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Official Warhammer 40K army blow out

Posted: 2005-07-04 04:07am
by Dark Hellion
Post your current/favorite 40K army lists here.
I will post a whole shitload with some tactics coming up in the next few days, but post and chat and stuff as well.
Just follow GW policy for points posting and everything will be fine.

Posted: 2005-07-04 06:44am
by weemadando
Well, once upon a time I did have a very potent Eldar force that I built in conjunction with a friend... This may be inaccurate as its been a while

My force (Rogue Trader/EARLY 2nd Ed builds)

30 Guardians + 3 anti-grav weapons platforms
12 Swooping Hawks + Exarch
12 Howling Banshees + Exarch + Jain T'zar
12 Striking Scorpions + Exarch
9 Dark Reapers
5 Warp Spiders + Exarch + Phoenix Lord

Friends force

~30 Guardians + anti-grav weapon platforms
12 Striking Scorpions + Exarch
12 Warp Spiders + Exarch + Phoenix Lord
~25 Harlequins + many specials (death jesters, solitaires)
12 Harlequins on Jetbikes + Harlequin Lord on Jetbike
Many many many Warlocks and Farseers

That army racked in at about 15,000 2nd ed points when it was kitted out and combined. Bwahahahahahhaha!

Posted: 2005-07-04 07:17am
by Manus Celer Dei
Necron Lord
2 squads of 10 Necron Warriors
3 Necron Destroyers
5 Scarab Bases

About 1200points. I hardly ever have battles larger than 1000, to be honest.

I've got a pair of tomb spiders somewhere, but I've not got round to assembling or painting them yet :?

Posted: 2005-07-04 08:01am
by Ford Prefect
Ando, I hate to say this, but: waa? That's insane! Especially considering my knowledge of what things were like back in the days of Rogue Trader.

Posted: 2005-07-04 09:54am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
A little out of date now, copy-pasted from my "so-bored-I-have-nothing-better-to-do-than-name-all-my-Space-Marines-for-the-express-purpose-of-annoying-my-opponent" file. I haven't named my 5 new Terminators and 10 Assault Marines yet.

Code: Select all

TO&E - IV Company (Zulu deployment)

Command Echelon
Honored Brother-Captain Gaius [Command Squad]		Storm bolter, power sword
	- Cmd. Sgt. Aurelius					Plasma pistol, power fist
	- Hon. Apo. Justinian					Narth./red., chainsword, bolt pistol
	- Hon. Bro. Marcellinus					IV Company standard, bolter
	- Cmp. Severus						Bolt pistol, combat shield, power sword
	- Hon. Bro. Tacitus					Meltagun

Venerable Brother Marius [Dreadnought]				Assault cannon, Dreadnought power fist, missile launcher, lascannon

Honored Sergeant Oppius [Veteran Squad]			Bolt pistol, power fist
	- Hon. Bro. Antonius					Bolt pistol, power axe
	- Hon. Bro. Aeternius					Lightning claws (pair)
	- Hon. Bro. Valerius					Bolt pistol, chainsword
	- Hon. Bro. Octavius					Bolt pistol, chainsword

Command Sergeant Kaeso, senior NCO [Tactical Squad]		Bolter/melta, lightning claw
	- Bro. Caelius						Meltagun
	- Bro. Ovinius						Bolter, chainsword
	- Bro. Dexius						Bolter, chainsword
	- Bro. Wymon						Bolter, chainsword
	- Bro. Comicius						Bolter
	- Bro. Furius						Bolter
	- Bro. Alexander						Bolter, chainsword
	- Bro. Minicius						Bolter, chainsword
	- Bro. Stephen						Bolter

Honored Sergeant Tiberius [Tactical Squad]			Bolter, power axe
	- Bro. William						Missile launcher
	- Bro. Michael						Plasma gun
	- Bro. Pleminius						Bolter, chainsword
	- Bro. Rocelin						Bolter
	- Bro. Iulius						Bolter
	- Bro. Manlius						Bolter
	- Bro. Alan						Bolter, chainsword

Honored Sergeant Celsus [Tactical Squad]			Plasma pistol, power sword
	- Bro. Osmund						Plasma gun
	- Bro. Volcatius						Bolter
	- Bro. Vibius						Bolter, chainsword
	- Bro. Nicholas						Bolter, chainsword
	- Bro. Vitellius						Bolter
	- Bro. Nigel						Bolter
	- Bro. Tarquitius						Bolter
	- Bro. Walter						Bolter, chainsword

