Praxis takes on a so-called 'leak' in a debate...
Posted: 2005-07-07 02:45am
I actually got one of these big important bloggers, the guys claiming to be leaking Revolution info, to debate me. Check this out.
The guy emailed a site claiming to have all this info. He made ridiculous claims, but everyone believed him. I went to the comments and refuted everything, and everyone who read it believed me but few were checking the thread anymore.
He leaked more stuff with new emails so I smashed him again. I was annoyed by the sheer ridiculousness of his claims so my post was, well, a bit rude (taunting him, laughing at his stupidity, etc) and he actually replied saying I had made no actual points worth speaking of...well, I'll start quoting.
Here's the old emails.
E-Mail 1:
As for the controller I don’t think it has been finalized but I have
seen and programmed for the official concept controller and used it
twice. It is very similar to the “nesvolution” one pad for each hand
with weighted gyroscopes and haptic feedback. At first glance it
seems kind of weird to think about tactically using it to control
certain types of games but once you pick it up its actually very
simple and easy to use with any game. I know Nintendo is still
working on a way to connect the two controllers at the players will,
probably through a magnetic lock system. As for the Nintendo On
which it WILL NOT be called once it is confirmed will present a
panoramic view to represent a full field on vision as we all have in
real life and will be in HD believe it or not. It will probably be
confirmed when the spec for the Rev. are made public and will be
launched a quarter year after Rev. launches. My only gripe is that
the On system at launch will retail for the same amount as the actual
Rev. system itself. It will not be a gaming machine unto itself but
merely an add-on to the Rev. to allow completely immersive
Stereoscopic 3-D will also be a prevalent part of the interface but
coupled with the visor and controllers will allow something NEVER
seen before in gaming. The stereoscoping is still being tweaked to
turn whatever room your in into a the game environment effectively
rendering your room part of the game. Coupled with the visor this
could turn you entire home into a nightmarish landscape. The
projector alone with only be able to project a limited no. of NPC’s
into your environment at any given time depending on the size of the
NPC‘s. Take RE4 for example the projector could probably project
about 12 ganados at any given time into your environment but only one
El Gigante or boss at a time. When the visor is on though it will
allow the entire game to be presented in full virtual reality with no
sacrifices whatsoever, and with the environment capturing radar it
could effectively turn your own home into the game environment.
Imagine Resident Evil zombies busting through your doors and coming
after you with their blood and body parts being rendered onto your
environment in real-time as you fight them. That is an actual
possibility of the On visor.
The controller will be capable of everything past controllers were
but much more and the customization that you will have at your hands
is unprecedented. It will feature haptic feedback illustrating
through vibration whatever your on-screen character is doing or
feeling this represents mood, heartbeat, nervousness, adrenaline
rushes, tension, being shot or hit with something, jumping from a
high place, etc… This haptic force feedback will be mapped into
buttons and controller itself. Another controller feature is its
ability to heat up and cool down illustrating how the environment
temperature feels or it you are having to hold on to something that
is hot or cold. Coupled with this is the controller will have
built-in mic to talk to things or blow on things in the game to move
them or cool them down. The mic will also have voice distortion
features to work with the dev. Tool or chat online. The other big
feature of the controller is its ability to feel depth and reach out
and grab the world so to speak. For example instead of just pressing
a button to open a door you would point one of the control pad towards
the door twist the knob and pull the door open, or just kick it open
with another movement. This depth mapping allows all sorts of
actions to be preformed much more realistically and true to life for
example: swinging a sword, reloading or firing a weapon, picking
something up and turning it over, do melee combat with your own two
An example I saw in action was a character was hanging from a ledge
MGS style and you would literally have to squeeze the handles to keep
from falling and you could also feel the haptic vibration from his
heart and the coolness of the ledge. This was a tech demo showing
all of the features working together. Of course all this will be
left up to the developer but they promise to be extraordinary
features. The projector will also have two options: Stereoscopic 3-D
or flat panel projection. This allows Rev. to be a portable system as
it can project the game on any wall or flat surface. The stand for
Rev. will be a recharger of sorts and will have the angle required to
be project Stereoscopic 3-D properly. The only reason for the
rechargeable battey is for the projection otherwise when you run out
of battery life you can just hook it up to a TV or computer monitor.
Alright I have to get back to work but I will keep you up to date as I
can please ask any questions you might have.
E-Mail 2:
I have signed back on to gamespot under the same username don’t know
for how long though. Anyway just wanted to present the full picture
of what the Nintendo Revolution will be. Take into account
everything I have mentioned an advanced dev. Tool, the spec, the
controller, Stereoscopic 3-D, Wi-Fi connectivity, and the addition of
the ON peripheral will allow something never before seen. As for the
spec the three PPU and AI chips are not regular large accelerator
cards but small custom chips that have dedicated specific jobs. This
decision makes the chips very inexpensive since they are all done to
Nintendo specifications and are all new tech. This frees up needed
power, lowers price and gives an easy development process. A lot of
this has to do with space compensation where it appears they have
taken the basic idea of nanotechnology and basically super sized it
cutting down power consumption and increasing power in an inexpensive
way, not to mention a dramatic drop in heat dissipation. It is not
nano but it takes that basic idea of compacting everything close
together to get huge optimum performance on low power consumption.
