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Soooo.... I'm Thinking This Laptop's Fucked..

Posted: 2005-08-28 11:12am
by Tinkerbell
Or at least has the potential to be fucked. I got that shiny new TabletPC back in June, and it's groovy and all, but the screen is starting to act all fucky.

This is the part where I prove that I shouldn't come into this part of the board a lot

OK. So have you ever been to the movies, and the film got messed up? Like, the top part of the shot was on the bottom, the bottom part was on top, and it was all blinky and shit?

Yeah. It's doing that.

Is this something that can be fixed, like, permanently? At this point I just move it around a bit and it stops but it's happening more often.

Posted: 2005-08-28 11:59am
by phongn
You'll probably have to send it in for repair.

Posted: 2005-08-28 01:28pm
by Flakin
Not much you can do with the tablets like that - as it's almost new I'd advise you to contact manufacturer and arrange a warranty repair.

Don't let anyone open it if the warranty is valid! Even though it sounds like it's a loose connection or something... just send it in.