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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess E3 trailer
Posted: 2005-05-17 08:38pm
by McNum
So Nintendo finally gave this one a title, and for once it's not named after an item... I hope.
Video at IGN
That wolf was as important as suspected. I wonder what that thing riding on the wolf is. Supposedly it's called "Midna". This game does look really good and the new boomerang looks nasty.
Posted: 2005-05-17 08:43pm
by Max
That's just...awesome. I look forward to this game and Pokemon X D. I'm not too hot for the title, I think it would have been cool to just leave it The Legend of Zelda.
Posted: 2005-05-18 12:38am
by DarkSilver
Ladies and Gentleman.....
I have once again, filled the cup
Gods look at that movie....I have not seen better graphics on any of the other current generation systems....
I will eagerly anticipate and enjoy Twilight Princess...of this I am certain...
Posted: 2005-05-18 12:55am
by Ace Pace
DarkSilver wrote:Ladies and Gentleman.....
I have once again, filled the cup
Gods look at that movie....I have not seen better graphics on any of the other current generation systems....
I will eagerly anticipate and enjoy Twilight Princess...of this I am certain...
I have.... Points to UE3, GT5.
Posted: 2005-05-18 01:04am
by Praxis
Ace Pace wrote:DarkSilver wrote:Ladies and Gentleman.....
I have once again, filled the cup
Gods look at that movie....I have not seen better graphics on any of the other current generation systems....
I will eagerly anticipate and enjoy Twilight Princess...of this I am certain...
I have.... Points to UE3, GT5.
I have not seen better graphics on any of the other current generation systems....
Since when does UE3 and GT5 run on CURRENT generation systems?
Posted: 2005-05-18 01:06am
by Ace Pace
Praxis wrote:
Since when does UE3 and GT5 run on CURRENT generation systems?
Woops, guess I got caught up in the next generation
Posted: 2005-05-18 02:56am
by Dalton
OK, I am officially aroused.
*glances longingly at presell receipt*
Posted: 2005-05-18 01:07pm
by Molyneux
This is going to be a GC game, using the same engine as Wind Waker...
Holy Hannah, it is gonna rock. I was ALREADY obsessed with shapeshifting, now Link can turn into a wolf...
*muses* I hope there's an aquatic form, a la Mikau from Majora's Mask.
Posted: 2005-05-18 01:32pm
by thecreech
since seeing the new Zelda trailer i have rubbing my dick on my monitor everytime it plays.
Posted: 2005-05-18 02:02pm
by m112880
My mom will want this game. In fact she will probley buy the new system just for it.
Posted: 2005-05-18 02:27pm
by McNum
m112880 wrote:My mom will want this game. In fact she will probley buy the new system just for it.
If you be "new system" mean the Revolution, then you're wrong. It's a GameCube game.
(Yes, I do know that the Revolution will play GC games...)
Posted: 2005-05-18 07:36pm
by Vendetta
Gamespot has a whole metric assload of videos for this now, taken from the playable sections from the show floor.
We wants it, preciouss!
There's also an interview with the localisation manager who spills a couple of beans about the first dungeon (the forest temple, natch, this time with monkeys) and shows a few things like the Gale Boomerang, which generates a cyclone underneath it that sucks things up. He also mentioned being able to do things like lock on to a bomb and then an enemy (it multi-targets, like in WW) and have it pick the bomb up and drop it on the enemy, for long range explosive fun.
There's also a little combat scene that shows Link knocking a Lizalfos over and getting the chance to do a finishing move, jumping on it and giving it a good stabbing.
Everything I see about this game makes me want it more. The Revolution can wait, Long Live the Princess!
Posted: 2005-05-18 10:29pm
by Grandmaster Jogurt
Vendetta wrote:He also mentioned being able to do things like lock on to a bomb and then an enemy (it multi-targets, like in WW) and have it pick the bomb up and drop it on the enemy, for long range explosive fun.
It's... it's... the return of the bomb-arrow...
Well, close enough, at least.
Posted: 2005-05-18 11:03pm
by Praxis
Grandmaster Jogurt wrote:Vendetta wrote:He also mentioned being able to do things like lock on to a bomb and then an enemy (it multi-targets, like in WW) and have it pick the bomb up and drop it on the enemy, for long range explosive fun.
It's... it's... the return of the bomb-arrow...
Well, close enough, at least.
Bomb arrow was visible in the GDC trailer too
Posted: 2005-05-19 12:16pm
by Dooey Jo
I just watched some of the gameplay footage and... holy shit!
I think a girl got shot by an arrow in the back!! And like... died...
Fucking hell...
*watches again* yes, yes she did get shot!!
Well, it's certainly going to be a Zelda like no other
Oh, and nice facial expressions too!
It's the one that has a big something holding someone's arm.
Posted: 2005-05-19 03:15pm
by Praxis
They said on IGN that the girl got shot but they were unsure of whether she died. She was shown tied up later, but limp.
You can spot it in the trailer in fact.
Posted: 2005-05-19 03:22pm
by m112880
If you be "new system" mean the Revolution, then you're wrong. It's a GameCube game
I thought I heard some where it was going to be on the Revolution but then again in the past three days I've been hearing a lot of different things from E3.
Well in that case my mom wont have to buy a new system.
Posted: 2005-05-19 04:57pm
by mauldooku
Dalton wrote:OK, I am officially aroused.
It took you this long?
*glances longingly at presell receipt*
Meh, video games are
far too expensive for me to buy new. Yes, it looks awesome, but it'll still be just as awesome when I purchase it for $15 used next year.
Posted: 2005-05-19 07:24pm
by LapsedPacifist
When will this be out? I can only find "2005".
Posted: 2005-05-19 08:05pm
by Vendetta
Somewhere near year end probably.
Posted: 2005-05-19 08:31pm
by McNum
Yay! Nintendo said to IGN that they're shooting for a worldwide holiday 2005 launch.
I like worldwide launches... That means I won't have to wait half a year on some translations to German and French I never use, anyway.
Posted: 2005-05-19 10:10pm
by The Wookiee
Merry fucking Christmas!!!
Posted: 2005-05-19 10:21pm
by DarkSilver
-likes to live dangerously, so taunts the Wookie-
Merry Christmas indeed....I can't wait.
Posted: 2005-05-20 10:00am
by Dooey Jo
Praxis wrote:They said on IGN that the girl got shot but they were unsure of whether she died. She was shown tied up later, but limp.
You can spot it in the trailer in fact.
Where? I can only see the little boy tied up in the trailer...
Posted: 2005-05-20 06:51pm
by Haruko
Put simply --
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess = Sexcellent