Combined with the controller everything falls into place if you think
about it allowing and forcing innovation in a practical way. The
controller will have the option to connect the two pads if you’d like
and you will not have to necessarily do unorthodox movement in most
games it is all in how you combine and complement all the features
together that will create the Revolution.
The ON peripheral will not turn every game to first-person perspective
you will see the character just the same as on T.V. just in a more
immersed virtualized reality. And the ON will be able to capture
your environment and use that as the basis for the game environment
or actually capture the room that your in into the game world as the
projector will not be capable of doing. I don’t think the dev. Tool
at launch will be capable of giving you all the features that the
Rev.’s controller and the On will have to work with and put in other
games. But I wouldn’t doubt they will be made available at some time
for a fee through Nintendo’s Wi-Fi connection. Stereoscopic 3-D and
the flat-panel 20’in. projection will also be amazing feature that
the new games will be able to present, it will be a very
high-fidelity LCD inexpensive projector created in Japan. The
heat/cool sensors won’t be able to burn or freeze your hand probably
only a 15 degree room tempature difference at max.
There seems to be this false notion that Nintendo just can’t afford
all this but all who believe this are fools, Nintendo makes only
profits and is just as rich as Sony only through gaming technology,
they are HUGELY rich. A multi-billion dollar company that has not
seen debt since the Virtual Boy trust me when I say that Nintendo is
not hurting for money. I hope developers implement the dev. Tool
into some sort of actual gameplay. And the dev. Tool alone with the
controller features and customization gives the entire back library
an infinite replay value, just think about it. I was messing around
with the dev. Tool and was playing through Ocarina of time with Leon
with a shotgun, Rocket Lancher, boomerang, and hookshot with
cel-shaded deaths for the NPC’s and I had it playing like a dream in
about 20 minutes. With rag doll physics and everything and whats
great is anybody can do it us developers will be working with the
same thing to make the games for Rev. as the consumer can play around
with. And the controller adds all new depth and features to old games
as you can customize it to your liking.
As to the Rogue Squadron game I’m working with to my knowledge it will
be on all three platforms, I am working on the Xbox 360 version and
let me tell you from first hand experience that the 360 dev. Tool
sucks! All it is is a souped up xbox with more online features
that I don’t even care about. The games will have to be at least $80
for premire blockbusters since it is grueling trying to map out and
detail everything and takes so much time and there are so many bugs
to work out. That is what makes the Rev. a supreme system since it
supports dedicated cube-mapping and other patented techniques that
allow extremely detailed environments and characters with little work
and lets you focus more on gameplay and controller complementation. I
really hope that Epic and Carmack allow their engines to be dedicated
at least for developers because the performance and ease of
development that the Rev. will allow will crush Xbox 360’s
complicated and piece of junk dev. Kit, and PS3’s is WAY worse it
will take at least two years to even match what was seen in the PS3
trailers at E3 just in the visuals department. Although you will
have to purchase a broadband wireless adapter to connect to Wi-Fi
without a hotspot but it gives online multiplayer a whole new kind of
fun and eliminates all the bs that revolves around xbox live. The
visor with the ON with feature 5.1 surround sound and present games
in 720p. This move to HD makes sense because not everybody owns an
HDTV instead they are bundling it with that add-on in an inexpensive
way so everyone can enjoy it I presume. The Rev. system itself will
snap into place in the ON component to be compatible with the visor.
Whereas the part where the projector is on the Rev. will go directly
into the ON and now you will be able to play in virtual reality. The
visor may or may not have built-in gyroscopes for turning your head
but I think that is still being debated, it wasn’t in the prototype
that I used anyway. The only game that was on the list I sent you
guys that I have doubts about making it to the US is “Ichi the
Killer” it is based on a Japanese film from the director of movies
Audition, Visitor Q, and Dead or Alive and from what I saw it will be
EXTREMELY violent. The game has to do with torture and the Ya Kuza
mafia and plays into the violence and torture with the controller
features. I have never seen the movie but I can imagine from what I
saw from the game that it is gut-wrenching. Anyway I hope I could
give you a more in-depth idea of what the Rev. will actually be. My
real excitement comes from being able to see what people are going to
do with it and being able to develop for it, the dev. Tool and
controllers with the ON add-on has me really stoked to say the least.
Anyways we’ll be in touch and take care.
Here's the new series of emails.