Brother-Sergeant Laenas [Tactical Squad]			Bolt pistol, chainsword
	- Bro. Sentius						Bolter
	- Bro. Noah						Bolter
	- Bro. Plautius						Bolter
	- Bro. Nonius						Bolter
	- Bro. Edward						Bolter
	- Bro. Laronius						Bolter
	- Bro. Roger						Bolter

Honored Sergeant Sergius [Assault Squad]			Plasma pistol, power fist
	- Bro. Arthur						Plasma pistol, chainsword
	- Bro. Albius						Plasma pistol, chainsword
	- Bro. Alfred						Bolt pistol, chainsword
	- Bro. Hirtius						Bolt pistol, chainsword
	- Bro. Guy						Bolt pistol, chainsword

Brother-Sergeant Naevius [Devastator Squad]			Bolter, auspex
	- Bro. Arnold						Heavy bolter
	- Bro. Opimius						Lascannon
	- Bro. Andrew						Plasma cannon
	- Bro. Iuventius						Missile launcher

Vehicle Armory
Predator, Destructor-pattern, Leviticus Delta-3			Autocannon main gun, dual heavy bolter sponsons, remote-operated storm bolter

Land Raider, Teeth of the Emperor				Dual Godhammer-pattern lascannon sponsons, twin heavy bolters, crew-served storm bolter, h/k missile

I Company attachments
Command Sergeant Crassus [Terminator Squad]			Tactical Dreadnought armor, storm bolter, power sword
	- Hon. Bro. Benedict					Tactical Dreadnought armor, assault cannon, chainfist
	- Hon. Bro. Baebius					Tactical Dreadnought armor, heavy flamer, power fist
	- Hon. Bro. Caecilius					Tactical Dreadnought armor, storm bolter, power fist
	- Hon. Bro. Thomas					Tactical Dreadnought armor, storm bolter, power fist
	- Hon. Bro. Veturius					Tactical Dreadnought armor, storm bolter, power fist

High Master of Sanctity Aelius [Chapter Chaplain]			Tactical Dreadnought armor, crozius arcanum, storm bolter

Lord-Epistolary Arrius [Chief Librarian]				Tactical Dreadnought armor, force axe, storm bolter

X Company attachments
Brother-Sergeant Salvius [Scout Squad]				Bolt pistol, chainsword
	- Neo. Modius						Sniper rifle
	- Neo. Humphrey					Sniper rifle
	- Neo. Mucius						Sniper rifle
	- Neo. Roscius						Sniper rifle
	- Neo. Gamel						Sniper rifle
	- Neo. Statilius						Sniper rifle

Brother-Sergeant Trebius [Scout Squad]				Bolt pistol, chainsword
	- Neo. Hortensius					Bolter
	- Neo. Leonard						Bolter
	- Neo. Duilius						Shotgun
	- Neo. Gellius						Shotgun
	- Neo. Elias						Bolt pistol, chainsword
	- Neo. Simon						Bolt pistol
	- Neo. Asinius						Bolt pistol
	- Neo. Alwin						Bolt pistol

- Brothers armed with only a bolter or support weapon often carry standard-pattern combat knives.
- Neophytes armed with a bolt pistol are also issued combat daggers.

Posted: 2005-07-04 11:10am
by 2000AD
My 1,000 point Tau army which hasn't been used recently and currently stands at the amazing record of 0-1-6 (WDL) is:

Shas'O commander
-Fusion blaster (Melta gun), Plasma rifle and missle pod
-Hardwired (HW) multi tracker (Fire more than one weapon system)


Crisis team:
1 XV8 suit
-team leader
-Twin linked plasma rifle and missle pod
-HW multitracker

Crisis team:
1 XV8 suit
-team leader
-Twin linked plasma rifle and missle pod
-HW multitracker


12 fire warrirors

12 Fire warriors

18 Kroot + shaper

18 Kroot + shaper

Heavy support:

-Smart missles and twin linked rail gun
-Multi tracker

-Smart missles and Twin linked rail gun
-Multi tracker

Posted: 2005-07-04 11:52am
by Manus Celer Dei
Tell me, Gaius...Do you hold a little funeral for each casualty as well?

Posted: 2005-07-04 11:54am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Manus Celer Dei wrote:Tell me, Gaius...Do you hold a little funeral for each casualty as well?
You know it.

If I'm playing my Guard I grab the nearest object and pretend it's a vox, screaming "WE LOST PENDERSON! I SAY AGAIN, PENDERSON'S GONE! HE'S FUCKING GONE!"

Posted: 2005-07-04 01:40pm
by Sr.mal
OH man I have a huge Irons hands force:

2 Command squads with 7 marines and a Commander, chaplain, and librarian each.

10 terminators

2 Venerable dreadnaughts

4 10 man tac squads with either flamer or melta gun.

