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Firefox, AIM, MSN and how the three of them keep fucking up

Posted: 2005-06-18 10:53am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
My comp's been on the blink for a while now - I get randomly booted on and off AIM and MSN, and sometimes my Firefox goes a bit haywire.

AIM problems - frequently logs me in and out over and over and over again, resulting in a lot of lost responses.

MSN problems - as AIM, with the added problem of any transfer over 5MB or so suddenly cancelling halfway. THis makes it VERY hard to receive PDFs from my overseas friends.

Firefox troubles - sometimes I can access a certain site, then when I access another one in a tab or alternate window, it tells me that the first "can't be found". Usually, I have to wait a while before refreshing the first site and then it shows up.

Does anybody know what's wrong with this? If you need more information, pelase feel free to ask me.

Posted: 2005-06-20 02:42pm
by R.O.A
Destructionator XIII wrote:It might be caused by your internet connection cutting out. Something similar used to happen to me when my router was overheating.
Somthing like that happened to me once, then I said screw it and switched to YIM, but ya like Destrucionater said your interned might be cuttin out

Posted: 2005-06-20 02:44pm
by General Zod
Have you ran all the usual spyware/malware scans? More importantly, it could simply be your ISP is doing maintenance on their servers lately and it's screwing you up a little.