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Vampire Bloodlines and the damn Sheriff(Spoilers!)

Posted: 2005-07-28 08:06pm
by Knife
Any one have this game. I really like this game up to when I got to the sheriff and I can't beat him. I know he's like the last boss battle but I can't kill the fucker.

Any tips? Any weapon combo's that work well? Help.

Re: Vampire Bloodlines and the damn Sheriff;

Posted: 2005-07-28 08:16pm
by Mr Bean
Knife wrote:Any one have this game. I really like this game up to when I got to the sheriff and I can't beat him. I know he's like the last boss battle but I can't kill the fucker.

Any tips? Any weapon combo's that work well? Help.
Rifles's Unscoped. Celerity is your friend, if your not a class with that then get the best SMG you can find, buy plenty of ammo and run around REALY FAST while hopping like a manic while you unload into him. If you have a damage reistance power use it.

He has two forms, the first keep moving between high and low, remeber rifle headshots zoomed do 100+ damage but the Kilomatic(Whatever) SMG does 42 damage a shot+sized 30 clip.

Posted: 2005-07-28 08:17pm
by Vympel
Guns? I never used guns. Melee all the way. And celerity baby.

I really don't remember how I killed him, but I remember I did it first go ...

Posted: 2005-07-28 08:28pm
by Knife
Vympel wrote:Guns? I never used guns. Melee all the way. And celerity baby.

I really don't remember how I killed him, but I remember I did it first go ...


Posted: 2005-07-28 09:46pm
by Dendrobius
Also note that in his second form, when you're fighting outside, there are TWO searchlights available. Turn 'em on, it'll stun/knock him down for a good while so that you can wail on him. He goes down in nothing flat if you do that. Melee, guns, whatever. Leave the SWAT guys alone, they're actually there to help you.

He was piss easy, even for my Toreador who wasn't geared for combat at all. First go KO, like Vympel. I was disappointed. If you have a Brujah and powergamed, I can't imagine how fast the fight would be over.

Oh, in his first form, if you don't have Celerity, whenever he disappears, turn exactly 180 degrees and make it quick, he'll be right there. Easy as well.

Posted: 2005-07-28 11:26pm
by DPDarkPrimus
You don't have any guns? God help you.

Posted: 2005-07-28 11:51pm
by Knife
Haha, victory is mine. My Toreador finally took his bat ass.

Meh, changed tactics. Get the fucker up on the 'catwalk' above the stairs and he can only teleport behind you, makes it easier to spin and swing.

On the bat side, it took me a while because I was trying to roast him with the flame thrower. All through the damn game, the flame thrower was pretty much instant death for Vampires, but oh no, no Mr. Sherriff. :roll:

Takes forever to pump him with enough .44 mags to bring his bat ass down. Damn, I spent the last two days fighting that fuck.

Posted: 2005-07-29 02:04am
by Vympel
Use a Brujah next time. They rock.

Posted: 2005-07-29 06:14am
by Ford Prefect
What are all the clans again?

Posted: 2005-07-29 04:14pm
by Enforcer Talen

Posted: 2005-07-29 05:58pm
by DPDarkPrimus
First time I played through was with a Malkavian, second time with a Toreador. While I loved the Dementation options in speech, it's going to be very hard to beat the badassness of Level 5 Celerity.

I'm thinking I'll do my next playthrough as a Nosferatu- but first, Uts needs to get off his lazy ass and play the damn game. :P

The following has been small-sized due to spoilers. Don't read if you haven't beaten the game.

Is everyone in agreement with me that the scariest part of the whole game is when the werewolf appears in the forest... okay, that whole segment? The second time I played through, I used my Celerity, but even then, there was a part where he jumped RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, and I went "OH FUCK!!!!!!1"

Posted: 2005-07-30 02:39am
by Vympel
DPDarkPrimus wrote:
Is everyone in agreement with me that the scariest part of the whole game is when the werewolf appears in the forest... okay, that whole segment? The second time I played through, I used my Celerity, but even then, there was a part where he jumped RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, and I went "OH FUCK!!!!!!1"
First time, I got the brillaint idea of trying to fight him. Needless to say, I lasted all of two seconds. However, when I finally killed him it was fantastic. I felt very smart.

Posted: 2005-07-30 02:42am
by DPDarkPrimus
Vympel wrote:
DPDarkPrimus wrote:
Is everyone in agreement with me that the scariest part of the whole game is when the werewolf appears in the forest... okay, that whole segment? The second time I played through, I used my Celerity, but even then, there was a part where he jumped RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, and I went "OH FUCK!!!!!!1"
First time, I got the brillaint idea of trying to fight him. Needless to say, I lasted all of two seconds. However, when I finally killed him it was fantastic. I felt very smart.
Are you even able to damage him?

Posted: 2005-07-30 04:22am
by The Yosemite Bear
I still can't get past the fucking were wolf....

Posted: 2005-07-30 05:43am
by Pcm979
Thanks, Yosimite. It's not like we've been spoilerizing that or anything.
Re defeating it: Crush it between the Observatory's dome doors.

Posted: 2005-07-30 05:47am
by Mr Bean
I declare this thread a free-range home of spoilers!
And yes I tried the Neo on Mr wolf and uploaded myself every weapon in the game. No go, nothing damages him because he's set to ignore all damage(Yes the Wolf is in Godmode) which means only the method Pcm979 has will work.

Posted: 2005-07-30 12:14pm
by Knife
Mr Bean wrote:I declare this thread a free-range home of spoilers!
And yes I tried the Neo on Mr wolf and uploaded myself every weapon in the game. No go, nothing damages him because he's set to ignore all damage(Yes the Wolf is in Godmode) which means only the method Pcm979 has will work.
Hell, it's like the only way as far as I'm concerned. You have to have some serious Celerity to 'out run' the god damn thing for 4 minutes.

I noticed on the couple times I did it, that if you can open the doors, then run back through the observatory and close them, the wolfy will pace on the outside ledge waiting for you to open them again. This gives you some time to heal a bit in case you screw up.

Posted: 2005-07-30 12:15pm
by Knife
DPDarkPrimus wrote:First time I played through was with a Malkavian, second time with a Toreador. While I loved the Dementation options in speech, it's going to be very hard to beat the badassness of Level 5 Celerity.

I'm thinking I'll do my next playthrough as a Nosferatu- but first, Uts needs to get off his lazy ass and play the damn game. :P

The following has been small-sized due to spoilers. Don't read if you haven't beaten the game.

Is everyone in agreement with me that the scariest part of the whole game is when the werewolf appears in the forest... okay, that whole segment? The second time I played through, I used my Celerity, but even then, there was a part where he jumped RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, and I went "OH FUCK!!!!!!1"
I think I'm going to go through again as a Grangrel and try to get my 'warform'.

Posted: 2005-07-30 01:16pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Pcm979 wrote:Thanks, Yosimite. It's not like we've been spoilerizing that or anything.
Re defeating it: Crush it between the Observatory's dome doors.
yes I know, I am a tad spazteic and for some reason my computer lags my movement some when playing the later game missions.