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Homeworld 2: Point Defense Systems 6 is out :)
Posted: 2005-07-04 06:10pm
by phongn
Yes, everyone's favorite mod that crams guns onto every square inch of hull has been updated
Posted: 2005-07-05 01:14am
by Guy N. Cognito
I can't seem to download it.

Me wants my preacious!
Posted: 2005-07-05 05:48am
by Ace Pace
Okey,I've read up on it, and it looks like more then a balence and mod, what exactly does it add?
Posted: 2005-07-05 08:32am
by phongn
Ace Pace wrote:Okey,I've read up on it, and it looks like more then a balence and mod, what exactly does it add?
A lot of things. As its name implies, most ships now have a point-defense suite to ward off incoming missiles and smack fighters around but that's just the start. Ships now have electronic warfare suites, they have their own initiative ... lots of things here and there have been changed.
Most Vaygr ships have the Laser Defense System, essentially an array of point-defense lasers that can vaporize incoming shells, missiles and torpedos before they hit the hull. They have their limits but if you see a cloud of white bursts away from their hull when you're shooting a ship, that's the cause. They do not work against 'beam' weaponry.
The Higaarans have defense field generators in a lot of places (mostly their newer ships) but those mostly affect incoming missile weapons. They also serve to decrease fire-control accuracy of Vaygr ships.
Posted: 2005-07-05 08:34am
by White Haven
Plus all the preeeeetty preeeeeetty ballistic point-defense and antifighter stuff, that makes battles around capital ships and carriers look like something out of WW2 footage of airstrikes on the Musashi.
Posted: 2005-07-05 08:38am
by phongn
White Haven wrote:Plus all the preeeeetty preeeeeetty ballistic point-defense and antifighter stuff, that makes battles around capital ships and carriers look like something out of WW2 footage of airstrikes on the Musashi.
The dev posted his own video of PDS6 sped up a bit ... it looked more like Baghdad in 1991

Posted: 2005-07-05 08:43am
by Ace Pace
I checked out the PDS5 movie, it looked purty.
Last question, as White Haven keeps reminding me, I havn't finshed the HW2 campaign, will this hurt it? or just make it way harder?
Posted: 2005-07-05 09:09am
by phongn
Ace Pace wrote:I checked out the PDS5 movie, it looked purty.
Last question, as White Haven keeps reminding me, I havn't finshed the HW2 campaign, will this hurt it? or just make it way harder?
Finish the HW2 stock campaign first. PDS6's campaign is
much more challenging. You can switch between PDS6 and stock HW2 by using a shortcut with the -overridebigfile switch the campaigns are not compatible with each other.
Posted: 2005-07-05 09:12am
by White Haven
Hehe. I can't see HW's stock campaign even being POSSIBLE if it were compatible. I mean...shit, remember all those early-game single carriers you have to use fighter strikes on? And look how evil carrier point-defense batteries are in-mod?

Posted: 2005-07-05 09:21am
by phongn
White Haven wrote:Hehe. I can't see HW's stock campaign even being POSSIBLE if it were compatible. I mean...shit, remember all those early-game single carriers you have to use fighter strikes on? And look how evil carrier point-defense batteries are in-mod?

The AxCV is death to distracted strikecraft. I crushed waves of Vaygr strike craft who were concentrating on my AMCs with that thing.

Posted: 2005-07-05 09:26am
by Ace Pace
phongn wrote:Ace Pace wrote:I checked out the PDS5 movie, it looked purty.
Last question, as White Haven keeps reminding me, I havn't finshed the HW2 campaign, will this hurt it? or just make it way harder?
Finish the HW2 stock campaign first. PDS6's campaign is
much more challenging. You can switch between PDS6 and stock HW2 by using a shortcut with the -overridebigfile switch the campaigns are not compatible with each other.
Problem, the download file just installs overridding files, not a .big file.
EDIT: oh well, this looks alot more fun and alot more Me VS AI,Me Lose matchs. I allready know whats going to happen in HW2.
Posted: 2005-07-05 09:34am
by phongn
Ace Pace wrote:Problem, the download file just installs overridding files, not a .big file.
You have to use the -overridebigfile flag otherwise HW2 will just ignore all of those files and use the stock big file.
EDIT: oh well, this looks alot more fun and alot more Me VS AI,Me Lose matchs. I allready know whats going to happen in HW2.