30 assault marines

predator anihillator

Land raider crusader


If I were to add in my grey knight I would need about 2 force orgs.

(<------ Just realizes how much time and money he spends on this hobby and begins to weep)

Posted: 2005-07-04 07:29pm
by weemadando
You know what I miss?

First Company forces.

Doesn't matter which chapter - but its a force where the weakest link is a fucking Terminator... They were fun.

Posted: 2005-07-04 08:08pm
by Keevan_Colton
Let's see, I quite back in 2nd Edition, but I did have quite a nice combined force, I used the White Dwarf rules to create my own Chapter Master who could go into a mass combat with genestealers hand to hand and come out the far side.

Space Marines:

Chapter Master
1 Terminator Captain
1 Terminator Librarian
1 Terminator Chaplin

2 Captains
2 Librarians
2 Chaplins
2 Tech Marines

2 Dreadnaughts
2 Landspeeders
3 Bike Squads with Heavy Weapon bikes
1 Predator
2 Rhinos

3 Terminator Squads
4 Tactical Squads
2 Assault Squads (1 with Jump packs)
2 Devestator Squads
2 Scout Squads

Imperial Guard
2 Command Squads
2 Infantry Squads
2 Heavy Weapon Squads
1 Squad Ratling Snipers
1 Squad Rough Riders

1 Basilisk
1 Chimera
1 Leman Russ
2 Sentinels

1 Terminator Inquisitor
2 Inquisitors
1 Calidus
1 Vindicator
1 (forget the name of the kind, assassin)

I'm sure I'm forgetting some things, but it's a fairly hefty force whichever way you cut it.

Posted: 2005-07-04 09:34pm
by namdoolb
Most of this stuff is gathering dust at my parents house and hasn't seen the light of day since 2nd ed, let alone been played with... but here goes:

Blood Angels:
Terminator Captain
Chaplain w/ Terminator armour
2 Librarians w/ Terminator armour
2 Captains
2 Chaplains
1 Librarian
3 Apothecaries
4 Techmarines
1 Standard bearer
1 Librarian on bike

3 Terminator squads (varying armaments)
4 Tactical Squads (varying armaments)
2 Devastator Squads (varying armaments)
1 Assault squad (on foot)
1 Assault squad (jump packs)
2 Scout Squads
1 Bike Squad (5 men)
1 Death company (9 men)

4 Rhinos
2 Predators
1 Razorback
1 Land Raider
1 Land Speeder
2 Dreadnoughts
3 Tarantuala HWP's

1 Avatar
1 Farseer
2 Warlocks
4 Guardian Squads
1 Scout Squad
1 Jetbike Squad (6 bikes)
3 Vyper Jetbikes
3 D-Cannon platforms
1 Dreadnought
1 War Walker
1 Falcon
1 Dire avenger Exharch
2 Dire Avenger Squads (4 men each)
1 Howling Banshee Exharch
1 Howling Banshee squad (6 models)
1 Striking Scorpion Pheonix Lord
1 Striking Scorpion Exharch
2 Striking Scorpion Squads (6 men each)
1 Fire Dragon Exharch
2 Fire dragon Squads (4 men each)
1 Dark Reaper Pheonix Lord
1 Dark Reaper Exharch
2 Dark Reaper Squads (3 men each)
1 Swooping Hawk Pheonix Lord
1 Swooping Hawk squad (5 men)
1 Warp Spider Exharch
1 Warp Spider Squad (3 men)

1 Squad of Harlequins + accompanying characters

Imperial Guard:
1 Catachan platoon:-
Command Squad
2 Squads
1 Heavy weapon Squad

Tallarn Platoon:-
Command Squad
2 Squads
1 Heavy weapon Squad

1 Ratling Sniper Squad
2 Chimeras
2 Leman Russ
1 Basilisk
1 Hellhound
1 Demolisher

Sisters Of Battle:
1 Cannoness
+Bodyguard squad
+ Standard Bearer
1 Seraphim Squad
3 Regular Squads
1 Rhino
1 Immolator

Vindicare Assassin
Calidus Assassin
Eversor Assassin
Culexus Assassin
2 Preachers
1 Confesor
1 Adeptus Arbites squad

I think that's Everything, but I've probably missed something somewhere along the line.
Blood Angels come out somewhere between 10,000-12,000 Points IIRC
Eldar 5,000-7,000
IG ~3,000
Sisters Of Battle 1,500

I could probably Squeeze a legal 20,000 point army out of it if I had the urge to play a massive game of 40K.