About Xenias and Zelda: Twighlight Princess:
"Retro Studios is working on a game code-named Xenias which is supposed to be a “halo-killer”. It is supposedly to be about a living battle suit. I have seen a demo of it and it looks to be an awesome game. I also know for a fact that the new Zelda for the Revolution is being created by Shigeru Miyomoto and will be a chronicological sequel to Ocarina of time and Majora’s Mask. But from what I’ve played from the exclusive insider demo of Twilight Princess( the version the public hasn’t seen). It looks to take the crown of game of the year. From what I have seen it takes things like context-sensitive cut-scenes and action-sequences that made RE4 and God of War so good and expands on them in-game and in cutscene. Also Link will be WAY more brutal in this game. Not a lot of people know this but a lot of the combat and gameplay engine has been completely revamped for this entry. The version I play in one sequence Link was hoping from his horse to other riders’ bores and such and if you fire an arrow into the boar and you can lock-onto your horse Link will leap off the boar and back onto his horse before the boar crashes to the ground and the action continues. Another sequence I played was Link can ride up along side another enemy stab his sword through the enemy and throw that enemy into another one riding somewhere else on the field. The lock-on mechanic is now capable of locking-on to multiple enemies at once and then the combat engine switches to a free-form combat style similar to “Price of Persia: warrior within” if you’ve locked on to 4 enemies or more."
About Stereoscopic 3-D and Revolution games:
"As to the projector if its on Stereoscopic 3-D and say someone walks into the door of the room your in nothing will happen except the picture might warp a little in that area or fade into a hallway but as soon as the door closes again it should correct itself. But if your on the road or in a car or something I don’t think you will be able to use the stereoscopic 3-D projection because the stand is what gives it the desired angle and I would imagine that it would make the picture or holograms skip or have weird picture flashes as the car moves up and down. You will need a steady non-moving surface for the projector to use stereoscoping properly. As to Bungie I really don’t know whether they are going to sign a contract with Nintendo or not but there was some loose talk from their rep. that it might be a possibility. By the way Microsoft DOES NOT flat out own Bungie, they made Bungie sign a contract to give half creative rights and royalties to Microsoft for a “number of years”, but after those years are over they can opt to make another contract with them or go somewhere else. Now I truly doubt that Halo 3 will be coming to the Rev. since Microsoft would throw a HUGE hissy fit about it but maybe Halo 4 or an original game I hope. Their rep. said that since Microsoft is forcing the development on Halo 3 to match PS3’s launch. They will probably end up releasing a Halo2.5 instead of an actual sequel and that Rev. might see the fully realized Halo 3 a year or so later. But of course nothing is set in stone and it could all change so don’t get your hopes up too high this was just my team talking to a representative from Bungie.
To my knowledge the confirmed and unconfirmed list of games are:
-Super Smash Bros. = Rev.
-Mario Kart Revolution = Rev.
-Super Mario 128 = Rev.
- Metroid Prime: Reborn = Rev.
-The Legend of Zelda DS = DS
-The Legend of Kid Icarus = Rev.
-Xenias = Rev.
-Killing Day = Rev.
-Psychopath = Rev.
-Animal Crossing = Rev.
-The Legend of Zelda = Rev.
-Star Wars Rogue Squadron 4 (no title as of yet Q4 2006) = Rev.
-Madden 2007 = Rev., DS
-Eternal Darkness: Insanity Fulfilled = Rev.
-Resident Evil 5 (Q3 2008) = Rev.
-Advance Wars: Annihilation = Rev, DS
-Burnout 4 = Rev.
-Flat Out 2 = Rev.
-F.E.A.R.: Everything Objective Foretold = Rev.
-Stalker: Shadow of the Chernobyl = Rev.
-Guts N’ Glory = Rev.
-Umehas Ookieyara = Rev.
-Ichi the Killer (slated for Japan possible U.S. release) = Rev.
-Donkey Kong = Rev.
These are the games that I know for sure are going to be released at some point on Rev. although it does not mean all of them will be exclusive to the Rev. although many of them will. Many people have thought I lied about this or that but I assure you wait until everything about Rev. and its games are made public and see if I’m not right. The Rogue Squadron game I’m working with now we is focusing on giving the flying combat more hi-res action and depth with great replay value, but also trying to flesh out the on-foot missions that the last game failed on. As for Retro Studios they have two teams which are working on two games right now Metroid Prime: Reborn, and Xenias. I was hoping that Xenias was going to be kept a secret but unfortunately Nintendo let that out of the bag. Needless to say it will no doubt put Rev. in the top spot next-gen. I’m not going to say anything else about it though because I believe some things just shouldn’t be spoiled."
