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Europa Universalis 2 Now Supports Custom Maps!

Posted: 2005-06-18 02:19am
by HemlockGrey
That's right, the awesomely moddable EU2 now supports CUSTOM MAPS!

Grab some or learn more about it at the art modification forum on the official forums.

This is incredibly awesome; now you can make stuff like LOTR and Song and Ice and Fire mods, among other things. The errors in the China region can be corrected; and some of the Permeanent Terra Incognita can be done away with.

Oh, and did you all know there's a utility allowing you to convert EU2 savegames to Victoria? Pretty cool.

Posted: 2005-06-18 02:23am
by Pablo Sanchez
I'm waiting on the Mad King James map to come out, which might take forever but should be worth it. It looks wicked.

Posted: 2005-06-18 07:50am
by Dark Primus
Maps of the Lord of the Rings universe. That is something I would want to see.

Posted: 2005-06-19 12:42am
by Grandmaster Jogurt
A way to remove permanent Terra Incognita? That's great!

Now I really have to get EU2. How much does it cost nowadays?

Posted: 2005-06-19 02:12am
by Duckie
Grandmaster Jogurt wrote:A way to remove permanent Terra Incognita? That's great!

Now I really have to get EU2. How much does it cost nowadays?
I got mine for less than $20 US.

As it is, I don't really want a custom map- I'm still learning how to play on the original one.