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Proposal; JKA map pack
Posted: 2005-07-11 07:14pm
by Praxis
I have a proposal to make. Flame me if you don't like it
What would you guys think of having a special map/model pack and a server just for it, so we all have the same maps and c? I'm thinking of just with common stuff we'd all recognize. I'd volunteer to help assemble the pack if someone would host it on a fast server. What do you guys think?
Right now I'm assembling a bunch of stuff so I can play them in multiplayer. I have a bunch of stuff like an Episode II and III Anakin and Obi-wan, an Episode 3 Grevious and a Clone Wars Grevious, Darth Vader (with and without his mask), Yoda, evil Yoda (most disturbing), Serra Keto (from the Ep 3 game, including all voices), Asajji Ventress (Clone Wars cartoon, the bald evil freak), multiple versions of Palpatine, Darth Maul, Dooku, maps for Mustafar, Utapau, the Chancellors' Office, the Jedi Temple, and several other Episode 3 locations. The chancellor's office is especially cool as it's perfectly true to the movie. It's approaching 170 MB at this point (130 MB is the Ep3 map packs) but I'll shave out whatever people don't want.
What do you guys think?
Posted: 2005-07-11 07:25pm
by Pcm979
Wow, I didn't know you could get that kind of stuff. Links?
Also, I'd support that.
Posted: 2005-07-11 08:09pm
by Praxis
There's hundreds there. The problem is that if the people you're playing with don't have the models you have, they see you as a stormtrooper.
If they don't have the map the server is running, they can't join period. So you want everyone who joins the server to have the same mod, which is why I propose a mod.
I've been having these huge duels. There's some crazy stuff going on. There's the entire Invisible Hand, everything in the entire ship, hidden corridors, the bridge, the dueling room with Dooku...I'm spawning Yoda, Vader, Dooku, Anakin, and having all kinds of duels
Vader actually beat Yoda somehow. But Yoda is an evil bugger!
And btw most characters have custom lightsabers! Dooku has his hilt, Yoda has his mini-saber (and murders with it, you can't hit the little guy!), Palpatine has his own saber...there's some awesome stuff here
Almost every model even has voices taken straight from the film (including some rather funny ones).
One of Anakin's death voices is "It's all Obi-wan's fault!". Vader wheezes when you choke him, as does Yoda. Palpatine speaks of how the dark side of the force has many abilities some consider unnatural when you taunt, and Serra says, "They're right, the dark side does make you ugly!"
I just downloaded a Mace Windu, I'm going to have Palpy duel him in the office...
Posted: 2005-07-11 08:13pm
by Praxis
Hmmm. One thing I'm annoyed about is that a couple of the better models don't have Bot support. So you can play them fine, but you can't make them bots.
You can still play them in multiplayer which is cool, but if I want to just take Palpy vs Mace Windu in single player, neither of them have bot support
EDIT: I tossed Greivous and Serra out Palpy's window while they were dueling, then tossed Dooku out it, when Dooku respawned and tossed me out the window as well :'(
Anyone want screenshots?
Posted: 2005-07-11 09:01pm
by Praxis
Yoda talks too much.
Yoda gets angry with his twin.
Anakin, no!
I think we're on the wrong planet for this.
Fool me once...
Fool me twice...
Dookie got pwned.
Look familiar?
Palpy crushes Yoda.
Yoda vs Greivous
Mace gets revenge.
"Nobody cuts off my arm and gets away with it, foo!"
Utapau duel.
Well that changed the story a bit...
Nice map.
Obi-wan settles for an alternate strategy.

Posted: 2005-07-11 10:32pm
by Elheru Aran
I so totally have got to play about with JA a bit more... if only I had my computer! /laments
Posted: 2005-07-11 10:51pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Hopefully i'll get arround to getting my new comp soon(and JKA is one of the many newer games that I'm planning on getting once I have a more powerful comp). But it sounds like a great idea. How well does MMP run on dial up?
Posted: 2005-07-12 12:20am
by Comosicus
Count me in.
EDIT: Kurgan is already running a JKA server, so you two might come along together for this.
Posted: 2005-07-12 02:13am
by Captain tycho

