved the most is the AI overall OR include a multiplayer campaign somehow; that can off set the unspectactular AI with a human mind.

I would also hope that the overall campagn map is improved. In the original, I never get the sense why I should be taking this city other than to deny it to the enemy. Was there really a strategic purpose in divertying 1000 troops to take a little town that was off to the corner of the map other than to keep it out of the enemy's hands? I just want some strategic purpose: capture so and so's naval base, capture so and so's grain supply, capture so and so's what ever.

Posted: 2005-04-25 02:17am
by Darth Wong
Improved AI would be nice. While it's funny as hell to bait an enemy army into walking around the perimeter of your city while getting showered by arrows from its defensive towers, no human would ever be so fucking stupid. It creates a perverse situation where you actually want to keep weak garrisons in your cities because that way the enemy is more likely to take the bait and continue biting until they've lost most of their forces.

Posted: 2005-04-25 03:05am
by wautd
No matter if the expansion will be medeocre or superb. I _have_ to buy it

Posted: 2005-04-26 03:07pm
by Lonestar
Vympel wrote:I knew it'd be Barbarian Invasion! Just like Mongol Invasion for Shogun and Viking Invasion for Medieval!

W00t! Late Roman units!
Damnit Vympel! I'm sure I predicted that would be the title on this very board!

Hey, you live in Queensland? Follow my WESTPAC blog in the HOS. Queensland, like, the Rhode Island of Australia, right?

Posted: 2005-04-26 07:12pm
by Terr Fangbite
Darth Wong wrote:Improved AI would be nice. While it's funny as hell to bait an enemy army into walking around the perimeter of your city while getting showered by arrows from its defensive towers, no human would ever be so fucking stupid. It creates a perverse situation where you actually want to keep weak garrisons in your cities because that way the enemy is more likely to take the bait and continue biting until they've lost most of their forces.
I second the AI improvements. Nothing is funnier than sitting with 300 troops seiging a town with 1500 troops and them doing nothing but marching up and down the wall. I loaded my archers and artillary with fire and watched hundreds burn to death.