Level 15 Stone/Stone Science Tanker. (Dr Tanaka) YES the period isn't there in the tanker because I FUed! Important if you want to team with me.
Level 10 Ice/Empathy Controller. Dr. Feelsgood.
I love this game, and switching hero/heroine is good for the mood I am in. Be it a smackdown of multiple heavies, or the glue that holds a wrecking crew together.
A hysterical thing happened to my female Controller yeste day. A level 43 Science tanker walked up to me in King's Row, checked out my avatar, and offered to give me 50k influence. I accepted, and asked "Why, and thank you?"
He made his avatar hold up a card reading "10" on it. (This character is a very attractive Seven of Nine clone in yellow with a "Q" on her chest.)
funny as hell, and I didn't have the heart to tell him in the real world I am a 44 year old man whole is clean shaven to hide the grey in my whiskers.
I "cheated" by getting game money online through IGE, so I (Dr Tanaka) am slotted out with 15++ DOs. I got hover and waited forever to "fly" to the stores to buy DOs when a 12. It took forever, but I would have been eaten alive if I ran there. Too many 15 and 16 council! (eagle eyed Nazi bastards!I can hardly wait until I reach 12 with my female Controler/Healer. She lacks offencive punch, but with TP foe and crowd control I can pull and lock down for the beatdown.
The forums are a gold mine.
"Nazi Vampires took my cell phone! They're probably calling Transylvania right now!"
Send me a PM if anyone wants to team.
My younger brother plays too, and we sometimes team, when he needs a reliable team mate for those "two places at the same time missions". His handle is Hivercyde.
I look forward to being a 17 so I can buy SOs.
As a side bar, is this the first time this has been a topic? Something is funky with my usage of the search function. No matter how I phrase it it give me no posts, even with a hero*.
This is wierd, because I used to work it fine, and I am typing in words I can SEE on the board.
PS. Dr. Feelsgood is one of those wierd heroes who some times plays "Guardian Angel" to other players. I heal and lockdown while inflicting only micro damage to avoid kill stealing. Very often after a few minutes of this, I am invited to team.
Doh! forgot to add, on Protector.