Matrix Online killed Morpheus. Does anyone care?
Posted: 2005-05-30 12:14pm
Get your fill of sci-fi, science, and mockery of stupid ideas
Not me, anyway.The Thread Title wrote:Matrix Online killed Morpheus. Does anyone care?
Blizzard also gives you huge variety in that you can 40 man raid Molten Core as well for the 15th time or that dragon in Azshara. Talk about options!Ghost Rider wrote:In the vien of the thread, not really. For me, while they are at least trying to move stuff(I'm awaiting the day they release some way of making one person per server a Neo). They are just continuing and beating a dead horse. Though at least unlike Blizzard they are trying to give excitement in their world instead of "Go kill Oxynia....for the 15th time you bastards!"
I know and sadly, the big dragon and the uber demon are more fun then 6 hours of Molten Core's "Look we beat....Ragnaros did he drop what I needed?....No?...Next week?".Gil Hamilton wrote: Blizzard also gives you huge variety in that you can 40 man raid Molten Core as well for the 15th time or that dragon in Azshara. Talk about options!![]()
Played it on the test server, and while fun lacks one thing, cohesion. People will learn very quickly or honor will shift dramatically. This is more a thing about players then anything about me going it's bad. Flag grabbing is still a fun issue, but we'll see.Although, Battlegrounds iscoming out. So at least that will be exciting.
The Dragon and the Uber-Demon are actually pretty fun, but I hate Molten Core runs. I've never done anything that took so long in a game that had so much sitting around on my ass waiting for the raid to start moving again.Ghost Rider wrote:I know and sadly, the big dragon and the uber demon are more fun then 6 hours of Molten Core's "Look we beat....Ragnaros did he drop what I needed?....No?...Next week?".
I personally love the Warsong Gulch thing on the test server. The 10 v 10 capture the flag game is wicked fun. I kind of wish I had waited for it to enter the game proper, since I froze my account (in the end, the game was getting boring and I didn't like the direction my guild was going anyway).Played it on the test server, and while fun lacks one thing, cohesion. People will learn very quickly or honor will shift dramatically. This is more a thing about players then anything about me going it's bad. Flag grabbing is still a fun issue, but we'll see.
Since I play Horde, I can only imagine. My experience there is that the Alliance suffers from a very interesting game disadvantage... alot of the retarded 14 year olds who start the game immediately sign up on Alliance and pick up Paladin (at least on our server, it seems like 1 in 3 Alliance players is a Paladin). Since they are young and think they rule, they don't mesh well with plans and also play like Klingons. Thus, my guild in battles have completely owned groups of Alliance who are double our number in fights (of course, then a thousand more alliance show up and things become more one sided).It's funny when you don't have 300 other members for a zergling rush, it fucks many an idiot's plans very quickly. Watching 40 Alliance scream like bad Vikings only to realize there are no more to aid them, well they get stomped by many a Mage and Hunter, the Shaman and Warrior picking off the stragglers very quickly.
Oh fucking A I so agree...holy shit. It was just sitting there and BUFFING and SPOT HEALING. Literally we had a strategy that killed any of the bosses but even if you were the main tank all you did was maintain aggro and get healed.Gil Hamilton wrote: The Dragon and the Uber-Demon are actually pretty fun, but I hate Molten Core runs. I've never done anything that took so long in a game that had so much sitting around on my ass waiting for the raid to start moving again.
10 vs 10 rocks...40 vs 40, becomes hilarious.I personally love the Warsong Gulch thing on the test server. The 10 v 10 capture the flag game is wicked fun. I kind of wish I had waited for it to enter the game proper, since I froze my account (in the end, the game was getting boring and I didn't like the direction my guild was going anyway).
For this reason I hate honestly Tarren Mill. Literally if the odds are even it's said how bad we own most Alliance idiots....then the swarm fucking comes and sorry, it just doesn't matter. It's something I loved to watch in Battlegrounds. So many morons think that these tactics still work.Since I play Horde, I can only imagine. My experience there is that the Alliance suffers from a very interesting game disadvantage... alot of the retarded 14 year olds who start the game immediately sign up on Alliance and pick up Paladin (at least on our server, it seems like 1 in 3 Alliance players is a Paladin). Since they are young and think they rule, they don't mesh well with plans and also play like Klingons. Thus, my guild in battles have completely owned groups of Alliance who are double our number in fights (of course, then a thousand more alliance show up and things become more one sided).
Pretty much, another sad point a warrior can control his damage...a Paladin? You pray long and hard for the Seal of Command to proc.Normally, there is no damn good reason a Warrior should be able to beat down a Paladin, but I've got a bunch of Pally heads mounted on my wall because the players are dense as depleted uranium (and think it's a good idea to use their Invincibility Shield immediately).
