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Weird Computer Performance/Jedi Outcast Problem
Posted: 2005-06-06 08:21am
by HemlockGrey
Recently, while playing Jedi Outcast, occasionally, for no reason, the game will slow to a crawl. My computer is more than adequate to play, I have plenty of free space, all the visual settings are on low...but it still becomes unplayable. Then, I quit out of it, wait a while, and then restart it and it works fine.
WTF is going on?
Re: Weird Computer Performance/Jedi Outcast Problem
Posted: 2005-06-06 10:29am
by Mr Bean
HemlockGrey wrote:Recently, while playing Jedi Outcast, occasionally, for no reason, the game will slow to a crawl. My computer is more than adequate to play, I have plenty of free space, all the visual settings are on low...but it still becomes unplayable. Then, I quit out of it, wait a while, and then restart it and it works fine.
WTF is going on?
Any particular levels in question?
Is your internet connection running?
Are you near/just got through a level transition?
Whats running in the background while you play?
Posted: 2005-06-06 12:27pm
by Captain tycho
I bet it's something in the background, like a virus scanner or something similar starting up suddenly.
Re: Weird Computer Performance/Jedi Outcast Problem
Posted: 2005-06-06 12:29pm
by Robert Walper
HemlockGrey wrote:Recently, while playing Jedi Outcast, occasionally, for no reason, the game will slow to a crawl.
I suspect it's one of the NPC Sith Characters playing some Jedi mind trick on you. Use the Force, young Padawan.

Posted: 2005-06-07 03:52am
by HemlockGrey
My internet connection is almost always running, but there's nothing downloading, no programs running in the background. Task manager says there's about 30 or so "processes" running, but I don't know what most of htem are so I'm afraid to close them.
Posted: 2005-06-07 05:42am
by Mr Bean
HemlockGrey wrote:My internet connection is almost always running, but there's nothing downloading, no programs running in the background. Task manager says there's about 30 or so "processes" running, but I don't know what most of htem are so I'm afraid to close them.
Whatever your computer log in name is, look for it under the user-name section of the task manager, any tasks associated with your username can be safley shut down(Though it might be things like your firewall or virus scanners so close them one by one, observe what is which and repeat)
Posted: 2005-06-07 07:01am
by HemlockGrey
Did that. No dice. The game still slows to a crawl at completely random times. And if I close it down and start it right back up, it is still slow. I have to wait 5-10 minutes to start it up again.
Posted: 2005-06-07 07:18am
by Mr Bean
HemlockGrey wrote:Did that. No dice. The game still slows to a crawl at completely random times. And if I close it down and start it right back up, it is still slow. I have to wait 5-10 minutes to start it up again.
Get your task manage up, Start the game in Windowed mode, watch your CPU utilzations and what-not, if you can duplicate the slowdowns identify the areas your slowing down in, hop back, save reload see if you can cause them agian and if they have anything in common(Type of enemey, some specifc static like a chair, tree, X-wing what-not)