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The Movies

Posted: 2005-08-06 02:00pm
by sparrowtm

For the unlikely case anyone hasn't heard of this Lionhead project until now, this is definitely the game I'm most looking forward to at the moment. Release date should be this November, and I hope Peter Molyneux manages to keep one of his promises - for the first time in a couple of years.

The ability to write your own movie scripts, customize your actors, sets and plots as you seem fit, along with the feature of actually uploading the movies you made (from 30 secs up to 2 hours) for others to see sounds just too damn fun. I really do hope it doesn't turn out to be another Black & White: a sandbox game which loses its flair within hours of installing.

Posted: 2005-08-07 02:39am
by Lord Poe
Yeah, I'm eagerly awaiting this one as well. Although they've already said it its a cross between Railroad Tycoon and a dumbed-down Stunt Island. There won't be 100% freedom, but I'm sure I can find ways to "trick" the program to do what I want it to much as I did with SI.

Posted: 2005-08-07 07:01am
by sparrowtm
Railroad Tycoon? Now that is a game I wouldn't compare to The Movies. How would it be similar?

Posted: 2005-08-07 04:56pm
by R.O.A
Whenever this comes out im going to buy it, we should see who has the best movie on the boards here

Posted: 2005-08-07 05:52pm
by Duckie
Am I the only one who read the list of movies possible, and thought: "What, no Porn?"

Think of all the great combinations you could make! "The Greatest Action-Drama Pornographic Thriller of the Summer!"

Or not.

Posted: 2005-08-07 06:08pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Personally I've learned to be rather worrisome about games which early on seem to promise a great deal of freedom and open-endedness, because they later usually fail to deliver on older hype/promises, with their freedoms ending being mostly superficial at best.

Even so, this game does seem pretty interesting. My best bet would be to keep watch on the review circuit for a few weeks after it comes out to see what the general and various specific consensus is (ie, if Game Revolution pans it, then it sucks).