About the development kit (Ace's old Gamespot article - the earliest information):
"I have received an updated version of the Rev. dev. Kit at my workstation two days ago and I am proud to announce that everyone even Microsoft and Sony fan boys may very well be switching sides when everything is confirmed. I do not necessarily agree with Nintendo strategy in the next-gen war because I believe that competition is what keeps everyone honest and fresh and willing to push the boundaries. Nintendo’s next-gen plan according to what I have seen from the new dev. Kit is that they are aiming to create a single dominant console from a consumer and developer standpoint. First I will go into the questions about cube-mapping: is it really that great, hasn’t it already been done before, is and how will the Rev. use it? Well, cube-maps have been around for quite some time but they are not very similar at all to the technology Nintendo patented called “cube-mapping” it is a new revelation and step forward for all game development to come. The patent Nintendo filed calls for the games graphic designers to pre-render the entire game environment of the whole game along with the NPC’s pretty much everything except the main interactive character/characters and basically converts it to real-time gameplay with no graphical fidelity loss whatsoever and allows a completely dynamic camera. The word “cube-mapping” stands for basically converting pre-rendered to real-time in an instant. This technique is actually dedicated to the hardware along with many other techniques that aid in this being accomplished. The dev. process on the Rev. is a revolution in and of itself in my opinion simply because of the cube-mapping and AI chips that help extensively with working out bugs to creating a world based of concept photos without a huge team and high production costs. In example a premiere game on the Rev. might cost $5 million on the Rev. and cost $80-100 million on 360 or ps3 at the exact same graphical fidelity. By the way my team at factor 5 is NOT committed only to ps3 but all consoles. Of course certain games will be exclusive to certain systems but the Rogue Squadron game that I’m working with will be multi-platform. Next generation also will represent the end of the straight port, every system next-gen will be special at something and that version will allow something completely different than the others. I believe this will become rule of thumb next-gen.
The dev. Tool that will be available to the consumer will not be an actual dev. Kit that will require programming to realize a game. It will draw on the virtual console as a basis for game-editing and creating from scratch brand new experiences based on old-game mechanics, graphical art styles and environment. It allows one to stripe away a previous game world to the basics and start new while implementing anything you want. It is hard to describe until you see it in action but rest assured it IS real and will be an astonishing feature that will make Rev. one of a kind. With the spec alone without the addition of dedicated cube-mapping just pushing polys the Rev. will be about a quarter more powerful than the 360 at its highest graphical limit. And w/ cube-mapping implemented it WILL exceed PS3’s fidelity through lower spec although it is a cheat it is effective nonetheless. Oh, and a couple new SSB characters will be from what I’ve heard, Link with the Fierce deity mask will be an unlockable and pikmin with olimar.
Now for the controller the way the two pads will be connected will be through a magnetic lock where you put one piece into another with magnets inside and the magnets lock them together. Then to release the two pads you will hold down a small button and twist them and they will come back apart. Everything about the controller I mentioned is 100% true they will feature depth mapping, haptic force feedback, weighted gyroscopes, a built-in mic and heat/cool sensors. All combine to create a very impressive experience, by the way if “Wintry_Flutist” is really Reggie Fils-Aime ask him he knows. Another feature that has been dedicated to the Rev. hardware is a technique called “texture-synthesis” whereas it allows developers to create VERY true to life, up close and personal textures and lighting. Where developers used to have to tile the same texture over a huge area of the environment and then wrap that repetitive texture to the gray map and then light it. It now allows the texture to be a part of the gray map with little effort thanks to the dedication of the technique and coupled with the cube-mapping. By the way, the ON video was created in partnership with Nintendo no matter what anyone says, but the technology being that vid is VERY real and will be included as a peripheral for Rev. I got the miserably cool experience to get one of my Japanese friends to let me get another look at the game Ichi the Killer and the playable part that I played really shows in a horrible way what the controllers will do. In the sequence some guy name Kakeehara I think I spelled it right was torturing a man while holding his hand in a bath-tub filled with hot-oil. The trick was to keep him from having a heart-attack by “talking to him kindly” with the mic on the controller. You would place either his arms or legs or sit him down in the oil and you could feel the force feedback from his body twitching as he apparently was minutes from going into shock from the pain. You would move one of the pads in a slapping motion to wake him back up and talk to him “gently” to try and get his heartbeat down so you could interrogate him more. The object of that sequence was to keep him alive and in pain for as long as possible and to get needed info out of him. It was THE MOST disgusting thing I have ever seen but truly magnificent in the way it was executed through the controller features. I have doubts about it being released in the U.S. or anywhere else for that matter because it will most definitely be getting an Adult Only rating.
