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Now Part of the Digital Generation (DSL r0xx0rz)...
Posted: 2005-05-24 10:49pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
After nearly ten years of being forced to put up with regular dial-up Internet service (the first 2-3 being stuck with AOL), EarthLink now finally offers DSL service in our area, which is out in the boonies of Cedar Rapids. As someone who has previously only experienced broadband at University, this is quite refreshing, liberating, and somewhat surreal all at once. Both Uts and my computers are set up, although not at the same time.
What's also rather surreal is that Uts was able to use our dial-up connection while I'm using the DSL modem, so now we're able to go Online at the same time, which is a concept and practive totally new to us, as those in the chat are witnessing.
Posted: 2005-05-24 10:51pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Grats, guys.
Posted: 2005-05-24 10:55pm
by Utsanomiko
Oh yes, this will be quite handy when I run my SW RPG adventure soon.
Perhaps I should create Spanky's character and run him as an example, since I haven't finished the other 2/3rds of my D6 rules essay yet.
Posted: 2005-05-24 10:58pm
by Utsanomiko
Oh, and as for the DSL connection and its 1mbs connection speed (which the Spankster currently has up and running)?
It's like my brain is having an electronic orgasm...
Posted: 2005-05-24 11:05pm
by White Haven
..wait, you're running DSL /and/ a dialup line? Why not just grab a cheap router and share the DSL to both systems?
Posted: 2005-05-24 11:08pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Because it's 10 PM at night and this is WAY more amusuing.

Posted: 2005-05-24 11:14pm
by Utsanomiko
Yepperz. Might as use up the fun while it lasts.
Besides, all our attempts to network them together has proven unsuccessful in our last 2 summers out of 3.
Posted: 2005-05-24 11:17pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
No, it's not like networking. If I recall, it's just splitting the DSL line into both computers.
How much to routers cost, anyway?
Posted: 2005-05-24 11:19pm
by Utsanomiko
Yeah, it's because it's night and it's fun for now.
What's odd is that Earthlink says it costs an extra $10 a month for two to use it at the same time, but when asked about it they gave us some weird runaround non-answers (as usual).
Posted: 2005-05-25 12:08am
by Loner
It's amazing how much porn a person downloads the first few hours once they acquire broadband.
Posted: 2005-05-25 01:03am
by White Haven
Splitting IS networking. It's 10/mo to network through a hub, or buy a 60-70-dollar router, run the network through that, and have no extra per month.
Posted: 2005-05-25 01:10am
by Shinova
Your DSL is 1 Mbps? Wow, your place really is
And yes, grab a router. Anywhere from 30 to 80 dollars.
Posted: 2005-05-25 01:12am
by Ace Pace
Shinova wrote:Your DSL is 1 Mbps? Wow, your place really is
And yes, grab a router. Anywhere from 30 to 80 dollars.
Here 1Mbps is normal, 2Mbps(like I have) is mega high end

Posted: 2005-05-25 09:39am
by dragon
Ace Pace wrote:Shinova wrote:Your DSL is 1 Mbps? Wow, your place really is
And yes, grab a router. Anywhere from 30 to 80 dollars.
Here 1Mbps is normal, 2Mbps(like I have) is mega high end

Hum I like being here in Germany. The DSL service I have runs from 10euro a month for 1Mbps all the way to 5Mpbs for 30 Euro. Granted not as good as my work we sit on a 10 meg pipe.
Posted: 2005-05-25 10:19am
by General Zod
Ace Pace wrote:Shinova wrote:Your DSL is 1 Mbps? Wow, your place really is
And yes, grab a router. Anywhere from 30 to 80 dollars.
Here 1Mbps is normal, 2Mbps(like I have) is mega high end

and thus why i like living in larger cities, where comcast offers its 4megabit lines for paltry sums. (at least compared to the likes of a T1 service).
Posted: 2005-05-25 11:06am
by Ace Pace
dragon wrote:Ace Pace wrote:Shinova wrote:Your DSL is 1 Mbps? Wow, your place really is
And yes, grab a router. Anywhere from 30 to 80 dollars.
Here 1Mbps is normal, 2Mbps(like I have) is mega high end

