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Bizarre wireless problem

Posted: 2005-08-30 10:09pm
by HemlockGrey
Lately I've been having trouble with my wireless. My computer registers an "Excellent" connection to the network, and I'm about a foot away from the router (a D-Link 823VUP) but I can't actually go anywhere on the Internet. I get errors whenever I try to load a page (unless its cached, so I can load up the table of contents, but not the message boards or the New York Times), I can't connect to Kazaa Lite or WinMX, or dl anything with BitTorrent, etc.

Any idea what could be causing this?

Posted: 2005-08-30 10:11pm
by InnocentBystander
Stupid question - your router is connected to the internet, right?

Posted: 2005-08-30 11:29pm
by Beowulf
Another stupid question: is your modem plugged in and turned on?

Posted: 2005-08-31 12:47am
by HemlockGrey
Yes on all counts. Like I said, my computer registers a connection to the wireless network.