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GTA discussion (Spoilers and shit)
Posted: 2005-08-01 07:54pm
by Chardok
Did anyone else see the Catalina/mute GTA3 guy thing coming? I didn't make the connection until the day of the frigging race and my jaw dropped. I was yelling at the screen, "DUDE! NO! DON'T DO IT! COME ON, MAN! SHE'S GONNA TRY TO OFF YOU!" But then I realized the reason he's mute is probably because he's deaf, and he reads lips, and since he cant see me through the screen, it was sort of pointless.
PS. Lazlo rules.
PPS.- Dear Big Smoke,
You traitorous bastard. Your ass is grass and I'm the lawnmower. I'm going to kill you a LOT. and hard. I'm going to drive a freight mover up your ass and out your left nostril. Pray, asswipe. Pray HARD.
Posted: 2005-08-01 07:58pm
by Mr Bean
Yes GTA-SA was tons of fun.
PS: Hernado the good old GTA and GTA:VA love Doctor is in the game, you won't hear him on the radio till you get towards the end of the game and even then he's hidden well in another show
PPS: Big Smoke did not annoy me half as much as that OG Loc, I wanted to cap his ass after the first mission I did for him nevermind later.
Posted: 2005-08-01 08:04pm
by SylasGaunt
I think OG's had enough things done to his ass already
Posted: 2005-08-01 08:09pm
by Chardok
Mr Bean wrote:PS: Hernado the good old GTA and GTA:VA love Doctor is in the game, you won't hear him on the radio till you get towards the end of the game and even then he's hidden well in another show
Yep. I heard him in San Fierro on Lonely Hearts. and it hurts me to see you say that that is towards the end of the game, dammit. I wanted it to last long enough for me to have my own plane, helicopter, etc. I want a fucking EMPIRE like I had on GTA:VC! I loved when lazlo called his ass out in GTAIII.
........Fernando: "But he's probably a good daddy, and you sound very pretty,
angry, and a little bit of a know-it-all, but very pretty
lady. This is the thing, Lazlow. The women, they think the New
Beginnings is only for men! But no, it is for women too! For
Janice, if her husband goes to New Beginnings, he thinks that
you are wonderful, all over again, and, in the extreme case,
maybe she come to work for me. And she get a new beginning
herself! She discover the excitement and the passion all for
herself. Listen, Janice, you call me...cinco-cinco-cinco-nueve
Lazlow: "Eh-heh....listen...don't try to pimp-out my listeners!"
Fernando: "That is a very ugly word. A travesty. I work miracles, sénor,
not pimping! I save, I give the passion back! And you better
watch yourself buddy, because for my people, we take these
insults very personally. And then, you no longer Mr. Talk-
show, you Mr. Who-cut-out-my-tongue."
Lazlow: "Eh-heh...who are your people anyway? exotic location
do you come from?!?"
Fernando: "I am...I am Latin."
Lazlow: "Heh, Latin is a big place there buddy. Eh, where in Latin?"
Fernando: "I do not need to listen to the insults. I have pride, I have
a calling. Many are called, but few are chosen, my friend. And
I was called, and chosen, to work a miracle!!"
Lazlow: "So, were you called from, Fernando??"
Fernando: "From up-state, okay, you happy money now? I'm not real
Latin, but I provide real Latin passion. I work the miracles,
everyday. Listen...wives, children...if your husband, if your
daddy, he not happy, send him to me, Fernando, in exchange for
a few hours a week...I give you the world!!!"
Lazlow: "Get off, get lost, you're just a cheap pimp from up-state, get
out of my studio!!!"
Fernando: "I save your daddy....I save your is a miracle.....!!!"
Lazlow: "Get outta here...!!!"
Fernando: "It is a miracle!!!"
Posted: 2005-08-01 08:12pm
by Alyeska
I thought it was funny when Catilina called up CJ on his cell just to scream at him. She is one freaky bitch. I'm surprised that the Mute could even survive being with her for a whole decade.
Posted: 2005-08-01 08:15pm
by weemadando
ATTN: Rockstar...
The gang war section of San Andreas was the weakest part of the game. It made me so frustrated and bored I was within a few seconds of uninstalling the game in disgust the first time around. Think about how I felt when YOU MADE ME DO IT ALL AGAIN!!! Cheap, crappy, unneccessary game-stretching design. Guys, your game was awesomely huge enough without FORCING ME to relive that crappy, crappy gameplay decision.
ATTN: Sweet.
I'm fucking RICH motherfucker. I do not give two fucking shit about the 'hood no more. And, if you came with me for 30 fucking seconds and hung out with Woozie, Truth and I at the Four Dragons with a big collection of $1000 hookers, you wouldn't care either. Fuck the 'hood, because, its been fuckng with both our lives for far too long.