Mr. Iwata has already begun to lead into revealing that through the dev. Tool the Rev. will allow the entire back library of old games to be redone independently by the consumer to offer an infinite replay value through the dev. Tool and controller features. He has already stated that Rev. will “enhance” old games just wait and see if I’m not right about how much it really will enhance the games. Just keep your ears and eyes open. As a developer I am excited about Rev. but also see that if Nintendo does in the next-gen take back market dominance like it is trying to do that will be the end of competitive game development in a way. So I kind of hope that at least one of the other companies stays in the business to keep us all honest and competitive and always innovating in some way. Because without competition the only people who lose in the end are the consumers. Right now I am hard at work on the 360 version of a game and even though I as a consumer would prefer a Rev. version I am proud of the work I am doing on the version that I am working on. I grew up as a kid on Nintendo’s products and I think in the end Nintendo will probably be the last in the business and will survive anything."
And, here it is folks, the thing you've been waiting for...
The new information (through e-mail):
I believe these specs were leaked some time ago but never confirmed
or denied. The most exciting part of the spec for me aside from the
ability the make custom game and overlay old code mechanic is the 3
PPU’s this is all new tech done in a new way. The way it works is,
is that each PPU has a different job on the physical side of
processing. One is for environmental physics, one for rigid body
(external) physics, and another for anatomical (internal) physics.
This gives IBM the power to a sacrifice a huge fraction of horsepower
that say PS3 has by doling out the instructions to the PPU’s and frees
up needed processing power at any given time. They also have patented
as you guys know a technique called “cube-mapping” which has been
being worked on and perfected ever since right after the launch of
the Gamecube. To my knowledge Nintendo wanted to aggressively pursue
the technique in hopes of being able to match and even theoretically
exceed PS3 Cell technology without having to build enormous
horsepower into the machine that would make the machine just as
expensive as PS3. My only worry with cube-mapping is since Nintendo
patented it if they will make it available to other developers that
are interested in Rev. rather than just using it on first-party
development. There are a lot of other techniques and that are
patented by Nintendo that allow unbelievable graphics on low
horsepower and low electrical consumption but the question still
stands are Nintendo going to make these available to other 3rd party
I didn’t work for IBM and I’m not an archi but I heard loose talk
that the components inside the Rev. are a giant form of
Nanotechnology. Instead of actually going for nano which would
skyrocket the price to $6,000 or more they have married all of the
hardware very close together and formed what is basically one huge
dedicated functioning unit. Doing this increases speed, lowers power
consumption, and reduces price.
To my knowledge a LOT of developers were jumping on the bandwagon to
develop for Rev. even before I was let go. There were Namco, Konami,
Zoonami, EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Epic, Criterion, Bioware, believe it
or not but a representative for Bungie was also there as well as even
Rockstar N. I also heard that Nintendo is demanding exclusitivity
for many of them. On the note of Bungie however there was a lot of
small talk at the office about how the exclusive right on Bungie with
Microsoft had just ended and they were looking to sign another
contract with possibly Nintendo because Microsoft is forcing the
development process on Halo 3 to coincide with the PS3 launch. And
of course my old stomping ground Retro Studios where I worked on the
texture-mapping and visor effects for both Metroid Prime games, those
guys are also working on another Metroid Prime game as we speak. I
still have a lot of friends there who still call me and ask advice
and make small talk. Next week I will join the Factor 5 team and get
assigned to whatever they assign me to.
Now I don’t think this has been made public just yet maybe in Japan
but wouldn’t hold my breath. But I know for a fact that the DVD
emulator for the Rev. you know the internal attachment, will not only
be able to platy standard DVD’s but will also allow you to play HD-DVD
and believe it or not BLU-RAY DVD’s also. This leads me to believe
that Nintendo feels they will strongly need to compete with Sony in
the HD market, and this in my opinion will be the ideal consumer
medium to do so. I don’t know how they will absorb the price maybe
$150 or so for the emulator. But that’s just my price thought, I
don’t think they would retail it for anymore than that if they hope
to sell it. But I do know that for an actual fact.
Don’t get me wrong I love Nintendo and in my opinion they are doing
something truly mind-blowing for they’re next console. By the way I
read the post about the Rev. stand being a recharger of sorts and
that’s absolutely right!!!!!!!! By the way to end all of the
CONSTANT flames and bs on your forum about the “Nintendo On”. IT IS
NOT FAKE, it’s the new Virtual Boy (of sorts, will be an add-on for
Nintendo’s “Project Reality”) and it WILL work hand-in-hand with the
Rev. although it will not be required to play games. It will just
add a whole new dynamic to the games coupled with the controller.
The guys who made it finished it in a month and a half on a Area 51
CPU. I thought it was funny people thought that it was made in a
week by one person, what a joke if one did all that it would’ve
probably taken 6 months or so.
