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Posted: 2005-06-06 10:57am
by Executor32
Dammit! I went to Super Wal-Mart last night to see if I could buy San Andreas, as on their website it said it would be available the 6th. Unfortunately, though they found the box full of SA PC goodness, they couldn't sell it to me because the box was street-dated the 7th. I was within arms' reach of it, but, no, they had to be anal about street dates. :x Oh well, at least I found out that it is indeed only on DVD, and in a shrink-wrapped DVD case to boot. I'll just be going back over there tonight to get it at midnight, and I will have the satisfaction of having it before everyone other than the East Coast. :D

Posted: 2005-06-06 11:16am
by Mr Bean
Street date of the 7th? EB/Gamestop were selling them today according to folks back hme
Mine meanwhile shall arive in a week or two... drat

Posted: 2005-06-06 11:37am
by Executor32
Evidently, the EB/Gamestop stores in question are more carefree when it comes to street dates, as both the EB and the Gamestop in DeKalb were adamant about sticking to the street date.

Posted: 2005-06-08 02:59pm
by Executor32
Well, I got it at midnight Monday night, and I've been playing it constantly since then. It's so fucking awesome! Oh, and I stand corrected about the packaging, as the city guide served as the instruction manual and the DVD case as well.

Posted: 2005-06-08 08:14pm
by RogueIce
I got it, I got it!

Apparently my video card is a GeForce4, while SA wants GeForce6. Well, I guess I can turn down the detail level. I don't want to, though, but it's kinda choppy as-is. My other specs all exceed what they recommend though. *shrug*

Well, it does say it wants a 16X DVD-ROM. I'm not sure how to check that.

Would updating drivers for my GeForce4 help at all? Also, what's the difference between Anti Aliasing 1, 2, and 3? :?

I'm sure I'll have more questions, and certainly comments as I play more and work with it. Although I don't have a PS2 style gamepad yet...I heard there's an adaptor so I can actually use a PS2 controller. Any truth to that?

Posted: 2005-06-08 08:42pm
by Mr Bean
Rouge, the Lower anti-alliasing you use, the better you preformance you get, the more you use, the straiter the lines will be in the game

As for the DVD, nearly all DVD sold after 2002 were of the 16x DVD varity

Posted: 2005-06-08 09:17pm
by Superman
That's what you get for patronizing Wal Mart.

Posted: 2005-06-10 12:39am
by Executor32
Believe me, if there was any place else within range that was open at midnight and sold San Andreas, then I would have gone there. :P

Posted: 2005-06-10 01:34am
by Datana
RogueIce wrote:Apparently my video card is a GeForce4, while SA wants GeForce6. Well, I guess I can turn down the detail level. I don't want to, though, but it's kinda choppy as-is. My other specs all exceed what they recommend though. *shrug*
About the only things you lose by dropping from "high" are heat hazes and shadow effects. The PS2 version lacked the latter, and the former just kills the framerate on anything below a Radeon 9800 anyway. I'd cut it down to low settings if your GF4 is an MX version (which is really just a rebadged GF2 with more RAM).
RogueIce wrote:Well, it does say it wants a 16X DVD-ROM. I'm not sure how to check that.
Probably don't have to worry about that. If you installed the music to hard drive (as most people seem to be doing), the only time it reads the DVD-ROM drive is to check the copy protection.
RogueIce wrote:Would updating drivers for my GeForce4 help at all? Also, what's the difference between Anti Aliasing 1, 2, and 3? :?
Antialiasing smooths out the jagged lines that appear on polygon edges. It causes a major speed hit, however, so don't use it if you're getting choppy performance. Higher settings look better, but are progressively slower.

EDIT: On the first question, unless your drivers are really old, they won't affect performance too much. Try the upgrade if you're running into graphical glitches or random crashes, though.
RogueIce wrote:I'm sure I'll have more questions, and certainly comments as I play more and work with it. Although I don't have a PS2 style gamepad yet...I heard there's an adaptor so I can actually use a PS2 controller. Any truth to that?
There are several models out there, and most are pretty good. Most of the units at Lik-Sang and Merconnet work pretty well, though (watch out for shipping prices at Lik-Sang, as they ship from Hong Kong). Some Radio Shacks have also started carrying PS2->USB adaptors as well, so you might check your local one to see.

Posted: 2005-06-10 08:52am
by Spyder
They kind of have to be anal, selling copies of someone before a street date is a good way to get in the shitter with the local distributor. The early games actually ship with a little note saying "Selling this title prior to xx:xx x/x/x will seriously jerpordise your business relationship with x."

Posted: 2005-06-10 09:39am
by m112880
About damm time they put the game out on PC. I was getting sick of the ps2 verison.

Posted: 2005-06-10 12:32pm
by Xon
Spyder wrote:They kind of have to be anal, selling copies of someone before a street date is a good way to get in the shitter with the local distributor. The early games actually ship with a little note saying "Selling this title prior to xx:xx x/x/x will seriously jerpordise your business relationship with x."
And if that is Microsoft or EA then the company just shafted itself.

No one wants to missout on the Halo3 sale (we all know it is coming!) Or the Xbox360 sales.

Posted: 2005-06-10 09:00pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Spyder wrote:They kind of have to be anal, selling copies of someone before a street date is a good way to get in the shitter with the local distributor.
The Best Buy here in town has gotten into shit before for not sticking to release dates.

They still haven't stopped putting anime on shelves a week early, though. I guess ADV doesn't persue those avenues. :P

Posted: 2005-06-11 08:39am
by wautd
just bought it and installing as i speak (well... type). So far, the packaging alone is pretty sweet :)

Posted: 2005-06-13 08:00am
by wautd

I got this really annoying sound bug. After playing a while I loose all sound fx. The only thing I can hear is the car radio.

Anyone knows how to solve this?

Posted: 2005-06-14 01:41am
by RogueIce
wautd wrote:bump

I got this really annoying sound bug. After playing a while I loose all sound fx. The only thing I can hear is the car radio.

Anyone knows how to solve this? has a PC Troubleshooting forum for San Andreas. I know sound problems have cropped up, so just browse through until you find a thread about it.

This game apparently has been going through some serious growing pains on the PC, so it's pretty crowded in there, but if you look long enough you'll be able to find it. If not, register and make a topic (but read the pinned/stickied threads first!):


Posted: 2005-06-14 01:54am
by Alyeska
I saw comerical after comercial for GTA:SA when it came out on PS2. I've even seen a comercial for it on the X-Box. The PC version is the one they tricked out and put the most effort into, and not a single fucking comercial.

I am getting sick and tired of how PC fans get the short end of the stick.

Posted: 2005-06-14 02:15am
by RogueIce
Alyeska wrote:I saw comerical after comercial for GTA:SA when it came out on PS2. I've even seen a comercial for it on the X-Box. The PC version is the one they tricked out and put the most effort into, and not a single fucking comercial.

I am getting sick and tired of how PC fans get the short end of the stick.
I've seen a few PC commercials here and there. I've only seen one Xbox commercial. *shrug*

I guess they figure given the popularity it got on the PS2, they don't really need to bother with hyping it up?

Although I don't really see many PC game commercials as I do the stuff for consoles in general, so I guess you're right.