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Post by Glimmervoid »

I was wondering what exactly a STGOD is (I checked the sticky thread and could not make much since out of it), how dose it work, and what do you need to do to play.
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Post by mauldooku »

It stands for "Structured TGOD". TGOD stands for "The Good Old Days". IIRC, both of these originated on ASVS, and therefore the references don't make a lick of sense to most of us. TGODs generally involve spammy, pointless RPing, such as the beating up of a specific poster. STGODs in general could stand for any RP, but nearly all of the time, it's a cross between RPing and an empire-building game, such as Civillization. You don't roleplay a character; you roleplay an empire (usually a space empire), in a mixture of fanfic and roleplay. I played in one for a short time awhile ago; you just need to get a bunch of people together who're interested in a specific scenario, propose it, and start playing. You'll also need to invent the background story for your empire, as well as posting an Order of Battle (define and flesh out your armed forces.)

That's all I can recall off-hand. I'm sure that someone more knowledgeable like Thirdfain or Stormbringer could explain the concepts in greater detail.
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Post by Thirdfain »

Ahem, Badme more or less has it right. The current STGOD, STGOD2K5, is somewhat on hiatus.

Our current game is a galactic-scale STGOD, involving grand strategy, intrigue, and politics amongst a group of fictional empires in our own galaxy in the far, far future. Feel free to join.

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Post by mauldooku »

Thirdfain wrote:Ahem, Badme more or less has it right. The current STGOD, STGOD2K5, is somewhat on hiatus.

Our current game is a galactic-scale STGOD, involving grand strategy, intrigue, and politics amongst a group of fictional empires in our own galaxy in the far, far future. Feel free to join.
You can still join at this point? I figured that you needed to apply at the start of the game. I've been feeling an urge to roleplay recently, so I might enter.

Now to just write out a new empire...
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Post by Thirdfain »

No, it's totally open, especially considering the hiatus.

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Post by Hawkwings »

so, is there a guide somewhere on this board, or are we supposed to figure it out on our own?

and do we just make up forces, weapons, strengths, etc?
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Post by Glimmervoid »

Thirdfain wrote:Ahem, Badme more or less has it right. The current STGOD, STGOD2K5, is somewhat on hiatus.

Our current game is a galactic-scale STGOD, involving grand strategy, intrigue, and politics amongst a group of fictional empires in our own galaxy in the far, far future. Feel free to join.
I am up for that. Count me in. I will just go start read that 60 rage thread.
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Post by Dalton »

STGOD is you creating a fictional empire and having Hotfoot, Thirdfain, Marcao, Pablo and all the other players carve pieces out of it for themselves while you fight a battle on ten fronts.

At least that's how I remember their explanation from earlier tonight ;)
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Post by Glimmervoid »

I am confused in the thread above this one some players were talking about magic. I though some one said this was meant to be starwars like.

One more thing how do space battles work. Is it just the largest fleet do you roll a virtual dice or do the players agree on who wins.

And one last thing whats a OOC and what do i need to read/do to start.
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Post by Captain tycho »

Well, for fleet battles, you basically compare your force size, conditions of the battle, and try to reach a mutual agreement. If you don't, the mods step in.
Also, you *can* use magic. Hell, last stgod, Alyrium had fighters outfitted with magic wand cannons. :lol:
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Post by Darksider »

I call first dibs on the newbie's empire!
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Post by Glimmervoid »

Darksider wrote:I call first dibs on the newbie's empire!
And what do you mean by that.
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Post by Vanas »

I'd guess he means pretty much what the post suggests. I'd advise investing strongly in planetary shields :p
According to wikipedia, "the Mohorovičić discontinuity is the boundary between the Earth's crust and the mantle."
According to Starbound, it's a problem solvable with enough combat drugs to turn you into the Incredible Hulk.
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Post by SirNitram »

Vanas wrote:I'd guess he means pretty much what the post suggests. I'd advise investing strongly in planetary shields :p
The chances of Darksider actually going to war are slim to none.
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Post by Glimmervoid »

In my OOB my civilisation got hyperspace technology from a crashed battle ship. My civilisation is in the eastern spiral arm any one want to suggest a class it could be (i.e. not some thing I came up with a real alien class).

Also what kind of space navy would a miner empire start with? Also how long is a campaign year in real life terms?
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Post by Thirdfain »

A minor empire fields something along the lines of 15 capital ships (battlecruiser to superdreadnought in size), 30 cruisers (Light Cruiser to light Battlecruiser in size) and, if I recall, 250 escorts (corvette to escort carrier in size.)

For size examples, an Imperial Star Destroyer is an average-sized Destroyer, and would cost around 2-3 Escort points, while a massive star dreadnought along the lines of the Executor costs in the realm of 3-4 capital ship points.

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Post by Thirdfain »

Oh, and having only 1 system makes you very weak indeed, most minor powers control literally 20+ systems, though most of them are sparse colony worlds.

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Post by Vanas »

20?! I have 3 systems.
If de-facto control of a small-ish empire.
According to wikipedia, "the Mohorovičić discontinuity is the boundary between the Earth's crust and the mantle."
According to Starbound, it's a problem solvable with enough combat drugs to turn you into the Incredible Hulk.
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Post by Glimmervoid »

I changed it to 3 develpoded world( and 3 heavly deveploded and holowed out moons) and 8 small once.
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Post by Nephtys »

Vanas wrote:20?! I have 3 systems.
If de-facto control of a small-ish empire.
We're small nations, Vanas. We hold our own ground, and viciously tear into neutrals nearby when nobody's looking. Here's Cabwi's carcass, if you want some territory... *whistle*
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Post by Nephtys »

Thirdfain wrote:Oh, and having only 1 system makes you very weak indeed, most minor powers control literally 20+ systems, though most of them are sparse colony worlds.
And yes, that's Thirdfain we're talking about. Mister 'I own the ERTC', so don't worry about having that many systems. :P
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Post by Glimmervoid »

How many different classes of ships are you allowed to have?
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Post by Crayz9000 »

As many as you need, although after a certain point it becomes absurd logistically.

As for defenses and arms, the Corporate Sector is always willing to extend generous lines of credit to any new entries to the galactic community. See your local Corporate Sector representative for details.

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Post by Glimmervoid »

Dose the function you say the ship has matter or is it really just its points cost.
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Post by Crayz9000 »

My advice would be to just go for something that makes sense. A destroyer with more points than a battlecruiser is stupid, but you could have more points invested in destroyers than you do battlecruisers.

If you're going to start, say, a minor power, I'd take a look at the OOBs of other minor powers just to get an idea of what you should need.
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