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Apple releases "Tiger" today!
Posted: 2005-04-29 12:38pm
by Zaia
I forgot to pre-order mine, so I don't have my paws on it yet but I will. Oh yes, I will.
Check out those widgets. So pretty. I want. And I get it for about $75 with my teacher's discount. Booyah!
So anyone have it yet? Is it as kickass as it looks?
(Apologies if this was posted already--the board's search function isn't working for me and I didn't see anything recently about it.)
Posted: 2005-04-29 02:24pm
by Zaia
I am slightly amused by the number of PC rants in here, and the fact that I only come in here to brag about Apple stuff, not vent about my shitty PC and all the hell it puts me through.

Posted: 2005-04-29 02:59pm
by Tiger Ace
Zaia wrote:I am slightly amused by the number of PC rants in here, and the fact that I only come in here to brag about Apple stuff, not vent about my shitty PC and all the hell it puts me through.

Theres a thread here about a technical review, but it also has alot of 'user oriented' parts in it, scroll down to Phongs(I think) thread on ars technicia reviews Mac OSX.
Posted: 2005-04-29 03:18pm
by Captain tycho
Zaia wrote:I am slightly amused by the number of PC rants in here, and the fact that I only come in here to brag about Apple stuff, not vent about my shitty PC and all the hell it puts me through.

I love using Macs, my first comp was a Mac, and I've used them up until college, which is when I picked up my gaming habit, so I switched to Windows. The *only* reason I'm staying with windows are the games.
Posted: 2005-04-29 05:12pm
by Durandal
I've been using developer builds of Tiger for a while now. It's simply awesome. It's much faster on all the hardware I've tried it on, and from a developer standpoint, it represents the new baseline for OS X development. All APIs have been frozen in Tiger, which means that no changes made in the future will break them. I'm now a part of Apple's evaluation program, so I get a free copy.
And as usual, no 25-digit serial number to enter, and no product activation required.
Posted: 2005-04-29 09:18pm
by Rogue 9
I loves my games.

Posted: 2005-04-29 09:20pm
by Ghost Rider
Rogue 9 wrote:I loves my games.

You grasp not spamming dumbfuck

Posted: 2005-04-29 11:01pm
by Zaia
Durandal wrote:I'm now a part of Apple's evaluation program, so I get a free copy.

Holy hell, how did you get that hook up and what can I do to get one too? I want upgrades for free too!
I'll bet they want people with computer knowledge or somethin' crazy like that, though. If so, I'm screwed. Damnit.