Posted: 2005-07-04 09:38pm
by Dark Hellion
And it Begins.


Chaos Lord
MoN, Terminator Armour, Sorceror, Winds of Chaos, Furious Charge, Manreaper (Fear the mighty man raper!), Demonic Strength, Demonic Mutation
4 Chosen Terminators (nurgle)
Reaper Autocannon, 3 combi-bolters, 4 PW
1 Terminator Aspiring Champion
Demonic Mutation, Chainfist, CCW
1 Terminator Aspiring Champion
Mutation, Chainfist, CCW, nurgles rot

Chaos Lt.
MoN, Terminator Armour, Sorcers, Winds of Chaos, Furious Charge, Twin Lightning Claws, Strenght, Mutation
5 Terminators
Reaper Autocannon, 4 combi-bolters, 5 PW
1 Terminator Aspiring Champion
Mutation, chainfist, CCW, nurgles rot

Chosen terminators
6 Terminators
2 reaper autocannon, 4 combi-bolter, 6 PW
1 Aspiring Champion
Mutation Chainfist, CCW, nurgles rot

4x 7 Plaguebearers

Exactly 7 units of 7. Deepstrike the termies behind cover/ enemy vehicles and then summon demons. Use demons to tie up large units and combine charge to win.

Posted: 2005-07-05 07:19am
by Ford Prefect
The Terminator Nemesis Army. Nothing but Termies, tanks and Scouts. Booshah.

Posted: 2005-07-06 07:18pm
by Manus Celer Dei
I've started assembling some more of these 'cron warriors I've had slumbering in their boxes for months, but I'm still finding incredibly difficult to hold the arms in place to glue them together. Can anyone give me some tips?

Posted: 2005-07-11 09:54pm
by Dark Hellion
And speaking of Necromancy

1850 Necron Phalanx
Lord, VOD, Res. Orb.
2x3 Destroyers
3x16 Warriors
2x Monolith

And one for Ford

1850 Lysanders Brigade

w/Terminator command squad
w/2xAsscan (4+serg)

W/terminator armour and Power Weapon
w/Terminator command squad (4+serg)

3x 6man Terminator squad

2x 6 scouts
vet serg w/ teleport homer

Posted: 2005-07-12 04:11am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Manus Celer Dei wrote:I've started assembling some more of these 'cron warriors I've had slumbering in their boxes for months, but I'm still finding incredibly difficult to hold the arms in place to glue them together. Can anyone give me some tips?
I just helped a 40k newbie do his first plastic Necron Warriors, and they're the same basic formula as Imperial Guardsmen. The trick is to find friendly plastic glue; I recommend Testor's plastic glue that comes in little orange tubes. It's lenient enough to let you position the pieces while they're curing, so you can get all three pieces (left arm, gun arm, and body) lined up properly.

Posted: 2005-07-17 03:21pm
by Acidburns
I havn't played 40K for several years now, but here's my last Caledonian Conflict Tournament army (with a couple of pics...). Im working from memory, and dont have books so unit costs wont be listed.

Finished 2nd place too!

The Iyanden Craftworld was decimated by a Hive Fleet, and uses more Wraith units than other Eldar armys. In the 1,500pt army, I have only 3 living models. The Farseer, 2 spiritseers using warlock models. I converted the warwalkers with wraithlord "Heads" (Which look awesome). The tiny spiritseer/wraithunit is an ancient GW model. Simply added a sword and he was rdy to go! ... lar/P3.jpg The 2 units on the left are war walker conversions. Right is Wraithlord conversion. ... lar/P2.jpg Farseer conversion (left) Spiritseer conversion (right) ... lar/P1.jpg

Yes, those wraithlords are troop choices. :twisted:

Army Roster


Iyanden Craftworld Army


Farseer (Spirit Stones, Singing Spear, Fortune, Guide)

3 Spiritseers (3 witchblades, 2 w/ conceal and 1 w/ enhance)


5 Wraithgaurd
5 Wraithgaurd
5 Wraithgaurd

1 Wraithlord (Starcannon, 2 flamers)
1 Wraithlord (Starcannon, 2 flamers)
1 Wraithlord (Brightlance, 2 flamers)

Heavy Support

1 Warwalker (2 brightlances)
2 Warwalker (4 Starcannons)


Generally speaking:

When fighting a ranged army I advanced with everything, guided the unit of 2 war walkers, and mowed em down with starcannons till I got into CC with the Wraithlords.

Against any close combat army I usually took cover, and blasted anything that could be dangerous to the wraithlords with ranged, then let the wraithlords squash what was left.