ATTN: Rockstar
Please, for fucks sake, do NOT make the next main character in a GTA game a complete and utter fucking bitch. I want the option to say: "Fuck you Sweet, fuck the hood, fuck your fucking ideals you one-track minded whinging motherfucker" and empty two MAC-10s into him. Not say: "Damn, your whinging has changed the direction my cold and blackened killers heart. I suppose after all I've been through, I better risk my life and all that I've gained for a bunch of fucking crack addicted FUCKERS who keep on dragging me down. Give me the option to punch the next Mike Toreno-esque character in the face. Give me the option to FUCKING MACHINE GUN the next carload of corrupt cops as they drive away. Don't make me try to feel awesome (successfully) and then destroy it all when I have to act as a fucking lapdog for some fucker, just because he doesn't even say PLEASE.
Posted: 2005-08-01 08:18pm
by Son of the Suns
The second race on the mountain really annoyed me. The car you are forced to drive has absolutly horrible steering.
Posted: 2005-08-01 08:37pm
by Chardok
Son of the Suns wrote:The second race on the mountain really annoyed me. The car you are forced to drive has absolutly horrible steering.
Dude, that's why you go snag Catalina's Ford Mustang clone. also, keep in mind you don't have to floor it. for some reason, on the PC version of the game, once you're out in front, you can take it semi-slowly, and carefully and still win. as long as you don't spin yourself 2 or three times in a row. I actually won that second race in a blade, if you can believe it. (Also, the P.I.T.T. manuver is your friend!)
Posted: 2005-08-01 08:40pm
by Alyeska
Yeah, the second race is fairly easy. Just had to take it easy so you didn't damage the car or get stuck or spin out.
I've found all the races are fairly easy once you get the lead. The trailing cards tend to fight each other and also get wrecked with the enviroment or other cards. If you get the lead and hold it safely, you can win every time.
Posted: 2005-08-01 08:45pm
by KhyronTheBackstabber
Chardok wrote:
Yep. I heard him in San Fierro on Lonely Hearts. and it hurts me to see you say that that is towards the end of the game, dammit. I wanted it to last long enough for me to have my own plane, helicopter, etc. I want a fucking EMPIRE like I had on GTA:VC! .
You're just in San Fierro? You still got a long way to go till the end.
Posted: 2005-08-01 09:01pm
by RogueIce
Chardok wrote:Son of the Suns wrote:The second race on the mountain really annoyed me. The car you are forced to drive has absolutly horrible steering.
Dude, that's why you go snag Catalina's Ford Mustang clone. also, keep in mind you don't have to floor it. for some reason, on the PC version of the game, once you're out in front, you can take it semi-slowly, and carefully and still win. as long as you don't spin yourself 2 or three times in a row. I actually won that second race in a blade, if you can believe it. (Also, the P.I.T.T. manuver is your friend!)
You don't get the Buffalo for the second race, alas. At least for the PS2 version. Also, the "slow and steady" technique worked great on PS2 as well. That's how I won all three mission races.
weemadando wrote:ATTN: Rockstar...
The gang war section of San Andreas was the weakest part of the game. It made me so frustrated and bored I was within a few seconds of uninstalling the game in disgust the first time around. Think about how I felt when YOU MADE ME DO IT ALL AGAIN!!! Cheap, crappy, unneccessary game-stretching design. Guys, your game was awesomely huge enough without FORCING ME to relive that crappy, crappy gameplay decision.
Gang wars was a point. Afterwards it was just reptitive.
ATTN: Sweet.
I'm fucking RICH motherfucker. I do not give two fucking shit about the 'hood no more. And, if you came with me for 30 fucking seconds and hung out with Woozie, Truth and I at the Four Dragons with a big collection of $1000 hookers, you wouldn't care either. Fuck the 'hood, because, its been fuckng with both our lives for far too long.
I think that's just Sweet's mentality. More than it being his gang, it's also his home. And that's a big motivator for him. He thinks more of home, while CJ is more about the world at large. But he goes with Sweet because Sweet is his brother.
Hell, CJ even argues with him, but I guess he relents because it's his older brother and he's gona do it anyway, with or without him. And I don't think he wants to abandon his brother. Especially not after all the shit he went through to get him back.
