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HD space disappearing and BT

Posted: 2005-06-28 12:33pm
by PainRack
I use Azeureus for my BT downloads and more often than not, my Bit torrent list is unable to be loaded due to improper shutting down of my BT client(I turn off my screen while d/l, so, my mom thinks that the com isn't being used and turn off the plug).

So........ I have this assload of files on my external hard disk that is improperly filled up. This isn't that bad, nothing that a good house cleaning won't clear up, but there is an assload of "missing" space..... sometimes, my HD space will just keep dropping by several hundred megabytes or so, and this usually happens when my com is switched off while running Azereus......... Anyone knows how I can reclaim those missing space?

I suspect some of that missing space is being taken up by completed downloaded files, which I didn't delete off the BT client and thus the HD doesn't register its there..... but even so, 30 odd gigs of missing space is funny...... especially when my HD space will suddenly drop from 3 GB to 600MB.

Posted: 2005-06-28 06:23pm
by Dalton
Eugh, I think your drive is dying, maybe.

Posted: 2005-06-28 07:01pm
by Xon
Are you using NTFS or FAT32? Pulling the power on a FAT32 drive can cause what you are describing. NTFS is much more resilient.

Putting a do not turn off sign on your computer monitor also might work wonders.

Posted: 2005-06-29 08:02am
by PainRack
ggs wrote:Are you using NTFS or FAT32? Pulling the power on a FAT32 drive can cause what you are describing. NTFS is much more resilient.

Putting a do not turn off sign on your computer monitor also might work wonders.

Although i was told that turning off the power usually means missing files.... not missing space. Ah crap.... maybe I should just refind the drivers and the like so that I can reinstall.
Destructionator XIII wrote:Have you tried Scandisk (or chkdsk) and defrag?