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Anyone up for the second Chess Tourney?
Posted: 2005-06-13 10:34pm
by Straha
Been a while since the last chess tournament, so I figure it's time for a second one. Anyone up for it?
Posted: 2005-06-13 10:37pm
by Shinova
God, the last time I played I got chesspwned by Talen I think.
But I'll play again, I guess.

Posted: 2005-06-13 10:42pm
by Archaic`
Count me in.
Posted: 2005-06-13 10:43pm
by Noble Ire
How does such a tournament work?
As you might be able to tell, I'm newish here.

Posted: 2005-06-13 10:51pm
by Straha
Pure Sabacc wrote:How does such a tournament work?
As you might be able to tell, I'm newish here.

Last time I think we had brackets, though if we want the Authentic "Look at me I'm Bobby Fischer right before my brain starts dribbling out my ear!" feel we could go Swiss style...
Posted: 2005-06-13 10:53pm
by Shinova
We used some Yahoo games thing or some other internet sort of thing the last time.
Posted: 2005-06-13 10:57pm
by Noble Ire
Shinova wrote:We used some Yahoo games thing or some other internet sort of thing the last time.
I see.
Sure, I'd be in it.
Posted: 2005-06-13 11:28pm
by Kamakazie Sith
It's been a while since I played, but I'm up for it. Working out the timezones is going to be a bitch though.
Posted: 2005-06-13 11:58pm
by Temjin
I wouldn't mind particapating.
I'm a bit of a amateur though. Last time we had a tournament, I was scared off by all the people talking about studying opening moves.
Posted: 2005-06-14 12:01am
by Soontir C'boath
I wouldn't mind playing in this. I want to see how bad I could get my ass kicked.
Posted: 2005-06-14 12:08am
by Gandalf
Last time I got hammered by... someone.
I'm in.

Posted: 2005-06-14 12:20am
by Comosicus
I think I could do it too .... although with all the time-zone difference it might be a bit tricky sometimes.
Posted: 2005-06-14 12:20am
by mauldooku
ComradeLennox will, as usual, own all your newbie asses.
I'm in if I can find the time.
Posted: 2005-06-14 01:13am
by Straha
Badme wrote:ComradeLennox will, as usual, own all your newbie asses.
I'm in if I can find the time.
Ahem, I believe I beat him last time, and a repeat performance seems to be in order...

Posted: 2005-06-14 12:40pm
by General Zod
What the hell. Haven't really played chess with anyone for awhile, so count me in.
Posted: 2005-06-14 12:57pm
by The Grim Squeaker
How do i join?

Any room for enthusiasm rather than skill

Posted: 2005-06-14 11:34pm
by Straha
Alright so far we've got Shinova, me, Archaic, Sabacc, Kamikazie, Temjin, Soontir, Gandalf, Comosicus, Badme, Destructionator, Zod, and Bookworm.
The rules from last time was best of five, win was 1 point, and a draw was a split 1/2 point. So, Dead line for entry Tommorow at 3PM, after each match post your victor (and, if you could, your move history too. I know Pogo can E-Mail it to you, don't know about Yahoo though) and, if no one objects, run Swiss style, that way everyone stays in and we get a much more authentic Chess Tohunament feel.
EDIT: And as for playing the games, it really doesn't matter how you do it, my favoured site is Some people prefer Yahoo though, and I';m sure there are other sites.
Posted: 2005-06-15 12:08am
by Shinova
What's Swiss style?
Posted: 2005-06-15 12:24am
by Straha
Shinova wrote:What's Swiss style?
Basically it's winners play winners losers play losers, in depth imagine if we had eight people in the tournament the way swiss style would work is that the first round would have four randomized matches, then after that the four winners would pair off, and the four losers would pair off. The next round it's the people with the same win-loss record pairing off again (though no-one plays the same person twice except in a Number 1 slot tie-breaker) and it continues on like that with everyone playing someone of a similar record for either a set number of rounds (which would depend on how many people sign up) or untill you have a clear cut winner.
It has the advantage of giving a winner and of not knocking out someone who loses in the first round, but the disadvantage of going on for a little while and the potential for having a 3-1 playing someone who went 1-3 in some of the later rounds... (edit: It also keeps everyone active for a while, which I've often found is a good thing)
Posted: 2005-06-15 02:41am
by Jaepheth
I wanna play!
PS. How do we decide play times?
PPS. Are the games timed?
Posted: 2005-06-15 10:39am
by Guy N. Cognito
Heck, I'd love to play. (digs out Chess master CD) I have all the advice I'm ever going to need.

Just kidding. Tell me when and where and I'll show.
Posted: 2005-06-15 03:28pm
by Straha
Jaepheth wrote:I wanna play!
PS. How do we decide play times?
Whenever you and your opponent can play, work it out via PMs or AIM
PPS. Are the games timed?
Hmmm, thirty minutes for each side sound fair?
Posted: 2005-06-15 03:31pm
by Guy N. Cognito
So how many people so far? And how who is setting up the matches? Is Straha going to be the organizer and match arranger?
Posted: 2005-06-15 07:16pm
by Straha
Right, the 3:00 PM deadline has come and gone, and here are the round one match-ups (provided thanks to the Splendid City program):
Badme Vs. Zod
Bookworm Vs. Temjin
Comosicus Vs. Straha
Destructionator Vs. Soontir
Gandalf Vs. Shinova
Guy Vs. Pure Sabacc
Jaepeth Vs. Kamikaze
Archaic has the first round bye, and is credited with a victory (leaving a slot open for someone else to join up, BTW)
Posted: 2005-06-15 09:13pm
by The Dark
I'd like to join in, and I'll take a round one loss as "payment" for missing the deadline, to balance out Archaic's bye.