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Argh, curse you BF2!

Posted: 2005-06-24 10:07pm
by Captain tycho
Yes, the game is insanely fun, which is why this problem is so aggravating. Every time I play MP, the game either quits to desktop during loading or about 10 seconds after loading. No error, nothing. I reinstalled, made sure nothing else was running, etc, but the problem persists, and EA has yet to release a patch for BF2. Has anyone else experienced this problem?

Re: Argh, curse you BF2!

Posted: 2005-06-24 10:29pm
by Mr Bean
Captain tycho wrote:Yes, the game is insanely fun, which is why this problem is so aggravating. Every time I play MP, the game either quits to desktop during loading or about 10 seconds after loading. No error, nothing. I reinstalled, made sure nothing else was running, etc, but the problem persists, and EA has yet to release a patch for BF2. Has anyone else experienced this problem?
I've heard of this, it seems to be a generlized problem with BF2 right now and no one has tracked it down to a speific source yet.

Posted: 2005-06-24 10:46pm
by Captain tycho
Not to mention the insanely laggy menus and ingame stuttering that has nothing to do with either framerates or high latency. *prays to the gods for a patch very very soon* Until then, I think I'll muck around in single player.

Posted: 2005-06-25 12:46am
by GuppyShark
In game stuttering?

I've been playing BF2 a fair bit since release. The actual day of release was terrible, the Linux and 64-bit server codes were shithouse and couldn't handle it. So all the servers are either running terribly, which I'm guessing is causing your in-game stuttering, or they're on the ball and running the Windows server code.

Also, the player stats are about eight hours behind @ BFHQ.

The server browser... well, it's a DICE game, they've never had a good one.

Also, I'm playing in Australia, but we're noticing our servers are hosting an unusual number of American players, I guess because your servers are overwhelmed. That could also be because of the previously mentioned poor server code in the Linux and 64 versions.

Posted: 2005-06-25 04:39am
by Ace Pace
Tycho, ingame stuturing unrelated to FPS could be RAM, how much RAM do you have now?

Posted: 2005-06-25 07:51am
by Mr Bean
Yes it seems there is a ram-bug, if you have two gigs or more the menus and everything else run fine.... how that sliped to gold? Who knows.

Posted: 2005-06-25 08:04am
by Ace Pace
A Ram bug? I don't think its a bug, more like someone screwed up memory control.
But I wouldn't be suprised if the larger maps in BF2 would gobble up 1.5GB of RAM.

Posted: 2005-06-25 08:35am
by Arrow
Ace Pace wrote:A Ram bug? I don't think its a bug, more like someone screwed up memory control.
Which is the same thing as saying "Ram bug". :P
But I wouldn't be suprised if the larger maps in BF2 would gobble up 1.5GB of RAM.

This game lags like a mofo on most of the servers I play on. I've only play three unranked servers and two ranked that didn't have regular lag bursts lasting seconds.

Now, at work, we've being playing LAN games against the bots (one guy starts single player game - with tick and bot number mods - and the others join by IP from the multiplayer menu), and it runs smooth as silk. I've been hosting 32 player games (3 or 4 of us, rest bots) with the graphics maxed at 16x12 with 2AA, and hardly has any problems (and I'm using the old nVidia drivers, not the required ones). The only problem we've encounter with this is the game crashes if you try disconnect and go to start a different map - that causes CTDs.

Posted: 2005-06-25 09:40am
by GuppyShark
I've been playing regular games online with no lag to speak of, on absolutely PACKED servers (Internode, the ISP who runs the servers I play on, has 13 and they're all on 64/64 and 32/32 as I'm typing this).

You've just got to have server admins who know what they're doing.

Posted: 2005-06-25 12:24pm
by Captain tycho
I've got 1024mb of DDR-SDRAM, 333mhz. I can run small and medium maps at 40fps easily without any stuttering whatsoever, even with 4xAA and 4xAF (I leave all the other options on medium, or else it starts playing like a slideshow). Big maps, however, are jerky to play, even with great ping. Not unplayably jerky, just annoyingly so. :P

Posted: 2005-06-25 12:25pm
by Captain tycho
GuppyShark wrote:I've been playing regular games online with no lag to speak of, on absolutely PACKED servers (Internode, the ISP who runs the servers I play on, has 13 and they're all on 64/64 and 32/32 as I'm typing this).

You've just got to have server admins who know what they're doing.
Yeah, I've been playing on a few completely full servers with 88 ping. I have to admit, I've had very few bad cases of high ping, and the 16/32 maps play like butter.

Posted: 2005-06-25 03:29pm
by Ace Pace
So its RAM.