The custom game-making and overlay coding mechanic is also a new
addition to the home console market. It is not easy to explain or
even understand on paper rather then actually seeing in action but
I’ll do my best. Nintendo is offering the dev. Tool to take full
advantage of the hardware’s power it is a combination of everything
the 64DD had to offer in a more simplistic user-friendly way. You
can take any game for example and say there is something you didn’t
like about it or some mechanic that you might want to use in that
game that the developers didn’t offer. It allows you to change that
or add or take away everything from mechanics, sound effects,
textures, incorporate different art styles as you see fit. It
simultaneously gives the consumer and developer large or small the
power to realize their own masterpiece. Whether it’s a game that
borrows mechanics or something that is completely new. At the start
it gives you a smorgasbord of choices from what genre, or you don’t
have to have a genre you could give each and every character in your
game his or her own art style, or portray different characters in
whatever resolution you want.
The system itself features a built-in mic with voice distortion
features so you can do your own voice-over work if you want or you
can also opt to let the AI chips do it for you. This is probably my
favorite feature on the Rev. simply because it has sooo many options.
My creative director told us at Retro that they might even get
permission from Epic and John Carmack to let Nintendo incorporate
their new engines into the dev. Tool however I don’t know if this is
actually going to happen but if so that would be great. With this
feature alone it could literally cripple Sony and Microsoft
next-generation. Because developers will see that Nintendo is
offering an enormously better package and flexible development
process, which over anything else is what publishers and producers
want. Low development cost and top-quality gameplay and cinematics.
Now it would be possible to work with the dev. Tool in your spare time
and theoretically create the best game of all time. Although it is
not plausible because masterpieces usually have hundreds of people
working on them and it takes years to fully realize a game like that,
but with enough time the consumer itself can begin to create their own
gaming universe.
I think it would be great if Nintendo somewhere along the line gave
people the option to show the own independent games off and possibly
win awards and maybe even start their own franchises. That in itself
for me would be a true revolution. What the dev. Tool has going for
it is, is that it is extremely easy to use and pick up but it can get
as in-depth and articulate as you want it to be. I also know for a
fact that Nintendo will be offering online free and unfree upgrades
to the dev. Tool through Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection as the years go by
and games get more sophisticated. This will help the Rev. and its
biggest feature to grow with the times and generations. The actual
body assembly is of course not even close to being final but I can
assure you that the prototype shown at E3 press conference is what
the dev. Tool and virtual back-library will be housed in. That will
snap into place in the actual machine so you will be able to take it
with you, it is also the systems battery which is rechargeable of
Anyone see the obvious mistakes here?
Anyway, here is my refutation. And yes, I'm annoyed at the guy because I had to do a lot of 'damage control' with noobs on several boards thinking its real.
Praxis wrote: No. Way.
Fine, fine. Time to take him apart. AGAIN.
Firstly, Burnout 4 for Rev? Burnout 4 is coming for PS2. get to business.
"The patent Nintendo filed calls for the games graphic designers to pre-render the entire game environment of the whole game along with the NPC’s pretty much everything except the main interactive character/characters and basically converts it to real-time gameplay with no graphical fidelity loss whatsoever and allows a completely dynamic camera. The word “cube-mapping” stands for basically converting pre-rendered to real-time in an instant."
ROFL! This guy apparently has NO UNDERSTANDING WHATSOEVER how graphics technologies work. Converting pre-rendered to real time? this a joke? I'm really laughing now.
Pre-rendered means that you have it draw a scene from a certain camera angle as a 2D image, and it takes a while to render that one image (rather than doing dozens per second like in real-time). Pre-rendered scenes just means it was done before they showed it to you instead of being done as you watch. It still has to be rendered just the same!
"I believe these specs were leaked some time ago but never confirmed
or denied. The most exciting part of the spec for me aside from the
ability the make custom game and overlay old code mechanic is the 3
PPU’s this is all new tech done in a new way."
He's supporting THOSE fake specs?
These ones?
IBM G5 PowerPC custom processor with quad symmetrical cores running at 2.5GHz
ATI custom chipset with dual 1.8GHz cores
3x PhysicsX PPU
3x AI Chips
I know I'm shouting a lot but the stupidity of these emails are getting on my nerves.
Firstly. THREE of these unreleased physics chips that are likely quite expensive? And THREE AI chips, which *DON'T EVEN EXIST*? That's right, there is no such thing as an AI chip.
Add to all of that FOUR PowerPC processors...wait a second, G5 processors? Do you realize how ridiculous this is? The XBox 360 uses customized PowerPC processors that are a tiny fraction of the power of a G5 individually. Four G5 processors would MELT the Revolution. Apple uses water cooling for DUAL G5 processors.
Even if he made a mistake by putting G5 and meant custom XBox 360 style PowerPC processors, how can it have FOUR processors, THREE physics processors, THREE AI processors, and TWO graphics cards, and only cost $200 and be a fraction of the size of the other consoles?
To top it off, the GPU is 1.8 GHz? Thats nearly four times faster than the XBox 360's graphics card (500 MHz). And there's two of them?
Okay, if you're going to make up fake specs, make them realistic.