Posted: 2005-07-05 09:37am
by Ace Pace
If you want to beat someone up, IM me to set up a match.
I suck at HW2 skirmish

Posted: 2005-07-05 09:59am
by White Haven
Wheeee, another game I'm rusty at! Somewhat busy this week, but I'll see if I can't pop myself fre for a game or two at some point. Never played PDS multi before. Only thing I don't like about it is the use of the Keeper model for a Higgy ship. The other mode-re-using isn't so bad, as it just represents different models of ships (although I'd love to see some superficial differences), but the Keeper just...CLASHES.
Posted: 2005-07-05 10:02am
by Ace Pace
White, well, unlike GC2, we're both rusty, but unlike me, you have previous experiances with this mod.
Which reminds me../Hijack
Anyone up for multiplayer HW2 or GC2?
EDIT: About GC2, the maker of PDS has a mod for GC2 that well...its far more then PDS.
I like the lightshow.
Posted: 2005-07-05 01:06pm
by Vanas
This is fun =D I think a bit of practice will do me good though, as this appears to require tactics greater than 'go forwards and shoot the biggest thing on radar'.
The only major issue I have is that some of the muzzle flashes are a little over-large, perhaps. The first time a Bloodhound opened up, I thought it was taking multiple missile strikes.
Posted: 2005-07-05 09:52pm
by Sharpshooter
Great - just as the copy I ordered from came in!
Once the Beast is here, I'll load it up and take a look. How bad is the game at 42,666 BPS?
Posted: 2005-07-05 10:03pm
by Mr Bean
Sharpshooter wrote:
Once the Beast is here, I'll load it up and take a look. How bad is the game at 42,666 BPS?
You computer will scream with terror as its ripped apart atom by atom as it attempts to proccess all the incoming packets at once, soon it will commit sucide to stop the pain.
Posted: 2005-07-05 10:10pm
by Sharpshooter
Mr Bean wrote:You computer will scream with terror as its ripped apart atom by atom as it attempts to proccess all the incoming packets at once, soon it will commit sucide to stop the pain.
Guess I'll have to wait until I get back to college and my dorm's broadband network, provided it even
Oh, well - the AI can hold me until then.
Posted: 2005-07-05 10:39pm
by phongn
The AI is decent and will sucker-punch you if you aren't careful.
Posted: 2005-07-05 10:55pm
by Captain tycho
Ace, by GC2 do you mean Ground Control 2? If so, I'm game. I'm rather rusty at it, though.
Posted: 2005-07-06 12:29am
by Alex Moon
Pretty sparkles...

Posted: 2005-07-06 01:27am
by phongn
M01: Nothing new here, just fighter duels. OTOH, there is a DD, FFB and FFS around to help you out and they buy time for you when Makaan's massive fleet comes out of hyperspace.
M02: I lost two of the transports, so no elite gunships or heavy bombers for me

On the other hand, the AxCV you get in the mission is more than capable of blowing apart distracted Vaygr strikecraft. I later used the AxCV and a collection of my own strikecraft to whittle down the enemy CVS, first by blowing apart its engines and then all of the HVM emplacements. The guns were next but my AxCV was still getting pounded and had to retreat -- though the enemy CVS was in the red. The Sobani frigate squadron that later showed up finished it off. As for the remaining Vaygr forces, they were mopped up without too much trouble.
M03: 2 DWG + 1 CV + 1 FFK (Vaygr) are pounding a BCH (Higaraa), which is giving about as good as it takes. Those heavy plasma beams take their toll and quick reinforcements prove impossible as the CV has an interdictor built-in. Its captain gets a bit bold and tries to open up with its plutonium-ion cannon against the shipyard and gets blown to pieces for its trouble by the angered BCH.
That means no more interdiction field! My AxCV hyperjumps behind the 2 DWGs and opens up with everything it has, first blowing on their engines and then working on the hull. My 4 FTI + 2 FTB have finally caught up and salvo HVRs at one of the DWGs, temporarily knocking it out of battle until damage control crews manage to get it back online. Eventually the MS manages to crawl up and unleashes its firepower on the Vaygr frigate horde while sending some resourcing ships to repair the BCH.
The shipyard comissions a carrier which immediately starts building up a swarm of FFBs while the MS builds some more fighters. By the time the capture force shows up they are thoroughly outgunned. While my CV blows apart those pesky FFMs the AxCV, MS and BCH destroy the enemy CVs one by one; a reinforcing wave of three Vaygr DWGs gets similar treatment.
EDIT: The standard Higaraan gunships are still useful as antimissile pickets ... and that's about it.
Posted: 2005-07-06 04:13am
by Tiger Ace
Captain tycho wrote:Ace, by GC2 do you mean Ground Control 2? If so, I'm game. I'm rather rusty at it, though.
Thats what White said and it ended out 2-2.
Lets play...friday Night or saturday night my time?
Posted: 2005-07-06 10:39am
by White Haven
I still maintain that that last match was the funniest thing ever. In the history of the world. (I garrisoned the guns around his drop zone, he never put infy in them. His dropship rolled in, and his own SAM sites knocked it down. His troops tried to take it, and his own Pulverizer batteries smashed them flat.)