Posted: 2005-07-12 02:18am
by Kurgan
There's hundreds there. The problem is that if the people you're playing with don't have the models you have, they see you as a stormtrooper.
Nerd nitpick: They see you as Kyle Katarn in his "bantha herder" outfit.
I would be happy to host this stuff on my server but on the following conditions:
1) It isn't a bunch of crap. Quality over quantity, and nothing that's going to screw up the server. I don't want or need a million Darth Maul skins or some re-colored Reborns or half-assed Republic Stormtroopers. Just pick the best one and use it, that'll cut down on crap and clutter. Also, these skins should be addons... not ones that replace the default game skin(s). For example many skins are really intended for Singleplayer, and thus goof up textures in the game, leading noobs to whine when they don't know what's wrong. Remember.. too many pk3's in your /base/ folder is bad!
2) It's easy to turn off (so no game changing mods like Movie Battles II, sorry... just too much of a hassle right now). Skins and some maps are fine though. I don't want to hurt the traffic to the server for people who don't have stuff too.
3) No admin mods (like JA+). I'm using OJP Basic and frankly that's all I need. Any code mods would conflict with that anyway.
4) It's hosted someplace (or a page with the full list of things in a sticky or something so the files are easy to locate. I can send people to a simple URL that has everything they need in one location.
Making bots is pathetically easy. You can use a small free program like Bot Maker, and use any model. The bot files are just text anyway. You can edit any one and give them lines, etc. All it takes is time, no coding or modeling skills required.
I've never tried to create custom Single Player spawnable AI's, but I imagine it's a similar process. You can always just edit some existing ones with the models and sounds you use and that should do it. But nobody cares about SP stuff when you're online. That wouldn't be necessary for a " JKA mod pack."
Posted: 2005-07-12 02:25am
by Kurgan
Captain tycho

It's really cheap if you can find it. Or you can order direct from Amazon or Or find it cheap on ebay...
Posted: 2005-07-12 02:39am
by Praxis
Well, my one complaint is that when you make Yoda a bot in multiplayer, it upscales him to Jawa-size to make it fair.
If you spawn him normally, he's his actual size, has a Yoda-saber (shorter than normal ones), and flies around at insane speeds attacking people.
What's even worse is the DARK YODA. The thing is demonic looking. He's a closeup of the Jawa-sized version.
Here's Yoda...
Here's Dark Yoda...
Here's a closeup, taken in multiplayer with a friend (LAN party I had today):
And an unrelated but utterly awesome POTD from JKAfiles.
Unfortunately, to spawn Yoda normally in multiplayer you have to enable cheat mode, which is fine for a LAN party like I had (spawn five Dark Yoda's and a Greivous, and they fly through the map slaughtering people, it's great fun), but is liable to get abused online
1) I'm pretty sure there isn't a lot of repeats. There are two Dooku's; one is crap and one rocks, I'll have to take a look later and figure out which is crap and kill it. And three Anakins, two Ep3 and one Ep2. I'll kill the crappy Ep3 one. I'll make you a deal; maybe tomorrow or Wednesday I'll complete my little collection of Episode 3 stuff, and send it to you, and you kill anything you don't like.
2) It's all skins/models, maps, and some custom sabers.
3) No code or admin mods at all.
4) I will host it on my server but I will need someone on the board to volunteer; my server has a 256k upload speed
BTW, the quality on these models are insane. They all (or most) have actual voices from the movies, have their own taunts, etc. They should out things when they die (or make trademark sounds, like Vader's gasp when his arm gets cut off).
Sidious taunt: "The dark side is a path to many abilities some would consider to be unnatural."
Anakin death: Either scream, or "It's all Obi-wan's fault!"
Obi-wan taunt: "Use the force. Feel, don't think."
Greivous taunt: "I will destroy you!"
Greivous getting hurt: "I will peel the flesh off your bones" (IIRC, something like that)
Serra Keto: "They're right, the dark side does make you ugly!"
etc, etc. The quality is just awesome. Yoda gives speeches on death or taunt, makes all his noises...every character does exactly like you'd expect.
Posted: 2005-07-12 02:41am
by Praxis
Kurgan wrote:Captain tycho

