Converting XP: FAT32 to NTFS, AFTER setup
Posted: 2005-07-25 09:32pm
I already know how to do this. Start > Run > type "cmd", click "enter", et cetera, as instructed here: ... rtfat.mspx
There was one step that I didn't expect but probably should have, though: I'm told that there are processes running on the volume to be affected, so the conversion can't take place. I'm asked if I want to "dismount" it so that the conversion could take place. I'm unsure what will happen if I do. I have fears of the OS no longer booting and such. Can someone clear this up for me?
There was one step that I didn't expect but probably should have, though: I'm told that there are processes running on the volume to be affected, so the conversion can't take place. I'm asked if I want to "dismount" it so that the conversion could take place. I'm unsure what will happen if I do. I have fears of the OS no longer booting and such. Can someone clear this up for me?