PWN3D, Game Industry Style
Posted: 2005-06-09 04:43am
Right, so I was just surfing the forum for a freeware flightsim game that I've been looking at for a few months, and in the OT forum, someone posted a link to a new game that'd come out that was also freeware. The thing is, though, is that the new release isn't just a new release - it's a new release that looks friggin' SWEET. Really, it was rather funny - the game I currently have is nice in its owwn right, but when I looked at the information about this new release, I literily said, in no exact words, "Holy shit - (old game) just got OWNED." Really, if you compare the two, the first mentioned looks downright shabby compared to the new release.
That got me wondering, though - what other moments like this have there been in the game industry? We've talked about individual gamers getting owned by their fellows in competition, but what about the businesses and partners themselves? When has something unexpectedly snuck up on a competitor and mauled them from out of nowhere, just completily bowling them and their products? When has an asshole in the gaming industry gotten his comeuppence? Who and what has gotten owned?
Oh, yeah - if anyone's interested in that game I was talking about, then here it is.
That got me wondering, though - what other moments like this have there been in the game industry? We've talked about individual gamers getting owned by their fellows in competition, but what about the businesses and partners themselves? When has something unexpectedly snuck up on a competitor and mauled them from out of nowhere, just completily bowling them and their products? When has an asshole in the gaming industry gotten his comeuppence? Who and what has gotten owned?
Oh, yeah - if anyone's interested in that game I was talking about, then here it is.