It's really cheap if you can find it. Or you can order direct from Amazon or Or find it cheap on ebay...
LucasArts and Gamestop sell it for $19.99. ... ory_id=467
Posted: 2005-07-12 03:07am
by Praxis
A question to anyone experienced with modding JKA.
The ONLY Mace Windu for JKA I can find is a "Dark Windu" that isn't wearing the traditional clothes and is a skin, and doesn't have sounds.
I found a PERFECTLY done Mace Windu model for JK2. Will this work fine on JKA?
vs ... le/28855/2
EDIT: Seems to be working great. I've got a CTF map and four FFA/Team FFA/Duel/Power Duel maps. Mace Windu seems to work fine. The Red version is disturbing.
Posted: 2005-07-12 03:48am
by Praxis
I just downloaded a load of Trek models.
As this would be an mod, should they be included?
I have:
Picard (the new suit)
Picard (classic TNG suit)
Riker (new suit)
Riker (classic TNG suit)
Data (reskinned Chiss)
Spock (multiple outfits)
Kirk (in classic TOS outfit)
Borg drones
I will delete the ugly ones when I try them.
Should they be included at all?
I also found Anakin Solo. Anakin Solo vs a Yuuzhan Vong, nice duel there.
Posted: 2005-07-12 03:03pm
by Praxis
Spock looks great.
Kirk, not so much.
Hey, at least we get a real Trek vs Wars battle.
Poor Riker.
Another real Trek vs Wars scenario!
And again!
I think I've seen this before.
Yes, I'm fairly sure I've seen this somewhere...
Guess who Darkstar bet on?
Don't touch that!
Sorry for the pictures overload but I'm having loads of fun with this
I've sent the batch (204 MB when zipped, or should I say rarred) to Kurgan, he'll shave off whatever he hates or feels is unnecessary.
Any volunteers to host this? Pretty please?
Posted: 2005-07-13 01:32am
by Kurgan
Files recieved. Btw, you don't need those nav files, those are created automatically when you run the maps.
I suggest breaking this up (once we've eliminated the crap) into three sections... weapons (for hilts, sabers, etc), maps, and skins.
Also, I suggest you locate the readme docs for these mods and put those back in. I don't want to piss off the many people who obviously worked hard on these mods by insulting them (stripping out the credits and re-distributing them is just such an insult).
If I'm hosting them I'm going to have to insist on that. It'll increase the file size yes, but only slightly. Unless somebody wants to combine all the readme's into one document and slap it into the file(s) (or rather one for the weapons, one for maps, and one for skins... that's how other mod packs do it). Especially since we haven't secured permission from these authors to redistribute their works in this fashion.
I'll check these out this week and see what can be dumped. There is no friggin' way it'll be practical to force joiners to download a 204 mb rar file. Auto Downloading also would be a nightmare, since JA's auto downloading is so slow. Of course as a non pure server with auto downloading off, only the maps would be "required," but you get my drift.
Hosting it can be done easily enough, but it should be sorted out before it's redistributed to anyone, and so that's what I'll try to get done. Hopefully by this weekend it should be ready, barring any unforseen events sapping my freetime.

Posted: 2005-07-13 04:16am
by Captain tycho
Bah, can't find any JA copies in town. Guess I might have to order it online.
Posted: 2005-07-13 05:29am
by Kurgan
Ok I checked and sadly few of those skins have Team support. Most of the hilts don't work, and many of the skins are clearly from JK2 (leading to goofed up animations with Dual sabers taunt and saber barrier).
It might be controversial, but I'd say just nix the non-Team skins, since the server mostly runs team based games you won't see most of them. I haven't checked the maps yet.
The Vader model, while good has an ugly team variant. The team icon is just plastered over the back of his cape (ugh). Find one where his suit just changes tint and that's far better for Vader...
I haven't tested the Maps yet...
Posted: 2005-07-13 05:39am
by darthdavid
I have alot of free time and limited modding skill, maybe I could add team support to some of the skins given some time. Couldn't be that hard I'd imagine. So if that's good with you just try and catch me on AIM, YIM, MSN or ICQ sometime to sort out the details. Obviously it'll be after you sort out which skins are for JK3, are good and don't yet have team skins.
Posted: 2005-07-13 11:00am
by Praxis
Most of the hilts don't work? Strange, for me the only one that doesn't work is Vader's hilt.
I never used dual sabers so that would explain why I didn't see the dual saber taunt.
Posted: 2005-07-14 11:29am
by TheFeniX
Praxis wrote:A question to anyone experienced with modding JKA.
The ONLY Mace Windu for JKA I can find is a "Dark Windu" that isn't wearing the traditional clothes and is a skin, and doesn't have sounds.
I found a PERFECTLY done Mace Windu model for JK2. Will this work fine on JKA?
The model will work, but will be unable to do some of the animations added into JKA. For instance: dual saber kata will leave the left saber in your hand.
Posted: 2005-07-14 02:13pm
by Glimmervoid
Are we going to have vehicles?
Also it would be cool if we could use this board to organise special event. Some thing like 4 Jedi against loads of storm trooper trying to board a republic ship or some thing.
Posted: 2005-07-14 03:02pm
by Praxis
I think you have to have cheats on to spawn things like hundreds of Stormtroopers, and people abuse cheats...but if it's only, I suppose that might work.
Posted: 2005-07-14 03:03pm
by Praxis
Kurgan: I still have to track down some readme's and you want to remove some stuff, so no models/skins being released, but should I put up the maps on Filefront now for people to download?