" I didn’t work for IBM and I’m not an archi but I heard loose talk
that the components inside the Rev. are a giant form of
Nanotechnology. Instead of actually going for nano which would
skyrocket the price to $6,000 or more they have married all of the
hardware very close together and formed what is basically one huge
dedicated functioning unit. Doing this increases speed, lowers power
consumption, and reduces price."
Yes, it sure was 'loose' talk.
"Giant form of nanotechnology"...too funny for words.
Oh btw. Marrying all the hardware into one is what Sony did with the PS2. It wasn't faster or smaller or cooler, was it?
"But I know for a fact that the DVD
emulator for the Rev. you know the internal attachment, will not only
be able to platy standard DVD’s but will also allow you to play HD-DVD
and believe it or not BLU-RAY DVD’s also. This leads me to believe
that Nintendo feels they will strongly need to compete with Sony in
the HD market, and this in my opinion will be the ideal consumer
medium to do so. I don’t know how they will absorb the price maybe
$150 or so for the emulator."
...idiot is all I can say.
"DVD emulator"? Whats a DVD emulator? Does he actually know what emulation is?
And its an EXTERNAL attachment, not internal, and its a SMALL attachment, not a full disk drive.
Most likely a small attachment with MPEG decoding equipment.
"By the way to end all of the
CONSTANT flames and bs on your forum about the “Nintendo On”. IT IS
NOT FAKE, it’s the new Virtual Boy"
Yeah right. I've seen enough evidence. ON is fake. You claim Pablo is fake but he has provided the original models loaded in 3d Studio Max (I do modelling in 3ds Max so I know what it looks like), and only the author could have that.
"The dev. Tool that will be available to the consumer will not be an actual dev. Kit that will require programming to realize a game. It will draw on the virtual console as a basis for game-editing and creating from scratch brand new experiences based on old-game mechanics, graphical art styles and environment. It allows one to stripe away a previous game world to the basics and start new while implementing anything you want. It is hard to describe until you see it in action but rest assured it IS real and will be an astonishing feature that will make Rev. one of a kind."
Just for the kick of it when this is done I'll post my refutal of his PREVIOUS emails.
But his ideas are impossible. You can't combine two completely different game engines in twenty minutes. The very thought is ridiculous.
This is all mega-fake. Ignore the guy.
Here's my refutation of the first emails.
A built in projector at HD resolutions? These things are priced in the thousands. Yeah. Right.
"There seems to be this false notion that Nintendo just can’t afford
all this but all who believe this are fools, Nintendo makes only
profits and is just as rich as Sony only through gaming technology,
they are HUGELY rich."
Okay, so he's basicly saying Nintendo is going to put a bunch of extremely expensive technology in a big package, and practically give it away for a HUGE LOSS with no intention of making the money back...and his reasons why anyone disagreeing are fools? "They're rich, they can afford it". Come on. That's idiotic reasoning.
Even Microsoft, who sold at an $80 loss per console, intended to make it up with Live sales (unfortunately for them only 5% of gamers use Live) and software sales. We're talking about a much bigger loss with a lot less capability of making it back up. Nintendo would have NO reason to do this.
"I was messing around
with the dev. Tool and was playing through Ocarina of time with Leon
with a shotgun, Rocket Lancher, boomerang, and hookshot with
cel-shaded deaths for the NPC’s and I had it playing like a dream in
about 20 minutes. With rag doll physics and everything and whats
great is anybody can do it us developers will be working with the
same thing to make the games for Rev. as the consumer can play around
Okay, any inkling of belief I may have had is gone...
I just don't see how this could be possible. The game engines of Ocarina of Time and Resident Evil 4 are completely unrelated and by all likelyhood completely incompatible. The models in Ocarina of Time aren't designed to have rag doll physics. OoT would have no idea what all those other weapons are. How could anyone do this kind of drastic modification of the entire GAME ENGINE ITSELF in 20 minutes?
No. Guy's a fanboy. No doubt about it.
As to the Rogue Squadron game I’m working with to my knowledge it will
be on all three platforms, I am working on the Xbox 360 version and
let me tell you from first hand experience that the 360 dev. Tool
really hope that Epic and Carmack allow their engines to be dedicated
at least for developers because the performance and ease of
development that the Rev. will allow will crush Xbox 360’s
complicated and piece of junk dev. Kit, and PS3’s is WAY worse it
will take at least two years to even match what was seen in the PS3
trailers at E3 just in the visuals department."
Rogue Squadron is Nintendo exclusive from what I know. If it did go multiplatform, I can't imagine any professional speaking this way about their platforms.
"Although you will
have to purchase a broadband wireless adapter to connect to Wi-Fi
without a hotspot but it gives online multiplayer a whole new kind of
fun and eliminates all the bs that revolves around xbox live. "
Wait, what? How..who..what...when...