ATTN: Rockstar
Please, for fucks sake, do NOT make the next main character in a GTA game a complete and utter fucking bitch. I want the option to say: "Fuck you Sweet, fuck the hood, fuck your fucking ideals you one-track minded whinging motherfucker" and empty two MAC-10s into him. Not say: "Damn, your whinging has changed the direction my cold and blackened killers heart. I suppose after all I've been through, I better risk my life and all that I've gained for a bunch of fucking crack addicted FUCKERS who keep on dragging me down. Give me the option to punch the next Mike Toreno-esque character in the face. Give me the option to FUCKING MACHINE GUN the next carload of corrupt cops as they drive away. Don't make me try to feel awesome (successfully) and then destroy it all when I have to act as a fucking lapdog for some fucker, just because he doesn't even say PLEASE.
I'd like to have been able to cap Tenpenny's ass, espeically when he was out in LV laying low. Back in LS I could understand it better, as he was still a cop and killing him would be bad (even though gameplay wise you can mow down cops with abandon, storywise I suppose it's a bad idea. Think permenant four star wanted level). When it came to LV, he couldn't really hold Sweet over me anymore like he did in the country and SF, since Toreno had already garunteed his protection (although Toreno had vanished by then). It'd be a risk, but a manageable one.
As to Toreno, well, he promised CJ his brother. He's already lost Brian and his mom, so I think by then he'd do anything to keep him safe and get him back (and also a reason he went back to the Grove after he'd gotten his empire; Sweet was going anyway and he didn't want him to die).
Really the only one I can see him telling to go shove it up his ass is The Truth, although he was his friend by then. Still, he was the only one who either A) didn't have some benefit to him (like Woozie, Salvatore, Toreno in SF, and Catalina) B) didn't owe extreme loyalty to (like Sweet, Smoke and Ryder, and Cesar thanks to Kendl, though Cesar never asked for much anyway) or C) wasn't holding something over his head (Tenpenny and technically Toreno post-SF). OG Loc probably also fits in with The Truth in that I doubt he's a real GSF homie like Smoke and Ryder were, and at best is just a friend of CJ's, though certainly moreso than The Truth and his damn Area 69 and Green Goo missions.
Chardok wrote:Yep. I heard him in San Fierro on Lonely Hearts. and it hurts me to see you say that that is towards the end of the game, dammit. I wanted it to last long enough for me to have my own plane, helicopter, etc. I want a fucking EMPIRE like I had on GTA:VC!
San Fierro is more or less midpoint of the game. Trust me, you get an empire. An even greater one than in VC IMPO (thanks to all those garages and, most importantly, Verdant Meadows).
Hell, CJ could make a killing on real estate and renting just by all the property he can buy in the game, regardless of all your assets and Four Dragons and the airstrip.
Posted: 2005-08-01 09:27pm
by CDiehl
I liked the gang warfare part of the game. I loved wasting wave after wave of dumbassed Ballas and scooping up tons of AK ammo. I just wish I could buy gear and give vehicles to my recruited homies, so they'll be actually useful instead of just fodder. Maybe put up some homies in the many houses CJ buys. There is no reason CJ shouldn't be able to rebuild the family after Sweet goes down, not after all the respect and skill he gets fighting all those battles.
The mission that is really pissing me off right now is RC Baron. Zero's thread is really annoying because helping some nerd bust his rival doesn't seem like it would interest CJ at all.
I have a question. Does stopping the yay courier from making a dropoff in LS prevent the money truck from being sent a few days later? I have only gotten the call about the money leaving Smoke's place one time, but I've stopped several bike couriers.
Finally, am I the only one here who prefers motorcycles to cars? They're easier to control, fit in tighter spots and seem to be less prone to damage.
Posted: 2005-08-01 09:35pm
by Chardok
CDiehl wrote:I liked the gang warfare part of the game. I loved wasting wave after wave of dumbassed Ballas and scooping up tons of AK ammo. I just wish I could buy gear and give vehicles to my recruited homies, so they'll be actually useful instead of just fodder. Maybe put up some homies in the many houses CJ buys. There is no reason CJ shouldn't be able to rebuild the family after Sweet goes down, not after all the respect and skill he gets fighting all those battles.
I'll jump on that train. my favorite thing to do is position myself at the end of a long, straight, road, and as those balla fools come round down in a nice, single file line, headshotting every single one, one right after another. with the mouse controlling the action, well, fish in a barrel comes to mind.
The mission that is really pissing me off right now is RC Baron. Zero's thread is really annoying because helping some nerd bust his rival doesn't seem like it would interest CJ at all.
Well, CJ made an investment in the RC shop. His interest lies in eliminating the competition for a monopoly on that business. The key to the RC baron mission is taking it SLOw when you get to the target zone. also, you don't have to be right on target to hit the courrier. when you get in the vicinity, just lay on the shoot button, you'll get em.
Finally, am I the only one here who prefers motorcycles to cars? They're easier to control, fit in tighter spots and seem to be less prone to damage.
