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Aries has spoken! Revolution day is...
Posted: 2005-05-17 08:57pm
by Praxis
Okay, you guys remember the Aries rumor, right?
Aries had left, saying his vacation was over though he may pop in on either the weekends or possibly just before E3.
I kept telling myself to look at the blog again, but I didn't want to bother sifting through the imposters and fans screaming questions and kept putting it off. As a result, I missed something
Aries basicly proved that he was the real thing, meaning all the rest of his claims might very well be true. How? I'll show you.
It's so accurate it's creepy. ... 268&page=0
Aries posted these comments earlier regarding E3 and nintendo:
I’m not going to give out the secret. It’s going to be very fun; wait
until E3. Nintendo is going to roll out a trojan horse: something that
looks innocent and weak and them bam, it will be unveiled. Just don’t
make up your mind on the first day of E3.
My credibility will be proven on May 19th. I have already given you a
hint about what will happen in the next few weeks. Pay close attention
to some of the Nintendo related stories that will begin to pop up. So
far, many have already been reported. Pay attention. And on the 19th,
don’t automatically try to write me off. There is a big suprise in
store for everyone. I’ve said that 100 times, but I can’t stress it
And aries has been pretty accurate regarding other specifics, for example:
Another thing I forgot to mention was on the backward compatibility;
apparently the Nintendo’s new console will be able to play the games
from past consoles such as GC, N64, SNES, and yes NES. I belive this
feature shall intrigue many people out there and could possibly lead to
what I call “New Classics” so look forward to that. FOr now I have to
seriously catch some shut eye E3 will be here soon enough.
Again this was confirmed today.
He told us BEFORE E3 that it would be backwards compatible with N64, SNES, and NES!
He told us weeks ago that an online Super Smash Bros would be a launch title and both a Mario and Metroid title are in production.
So far everything he's said has come true, and if he's telling the truth Nintendo is throwing us a bone and will unveil everything on the 19th
And this also means it is very likely he is telling the truth. If the Aries rumor is correct, all I can say is WOW. This will really be a Revolution.
Not to mention Aries' claim that it is more powerful than the XBox 360 but less than the PS3.
I'm almost certain Aries is the real deal now.
2 days to Revolution Day!

Posted: 2005-05-17 09:05pm
by Max
I don't know who to love more.. Praxis or Aries....
The excitement of E3 and the thought of Nintendo putting up a fight is getting to me...

Posted: 2005-05-17 09:08pm
by Praxis
Another thing. Aries claimed Retro was working on a completely new IP, a Halo-killer. Retro's site now mentions a new project they are working on that will be revealed soon. Aries originally said that Retro FPS will probably be shown at E3. The 19th, perhaps?
Posted: 2005-05-17 09:14pm
by DarkSilver
Nintendo is making me piss my pants in excitement, first the news from thier Conference today, and now that we haven't even heard everything yet? we have to wait till the 19th?!?
I already filled the cup with what Iheard in so far, am I going to do it again on the 19th?
Posted: 2005-05-17 09:29pm
by Drooling Iguana
How could it be backward compatible with the N64, SNES and NES? They all used different cartridge types. Unless the new system is covered with cartridge slots, I don't see how this could work. If they did it with an adapter, there wouldn't be much point in being compatible anyway, since you'd almost certainly be able to get the original consoles used for less than the cost of the adapter.
Posted: 2005-05-17 09:35pm
by Max
Drooling Iguana wrote:How could it be backward compatible with the N64, SNES and NES? They all used different cartridge types. Unless the new system is covered with cartridge slots, I don't see how this could work. If they did it with an adapter, there wouldn't be much point in being compatible anyway, since you'd almost certainly be able to get the original consoles used for less than the cost of the adapter.
They will be downloadable. No need for carts!