And this guy claims to be a developer?
Is it possible to know this little about hardware and be a developer?
How can you connect to Wi-Fi without a hotspot (meaning, a wireless router or base station)?
How can you connect to Wi-Fi with a hotspot without a wireless adapter?
Why is this when Nintendo said it has Wi-Fi built in?
What is this guy talking about?
What drugs are he on?
Conclusion: Entirely or at least mostly fake.
The leaker, known as Anonymous Sam, replied.
the real anonymous sam(ace916) wrote:Praxis seems to be a young adult w/ a fair knowledge of buzzwords and their meanings but little else. The points he made albeit well written are all OPINIONATED not PROVEN fact. I will debate fact not opinion as no one can debate opinion. He seems to have little knowledge of how game development is done, if he actually wants to debate FACT than he needs to go get two bachelor degrees as I did and then work developing games. I did read that post but he as a lot of you are taking a one sided approach to my e-mails. Research is done w/ no bias to the facts, it weighs out both sides of the issue then makes an educated hypothesis on the outcome. Praxis did none of this, he formulated opinion and he has his right to his opinion but I did not feel like I needed to comment on it. I will say again, present me with PROVEN WATER-TIGHT FACTUAL INFORMATION to stage a debate. Otherwise it is just your opinion versus mine. Take care.
the real anonymous sam(ace916) wrote:Just to PROVE that Praxis post was opinionated. My home cpu is an alienware custom laptap that uses dual-core PowerPC G5's and it does not have water cooling of any sort. It has never melted and weighs 6.6 Ibs. Take care.
My response:
"Just to PROVE that Praxis post was opinionated. My home cpu is an alienware custom laptap that uses dual-core PowerPC G5's and it does not have water cooling of any sort. It has never melted and weighs 6.6 Ibs. Take care.
Thanks for proving that YOU are a fake!
You realize that:
A) Alienware does not use PowerPC processors on ANY of their systems. In fact, Apple is the only computer manufacturer that does. If you have a PowerPC G5 system, you have a Mac. Alienwares are not Macs.
B) Windows does not run on a PowerPC processor.
C) IBM has not released dual core G5's yet.
D) IBM does not sell G5's openly on the market, only to major companies like Apple. You can't buy them individually.
You either don't understand the difference between an Athlon 64 and a PowerPC 970 (also known as a G5), two processors of completely different architectures, or you're lying through your teeth.
FURTHERMORE, remember that the XBox 360 is using three 3.2 GHz processors that don't have out-of-order-execution, a small cache, and does less work per clock cycle than a G5. The thing is FAR slower than a G5 ever could be. The fastest G5 on the market is 2.7 GHz. A dual 2.7 GHz system costs $3000 and is watercooled and in a gigantic case with three fans.
In fact, Anandtech determined that a single processor Athlon 64 (they only go to 2.6 GHz) would outperform the XBox 360's THREE processors. These processors cost about $800. They're about equivilant to a 2.7 GHz G5 processor.
Now, you're going to tell me, in all seriousness, that the Revolution has FOUR of these processors, each of which costs several hundred dollars, in ADDITION to two graphics processors that are four times faster than the fastest ones on the market, three physics chips and three unheard of AI processors?
You realize that a SINGLE 2.5 GHz G5 processor would outperform all THREE of the XBox 360's processors?
You have absolutely no understanding of computer hardware, do you? Stop pretending and save face.
Praxis wrote:"Praxis seems to be a young adult w/ a fair knowledge of buzzwords and their meanings but little else. The points he made albeit well written are all OPINIONATED not PROVEN fact. I will debate fact not opinion as no one can debate opinion. He seems to have little knowledge of how game development is done, if he actually wants to debate FACT than he needs to go get two bachelor degrees as I did and then work developing games. I did read that post but he as a lot of you are taking a one sided approach to my e-mails. Research is done w/ no bias to the facts, it weighs out both sides of the issue then makes an educated hypothesis on the outcome. Praxis did none of this, he formulated opinion and he has his right to his opinion but I did not feel like I needed to comment on it. I will say again, present me with PROVEN WATER-TIGHT FACTUAL INFORMATION to stage a debate. Otherwise it is just your opinion versus mine. Take care.
Translation: You are unable to defend your claims and dismiss my points as opinion.
Your definition of proof is impossible. I can't go in and steal the Revolution from Nintendo to say "Ooooh, you're wrong!". What I can do is show how the things you claim are ridiculous or unfeasable, and your knowledge on hardware is absolutely deficient, which hurts your credibility. Since I WAS able to show that these things are unfeasable, unless you can counter my arguements, you are definitely fake.
What do you guys think? Am I going at him too hard, or is he an obvious fake as I feel? Anyone else feel like taking him apart (people don't know who to side with because they don't understand the technical talk) in the thread?
That was fun