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Stargate SG1 RPG Questions

Posted: 2005-08-28 08:28pm
by xammer99
Thanks in advance for any help that can be provided.

I'm shoping around for a new RPG to pick up and I've heard this one is quite good (from searched posts here and a friend) but I have some questions that haven't been covered by thge posts and my buddy didn't know. So if any one could answer these I'd be mighty appreciative.

a. Does the game have a half way decent vehicle combat system? In particular, does it handle space combat well?

b. I've gathered the combat system doesn't reflect the shows well, but how bad is it?

c. How "complex" is the game? i.e. is it fast moving? easy to pick up?

d. What in your opinion is the game's biggest strengths?

e. What in your opinion is the game's biggest weaknesses?

Thanks again!

Posted: 2005-08-28 09:10pm
by weemadando
Its d20. If you have played d20 you can play SG.

The SpyCraft initiative system makes it a little interesting, but otherwise its generi-system all the way.

Re: Stargate SG1 RPG Questions

Posted: 2005-08-29 03:46am
by NecronLord
xammer99 wrote: a. Does the game have a half way decent vehicle combat system? In particular, does it handle space combat well?
It has one, in the 'unexplored worlds' book, along with a pilot class.
b. I've gathered the combat system doesn't reflect the shows well, but how bad is it?
This seems to be a 'it's D20, therefore it will have people soaking up dozens of shots' idea. It's quite firmly explained in the book that the vitality system is intended to replicate on screen combat. In esscence, vitality points are cuts, bruises, etc. Even at the highest level, if you can't duck out of the way or some such, which is what vitality represents, a single staff blast is likely to smite you.

Posted: 2005-08-29 07:56am
by weemadando
As I've said before - give your Jaffa names. That way they can use GM action dice to activate criticals! SG teams then have a MUCH shorter lifespan.