Posted: 2005-06-25 06:13pm
by Sea Skimmer
A friend of mine found that a reinstalling could help with many of Battlefield 2's problems, but only if you go to a deliberate effort to remove every trace of the game. The uninstaller won't get everything.

And since I've never played the full version, only the demo, can someone tell me, do the mobile AA guns put out higher volumes of gunfire fire then the LAV-25/BTR-90?

Posted: 2005-06-25 06:28pm
by Hamel
Hey, is it possible to destroy artillery, UAV and scan structures without using C4 and bombers? I've unloaded many, many tank shells and grenades into arty cannons, yet they never break.

Posted: 2005-06-25 06:43pm
by Sea Skimmer
Hamel wrote:Hey, is it possible to destroy artillery, UAV and scan structures without using C4 and bombers? I've unloaded many, many tank shells and grenades into arty cannons, yet they never break.
I don't think it is (I've tried pretty hard too), and probably for the reason that on some maps you can see one or the others sides artillery from very long distance off. If you could simply shoot it with a tank gun or other weapon it would be too easy to knock out the guns. The demo map is a good example of this, since the Iraqi guns are hidden way back in their main base, while the Marine guns are sitting on the open beach.

Posted: 2005-06-25 06:51pm
by Arrow
Sea Skimmer wrote:And since I've never played the full version, only the demo, can someone tell me, do the mobile AA guns put out higher volumes of gunfire fire then the LAV-25/BTR-90?
The Chinese and MEC mobile AA most certainly do (similar to the DC mod for 1942), and they're excellent for mowing down infantry.

The American mobile AA is the Bradley (called Linebacker), with SAMs and a cannon that fires at about the same rate as the LAV (but seems to do more damage, and seems to be better armored). The Bradley is good against all threats.

Posted: 2005-06-25 07:18pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Arrow Mk84 wrote:The American mobile AA is the Bradley (called Linebacker), with SAMs and a cannon that fires at about the same rate as the LAV (but seems to do more damage, and seems to be better armored). The Bradley is good against all threats.
Considering that it's the exact same cannon, one should hope so. :P

Posted: 2005-06-25 10:32pm
by GuppyShark
"Currently Internode has 7.5% of the world ranked servers"

OMG, I had no idea the situation was so bad over in the States.

Posted: 2005-06-26 01:38am
by Captain tycho
I had a fantastic Ride of the Valkyries moment a few hours ago; me and my squad hopped into a Blackhawk on the Operation Clean Sweep map at the start of the game, cruised down to the main MEC base, and proceeded to rain down hell before we bailed out from an Su-35 (I think thats what it was, never got to see it close up)'s missile. Great fun.

Posted: 2005-06-26 01:41am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Captain tycho wrote:I had a fantastic Ride of the Valkyries moment a few hours ago; me and my squad hopped into a Blackhawk on the Operation Clean Sweep map at the start of the game, cruised down to the main MEC base, and proceeded to rain down hell before we bailed out from an Su-35 (I think thats what it was, never got to see it close up)'s missile. Great fun.
Close, Su-34 for MEC. The Chinese get the Su-30.

Posted: 2005-06-26 04:27am
by Captain tycho
Oh man, just had a great time with a great squad. So many kickass moments, like paradropping onto the US carrier and effectively halting US air operations in the Gulf of Oman, or making a last ditch defense of our last CP in Mashtuur City. Goddamn great shit. :twisted:

Posted: 2005-06-26 06:32am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Has anyone had problems with ranks so far? The stats seem to be fixed, they update within 15 minutes now, but my rank progress has been maxed out for awhile now and it hasn't promoted me to lance corporal.

Posted: 2005-06-26 04:43pm
by Captain tycho
Ok, after fiddling around with graphics settings, etc, I still crash like crazy (longest continious playing time was about 45 minutes :? ), and get some bad stuttering at times, even at 800x600 with low settings. Hopefully that patch will be out soon.

~Jedi: EA says stats will update every 5 minutes now, but I haven't been playing on any ranked servers (too laggy).

Posted: 2005-06-27 04:06pm
by Captain tycho
I think we should start a little server list, seeing as most of the official ones are packed. The only one I've found with great ping and players is VSF gamers, but it seems to be down at the moment. Really too bad, the admins were friendly, everybody cooperated and communicated, and the ping was almost always below 90.

IP: VSFGamers BF2 -

Posted: 2005-06-28 08:29am
by Jade Falcon
I want this game, but I'm sure my graphics card won't handle it, and after the major lag issues with Battlefield Vietnam I'm a bit wary.