Posted: 2005-05-17 09:37pm
by Praxis
Drooling Iguana wrote:How could it be backward compatible with the N64, SNES and NES? They all used different cartridge types. Unless the new system is covered with cartridge slots, I don't see how this could work. If they did it with an adapter, there wouldn't be much point in being compatible anyway, since you'd almost certainly be able to get the original consoles used for less than the cost of the adapter.
Nintendo announced this at E3 already. You can download N64, SNES, and NES games and play them. I assume the system emulates them; any next gen console could emulate the N64, SNES, and NES effortlessly.
Posted: 2005-05-17 09:43pm
by Drooling Iguana
Well that makes sense then. This actually looks pretty interesting. Hopefully Nintendo can resist the temptation to stuff it with annoying gimmicks, as they've been wont to do lately.
Posted: 2005-05-17 09:43pm
by DarkSilver
downloadable ROMs through the broadband service.
Edit: fucking shows me for not refreshing the page...already covered
Posted: 2005-05-17 09:56pm
by Max
Drooling Iguana wrote:Well that makes sense then. This actually looks pretty interesting. Hopefully Nintendo can resist the temptation to stuff it with annoying gimmicks, as they've been wont to do lately.
I know that it will be subjective, but what are you refering to?
Posted: 2005-05-17 09:58pm
by Praxis
Just to refresh your memory for anyone who forgot:
The Aries rumor... ... 30&start=0
Posted: 2005-05-17 10:06pm
by Losonti Tokash
mplsjocc wrote:Drooling Iguana wrote:Well that makes sense then. This actually looks pretty interesting. Hopefully Nintendo can resist the temptation to stuff it with annoying gimmicks, as they've been wont to do lately.
I know that it will be subjective, but what are you refering to?
I'm going to hazard a guess and say the touchscreen on the DS.
Posted: 2005-05-17 10:14pm
by Max
Losonti Tokash wrote:mplsjocc wrote:Drooling Iguana wrote:Well that makes sense then. This actually looks pretty interesting. Hopefully Nintendo can resist the temptation to stuff it with annoying gimmicks, as they've been wont to do lately.
I know that it will be subjective, but what are you refering to?
I'm going to hazard a guess and say the touchscreen on the DS.
I guess when I hear "gimmick" I think bad. It has a negative connotation to it, for me. I have a DS, I like the touch screen. I don't really look at it as a gimmick.
Posted: 2005-05-17 10:34pm
by Drooling Iguana
Yes, I was referring to the touchscreen. While there may be a few games where it's somewhat suitable, it's still annoying having to divide your attention between two screens, not to mention a waste of resources, and it's annoying to have to divide your attention between two screens instead of having everything in one place.
And it's not so much the fact that they put too many gimmicks in things so much as the emphasis they put on those gimmicks. Take the N64 controller, for example. The analog stick was a good idea, which is pretty obvious by the fact that every other gamepad maker has adopted it. Unfortunately, Nintendo couldn't just put an anolog stick onto their pad, they had to devote an entire third "wing" to it, making it so that if you need to use the stick then the D-pad and R button become completely unusable, and vice versa.
Likewise with the DS, a touchpad may have been a good idea. If they'd put a laptop-style trackpad on the thing, and then used the resources they saved on the second screen to make the remaining screen larger, increase the unit's performance or decrease the price that would've been great. Unfortunately, they went and gave it a whole extra screen, equivalent to the top one, which means that either both screens are used, which is annoying for the player since, as I mentioned before, dividing your attention between two screens is not fun, or the second screen goes unused, or is simply a glorified status bar.
Posted: 2005-05-17 10:40pm
by Max
So, you have a hard time dividing your attention. Gotcha.

Posted: 2005-05-17 10:53pm
by KhyronTheBackstabber
Drooling Iguana wrote:
Take the N64 controller, for example. The analog stick was a good idea, which is pretty obvious by the fact that every other gamepad maker has adopted it. Unfortunately, Nintendo couldn't just put an anolog stick onto their pad, they had to devote an entire third "wing" to it, making it so that if you need to use the stick then the D-pad and R button become completely unusable, and vice versa.
I always liked the N64 controller, and I can't think of any games where this problem came up.
Posted: 2005-05-17 11:01pm
by Hamel
My thoughts on DS are somewhat akin to Iguana's.
I've always thought the DS display would be better off as one big 16:9 touchscreen, or double the size of the GBA's screen so old games can scale better. Even if you stuck a GBA screen on a 16:9 display you can fill the blank areas with an ever-changing screensaver of sorts. In any case that would be a more appropriate layout for a PDA device that certain people are trying to pass the system off as.
Much better than having a second screen that ends up as HUD and map fodder.
But I can't agree with the comments on the N64 controller. The R trigger was never hard to reach if you used the middle and right limbs. It was a perfect layout, and you could always hold it in the traditional fashion whenever needed, like for KI Gold or something. It seemed to be designed around FPS games.
Posted: 2005-05-17 11:38pm
by Drooling Iguana
Sorry, I meant the other R. The one more commonly referred to as "L".
Posted: 2005-05-17 11:54pm
by Lord of the Farce
Drooling Iguana wrote:Sorry, I meant the other R. The one more commonly referred to as "L".
That's what your left leg is there for.

Posted: 2005-05-18 12:26am
by Praxis
Hamel wrote:My thoughts on DS are somewhat akin to Iguana's.
I've always thought the DS display would be better off as one big 16:9 touchscreen, or double the size of the GBA's screen so old games can scale better. Even if you stuck a GBA screen on a 16:9 display you can fill the blank areas with an ever-changing screensaver of sorts. In any case that would be a more appropriate layout for a PDA device that certain people are trying to pass the system off as.
Much better than having a second screen that ends up as HUD and map fodder.
The problem with that is then you have to cover the screen with your hand to move.
I like the touchscreen configuration. You can have maps and weapons switching without having to pause OR having an overlay. And many games use both screens in gameplay as one.
Look at Viewtiful Joe DS. The top screen shows close up while the bottom screen shows a further back view, preventing you from having to change camera angles.
Posted: 2005-05-18 01:30am
by Praxis
If the Aries rumor is true...then we have this.

Posted: 2005-05-18 01:34am
by DarkSilver
heh, cute picture Praxis
I think my Sig says it all..with the newly added line....
though I'nm hoping it IS televised.....but if not, I'll jump and grab the streams later that night.
Posted: 2005-05-18 01:59am
by Praxis
G4TechTV has Live E3 every day.
I was busy so I recorded it today, gotta watch it tomorrow.
Posted: 2005-05-18 02:03am
by DarkSilver
I shall change my sig...
Posted: 2005-05-18 02:59am
by Dalton
Fanboy circuits at full power!!!