I cooked myself lunch once during the middle of a Molten Core run. I expected them to have moved along, but they were sitting there staring at an couple earth elementals picking their nose.Ghost Rider wrote:Oh fucking A I so agree...holy shit. It was just sitting there and BUFFING and SPOT HEALING. Literally we had a strategy that killed any of the bosses but even if you were the main tank all you did was maintain aggro and get healed.
Seriously it makes you want to just open a book and start reading.
Tarren Mill is just a bad place because it gets raided all the fucking time and goes through five steps.For this reason I hate honestly Tarren Mill. Literally if the odds are even it's said how bad we own most Alliance idiots....then the swarm fucking comes and sorry, it just doesn't matter. It's something I loved to watch in Battlegrounds. So many morons think that these tactics still work.
Arcanite Reapers rule, though I went swordsmith, mostly because I possessed the Arcanite Champ and Frostguard plans. I've heard to the Spinal Reaper, but never have actually seen one.Ghost Rider wrote:And for Vympel...this BAD boy is what you want. I got one for my Pally and have gotten almost all the materials for my Shammy to have this baby, and I know the person on our server Horde side who can make it.
Arcanite Reaper
Though our Warrior he holds this
Spinal Reaper
Hell, one time me and the other four Paladins got into an argument who was buffing duty. Literally the other three would go on mini vacations while one took up the slack.Gil Hamilton wrote: I cooked myself lunch once during the middle of a Molten Core run. I expected them to have moved along, but they were sitting there staring at an couple earth elementals picking their nose.
Oh yeah, everytime I head into that area, Alliance or Horde I get hit by the uber 2000th level lagbeast.Tarren Mill is just a bad place because it gets raided all the fucking time and goes through five steps.
1) Some Alliance plays start messing with the Deathguards.
2) Either they get smacked around by some Horde players passing through or they get hit by a Deathguard Zerg Rush (personally, I like option 2... Deathguard Zerg Rushes are funny).
3) They run back to Southshore.
4) A billion Alliance members show up. Hillbrads rumbles as Alliance members swarm out of Southshore and to Tarren Mill.
5) Most Horde players say "screw this" and leave. Tarren Mill gets buried under Alliance and anyone there actually trying to do the quests at a low level have to deal with the Magic Lag Pocket of Death residing over the town.
I can't wait for Warsong Gulch in particular, but the Alterac Valley is great too. It looks like whose ever group is actually the better organized and actually utilizes strategy beyond civil war human wave tactics will win more often than not. That's one of my big problems with Warcraft PvP and it will fix it some.
Spinal Reaper is a Ragnaros drop.Gil Hamilton wrote:Arcanite Reapers rule, though I went swordsmith, mostly because I possessed the Arcanite Champ and Frostguard plans. I've heard to the Spinal Reaper, but never have actually seen one.Ghost Rider wrote:And for Vympel...this BAD boy is what you want. I got one for my Pally and have gotten almost all the materials for my Shammy to have this baby, and I know the person on our server Horde side who can make it.
Arcanite Reaper
Though our Warrior he holds this
Spinal Reaper
Because they don't want to pay the people playing Morpheus to be around anymore. Duuuh.Losonti Tokash wrote:It doesn't even make sense. Why the hell would Morpheus just go on a rampage dropping these "code-bomb" things? I'm tempted to cancel my subscription, even though it is a pretty fun game.
I have more emotional investment in my navel lint than I do in the bloated, self-important Matrix series in general, or the tediously pompous pseudo-philosophizing windbag Morpheus in particular.Matrix Online killed Morpheus. Does anyone care?
In a way, lucky you didn't get that alligator axe, because your green Colossal Axe of X (I'm guessing) is possibly the best thing you can have at that point.Vympel wrote:Moved the G&C. Anyway, re: WoW, doing an instance ten billion times to get that one drop you want pisses me off no end. I'm lvl 51 warrior (axe) now, and have been toting Bonebiter (SM quest reward) ever since I got the bloody thing. So, I hit Maraudon a few times to try and get the blue axe that drops there, I never fucking get it. Needless to say, Maraudon is the most annoying fucking instance ever. I end up settling for a crappy lvl 51 green axe that's slow as hell.
As to PvP, I play on a PvP server but never participate in raids. Don't have enough RAM.
I did kill a lvl 60 rogue last night, that was funny as hell
I suspect all my fun at lvl 60 will be had by trying to collect all my armor items and get some purple stuff, get an epic mount, etc etc etc.
Aren't you in Stasis on Archimonde?Silver Paladin wrote:
Spinal Reaper is a Ragnaros drop.
Do I know you? I'm not in Stasis, but I do run with them quite a bit.Raven wrote:Aren't you in Stasis on Archimonde?Silver Paladin wrote:
Spinal Reaper is a Ragnaros drop.