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Microsoft developing for Nintendo?

Posted: 2005-07-11 02:50pm
by Laird
Click me.

I dunno how legit this is, but it's intresting none the less.

Posted: 2005-07-11 03:02pm
by General Zod
If it's true about the rumor originating on Rare's website, then it might hold some validity. Given that Rare's done a number of excellent games for Nintendo in the past. Though the rumor about it being done by Microsoft might likely be skewed simply because Rare is owned by them.

Posted: 2005-07-11 03:17pm
by Bounty
Uhm - the decaying corpse of Rare has been making GBA games ever since it was bought by MS. This isn't at all surprising.

Posted: 2005-07-11 05:20pm
by Praxis
Not surprising at all. When the new handhelds launched Microsoft made a statement to the effect that Nintendo has a 90% marketshare on the handheld market (sound familiar?) and Sony was stupid to even try fighting them. I've always suspected that for handhelds, M$ would support Nintendo.

They've even released screenshots of Age of Empires DS, so they have Ensemble making DS games. Having Rare (who already makes GBA games) making DS games is not surprising in the least.