Yes, you are. I have a hard time with bikes because they turn slow. Sure, they're fast as hell, but...well...that just means you'll fly farther when you hit that perrenial in the rear.
In my homble opinion.
Oh, and Lazlow rules.
Posted: 2005-08-01 09:37pm
by RogueIce
CDiehl wrote:I liked the gang warfare part of the game. I loved wasting wave after wave of dumbassed Ballas and scooping up tons of AK ammo. I just wish I could buy gear and give vehicles to my recruited homies, so they'll be actually useful instead of just fodder. Maybe put up some homies in the many houses CJ buys. There is no reason CJ shouldn't be able to rebuild the family after Sweet goes down, not after all the respect and skill he gets fighting all those battles.
I guess the theory behind that is Tenpenny pretty much vowed to have Sweet killed if CJ came back to Los Santos (at least until Tenpenny himself sends you there). If GSF was making a sudden upswing in terms of power, as Tenpenny would no doubt notice, I have a feeling Sweet's life would be forfeit. CJ obviously doesn't want that.
The mission that is really pissing me off right now is RC Baron. Zero's thread is really annoying because helping some nerd bust his rival doesn't seem like it would interest CJ at all.
That's a bitch of a mission, one to this day I have not finished (mostly because I totally gave up on it and stopped trying).
I'm guessing the reason you help Zero is because you gain the store as a moneymaking asset, thus building up your empire (starting with the garage).
I've been thinking of doing a write up some time about why CJ does all the missions he does once he leaves Los Santos (LS is easily enough justified as he'd basically rebuilding Grove Street and helping out his homies).
I have a question. Does stopping the yay courier from making a dropoff in LS prevent the money truck from being sent a few days later? I have only gotten the call about the money leaving Smoke's place one time, but I've stopped several bike couriers.
I don't know, but then I never bothered with those missions.
Finally, am I the only one here who prefers motorcycles to cars? They're easier to control, fit in tighter spots and seem to be less prone to damage.
I like bikes, but I still prefer the secure feeling that if I slip up in a car I'm not going to go flying 50 feet one way and the car 50 feet the other way.
Besides, I get to jack up the motherfucker who turned into me a bit too.
Posted: 2005-08-01 09:41pm
by Mr Bean
On the bike issue, Ever since Vice City I've spent tons and I do mean tons of time on the bikes compared to Cars. Normaly I will bypass twenty cars to get myself a Chopper just because I love the turning, the driving experence and what-not.
Though the few missions that require you to smash up another car(Not shoot but smash!) Could use a little bit of warning for those of us zoom around on -900s so we can switch out for a Humvee or something.
Posted: 2005-08-01 10:53pm
by Gandalf
I got bored of the storyline, once you started having to fly the plane around. I just couldn't get the hang of jumping out of the plane onto the dam. Or whatever the fuck I had to do. I despise planes.
And I found the gang war aspect to be rather fun. One man, one AK, one dream, one hood.
My favourite moment in GTA occurred in GTA3. I was on tha mission where you have to kill that mafia boss, just after you defect to that woman. I was sitting in my car, watching the building, waiting for him to come out. Then some bastard comes and throws me out. Utter greatness.
Posted: 2005-08-01 11:12pm
by Alyeska
Bikes are great for going long distances and weaving through some nasty traffic. You also gain skill on bikes much faster then cars.
Posted: 2005-08-01 11:39pm
by KhyronTheBackstabber
I'll take a bike over a car any day. I'm untouchable on a bike.
Posted: 2005-08-01 11:48pm
by Gandalf
Alyeska wrote:Bikes are great for going long distances and weaving through some nasty traffic. You also gain skill on bikes much faster then cars.
Plus there's the added thrill of going up ramp-trucks.
Posted: 2005-08-02 12:06am
by Alyeska
Takes real skill to get a car over those ramps.
Posted: 2005-08-02 12:49am
by ArmorPierce
Posted: 2005-08-02 01:01am
by Alyeska
Where did you find the cool shades?
Posted: 2005-08-02 01:23am
by ArmorPierce
didier saches i think is the name of the store. It's in that place that has a bunch of clothing stores next to each other I think in market like that pros stores. I think Victim has some nice shades too but didier saches was cheaper I think. each time I minimize the game it crashes.
Posted: 2005-08-02 01:28am
by Alyeska
I'm trying to find some nicer clothing for CJ, preferably stuff with nice black coats (leather or trench coats) with good pants and the sort. I want to give CJ a nice professional look rather then a gangster. So far all I've found is casual clothing.
Posted: 2005-08-02 01:46am
by ArmorPierce
Was looking for it but got killed before I could find it. There was one store that was selling suits for several thousand dollars. Oh and the stores are in rodeo not market.
Victim and didiersachs does have some formal suits though.