Hum I like being here in Germany. The DSL service I have runs from 10euro a month for 1Mbps all the way to 5Mpbs for 30 Euro. Granted not as good as my work we sit on a 10 meg pipe.
*does Math* your paying..5-10 Euro more for 3Mpbs more? Damn I'm feeling cheated now.
Posted: 2005-05-26 12:58am
by dragon
Ace Pace wrote:dragon wrote:Ace Pace wrote:
Here 1Mbps is normal, 2Mbps(like I have) is mega high end

Hum I like being here in Germany. The DSL service I have runs from 10euro a month for 1Mbps all the way to 5Mpbs for 30 Euro. Granted not as good as my work we sit on a 10 meg pipe.
*does Math* your paying..5-10 Euro more for 3Mpbs more? Damn I'm feeling cheated now.
Dont feel bad I managed to get it through a start up company that was offering good deals for new customers, come september it goes up a bit.
Also my wife is German so she managed to read the fine print for the German companies to get the best deal.
Posted: 2005-05-26 01:37am
by Captain tycho
You think that place is backwards? The only DSL service avalible here costs 50 dollars a month for a single 312k line.
I'm just barely within the service area of it.
Posted: 2005-05-26 02:56am
by Praxis
White Haven wrote:Splitting IS networking. It's 10/mo to network through a hub, or buy a 60-70-dollar router, run the network through that, and have no extra per month.
60-70 dollars will get a WIRELESS router

Can you say online console gaming?
Since when do you have to pay money to network through a hub? I never had to when I had a hub about three years ago. (Got a Belkin 54g wireless router now)
Though it didn't have the firewall or any benefits of the router and made certain games nearly impossible to play online.
I had the wackiest setup ever. Computer A had two network cards. One card plugged into the internet connection. The other card plugged into the hub. The other computers plugged into the hub. Computer A directly connects to the internet and gets the IP address, allowing Computer A to play online, then the other ones connect through it.
Of course, now, with the router, I just hook them all to the router and set Computer A to DMZ when I want to play.
Posted: 2005-05-26 03:21am
by Utsanomiko
All I want to do is be able to be online with both PCs at the same time with connections in the +56Kbs-1Mbs range. Earthlink's answer was basically "without the extra $10/mo, you have to move and reconnect the DSL modem to use it on another computer. With
Actually, I wouldn't mind spending more time figuring out why I can't get my XP Pro computer and his Win ME comp networked at all (even though we did it easily back in summer '03, and then never again), but my brother seems to be allergic to work and troubleshooting.

Posted: 2005-05-26 09:37am
by phongn
Buy a cheap router with a built-in switch. Plug your two computers into it. Plug your DSL modem into your router's WAN port. It might just work out-of-the-box that way.
Posted: 2005-05-26 10:35am
by Xon
Or get a adsl router.
Includes an dsl/adsl modem + 4 port switch & generally NAT, port redirection & a primitive firewall setup.
Common as chips in Australia
Posted: 2005-05-26 11:33am
by Praxis
Utsanomiko wrote:All I want to do is be able to be online with both PCs at the same time with connections in the +56Kbs-1Mbs range. Earthlink's answer was basically "without the extra $10/mo, you have to move and reconnect the DSL modem to use it on another computer. With
Actually, I wouldn't mind spending more time figuring out why I can't get my XP Pro computer and his Win ME comp networked at all (even though we did it easily back in summer '03, and then never again), but my brother seems to be allergic to work and troubleshooting.

They always tell you that. I remember seeing advertisements for DSL that said, "For an extra $20 connect two computers online!". Just shake your head and ignore them. A standard router, one time purchase, is a much better deal than greater monthly payments.
Posted: 2005-05-26 12:48pm
by phongn
ggs wrote:Or get a adsl router.
Includes an dsl/adsl modem + 4 port switch & generally NAT, port redirection & a primitive firewall setup.
Verizon sent us one when we switched DSL from a local ISP to them ... except that they sent us an ADSL router designed for ATM networks. Minor problem: our DSL loop is frame relay

Posted: 2005-05-26 12:54pm
by Chmee
Agree that the home router or firewall with multiple LAN ports is definitely the way to go ....
From a configuration standpoint, it's pretty easy -- just put all the information that the ISP wants you to put on your computer (IP address, DNS settings) on the WAN side of the router (probably configured through a simple web interface from one of your PC's), and assign a new private network (example: on the LAN side that you plug your PC's into ... configure your PC's to get their IP addresses via DHCP from the router or statically configure them as #2 and #3 on the network, (#1 will be the LAN gateway on the router) and you're good to go.