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Computer is teh boned
Posted: 2005-06-08 07:31pm
by Captain tycho
1. DirectSound simply vanished
2. About 1 minute after I connect to the net, I cant open the start menu, and all my desktop/toolbar icons vanish, but I can alt tab between them.
3. There is something called windows workstation manager (wkss.exe) running in HJT which I cant delete.
Posted: 2005-06-08 09:03pm
by Kaintukee_Bob
Silly question, but have you run all the standard stuff? Spyware/Adware checkers, anti-virus, etc?
Posted: 2005-06-09 12:12am
by Beowulf
Find your WXP install disc, or your recovery disc...
Posted: 2005-06-09 03:14am
by Xon
Reinstalling windows isnt going to fix the problem. Hardware might have imploded.
Start menu -> Run -> type "chkdsk /r" & hit enter.
Then hit "Y" to tell it you want todo a check disk on the next reboot. Then reboot!
If any bad sectors are reported, then your harddrive is fucked. You need to backup the contents of stuff you want to keep and get a new one.
Posted: 2005-06-09 05:59am
by Faram
Read the board rules regarding L33T Speak.
Rule #1
I will let this thread live because of the question.
Posted: 2005-06-09 07:15pm
by Captain tycho
Oddly enough, the problem seems to have resolved itself. Chkdsk doesn't show anything nasty, anways. I'm gonna mess around with this for awhile and see if it happens again.
Posted: 2005-06-09 07:16pm
by Captain tycho
Ack, sorry about that Faram.