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New D&D Game
Posted: 2005-09-07 03:56pm
by lazerus
With the death of Tycho's Red Wizard hunting game, this forum is devoid of a good D&D game. I was hoping to correct that.
While, of course, the game would change to accomdate the players, what I had in mind was a 2ed level (to start), Fae'run game with reasonbly quick advancement. Between 4 and 8 players.
Charachter generation would be 5d6 drop two lowest, with re-roll at DM's discression. Core only, with rules from other WoTC books allowed by request. I'm trying to balence letting PC's be effective and cool with keeping it sane.
It would use OpenRPG, and probably run once a week whenever everyone can come.
Posted: 2005-09-07 11:02pm
by Captain tycho
Sure, I don't have much else to do.

Posted: 2005-09-08 09:58am
by The Grim Squeaker
Sure, just do you mean the characters will be made with 2 edition rules or will be lvl 2?
Also at what hour will the game be/start?
Posted: 2005-09-08 10:45am
by lazerus
Level 2. But with THAC0, just because.
Also at what hour will the game be/start?
Whenever everyone can come, so it depends on who ends up joining.
Posted: 2005-09-08 04:42pm
by lance
Sure, is it possible to re-ignite tychos game though?
Posted: 2005-09-08 05:00pm
by Mr Bean
Hmm second ed? But everything is so weak and squishy!
Posted: 2005-09-08 05:14pm
by The Yosemite Bear
can I play a half elvish hound (just for enough logevity to survive) watchdog/warrior. (Idea shamelessly ripped off of Arcanum)
I'm sure the rest of the party wouldn't mind picking up some barding and jaw enhancing combat muzzels and claw rakes for me.

Posted: 2005-09-08 08:38pm
by lance
By core, do you mean PHB, DMG & MM, or do you mean the SRD?
Differance is basicly a couple feats, spells, and the SRD adds psionics, which are perfectly balanced.
Posted: 2005-09-09 10:01am
by NecronLord
Will it have an English-friendly time?
Posted: 2005-09-09 03:19pm
by lazerus
Sure, is it possible to re-ignite tychos game though?
Okay, you can fight Red Wizards at second level if you really want to. Just walk up and bitch-slap one.
Hmm second ed? But everything is so weak and squishy!
Mmmm. Blood, guts, and ozone. Smells like a low level game.
can I play a half elvish hound (just for enough logevity to survive) watchdog/warrior. (Idea shamelessly ripped off of Arcanum)
I'm sure the rest of the party wouldn't mind picking up some barding and jaw enhancing combat muzzels and claw rakes for me.
Man, I knew druids were weird but that is just sick.
Be a gnoll is you want to be something dog-ish. Otherwise, no.
By core, do you mean PHB, DMG & MM, or do you mean the SRD?
Differance is basicly a couple feats, spells, and the SRD adds
Whichever has more stuff. With the notable exception of psionics.
psionics, which are perfectly balanced.
Thanks man, I havn't laughed that hard in weeks.
Posted: 2005-09-09 05:46pm
by NecronLord
Laz, I've PMed you with a suggestion... My devious little mind has been wanting to play a certain character for a while...

Posted: 2005-09-09 06:08pm
by The Yosemite Bear
No Elvish Hounds, the elves have their own breed of that they use as companions and hunting beasts, they weigh enough that they can take on an Orish Warg no problem, plus their fur blends into forest backgrounds and they have a canine lifespan comparable to elves. (in short a dog that lives for about 2 centuries) Half Elfhound/Half Wardog would live about 50 years, which is still a lot longer.
Posted: 2005-09-09 07:47pm
by A Big Flying Fish
NecronLord wrote:Will it have an English-friendly time?
Same question from me. If so, I'm up for something. I'm thinking something human for a change.
Posted: 2005-09-09 11:01pm
by lance
lazerus wrote:
Okay, you can fight Red Wizards at second level if you really want to. Just walk up and bitch-slap one.
I meant continue were we left off.
Whichever has more stuff. With the notable exception of psionics.
What's with the anti-psionic bias around here?
psionics, which are perfectly balanced.
Thanks man, I havn't laughed that hard in weeks.
Okay so there not perfectly balanced, there weak in a normal DnD game.
Compared to the other full casters.
Posted: 2005-09-09 11:27pm
by Dark Hellion
Well, since my school D&D group died (not literally of course) I would be somewhat interested, but work and school could cause major head-aches. If you could PM me some more info I would really really appreciate it.
Posted: 2005-09-10 12:08am
by Captain tycho
Can I be a hard-assed Inquisitor?
*coughs, looks around suspiciously*
Posted: 2005-09-10 02:44am
by Raxmei
Is the Adept class allowed? It's a class normally reserved for NPCs. They're divine spellcasters, but their spell list also incorporates some arcane spells like Burning Hands. Since they're divine casters they don't suffer arcane spell failure chance for wearing armor. They know every spell on their spell list automatically like clerics do and can cast them spontaneously like sorcerors do. BAB, saves, and skills are a lot like the wizards, and they can summon a familiar too.
Posted: 2005-09-10 04:36am
by NecronLord
I think the Adept is meant to suffer compared to the PC spellcasters, though it does have useful blends of abilites.
Of course, what I'm after is potentially more weird. I really want to play about with the Savage Species 'monster classes.' I'm thinking Incubus*... How such a critter got where it is, well, I'll keep that secret for now. Well, unless I can tempt you all to be an evil party, in which case, the explanations get much less complex.
* No. At second level under that system they only get a fraction of their final abilities and modifiers. Telepathy, a single alternate form, and so on.
Posted: 2005-09-10 06:44am
by Raxmei
I know, it wasn't really a serious request.
I do have a genuine character concept I've been working on for a while, but it uses Oriental Adventures material and various other factors make it unlikely I'd be able to play in this game anyway.
Posted: 2005-09-10 01:58pm
by lazerus
NecronLord wrote:Laz, I've PMed you with a suggestion... My devious little mind has been wanting to play a certain character for a while...

Pfft. Please. I thought of that charachter concept years ago.
No Elvish Hounds, the elves have their own breed of that they use as companions and hunting beasts, they weigh enough that they can take on an Orish Warg no problem, plus their fur blends into forest backgrounds and they have a canine lifespan comparable to elves. (in short a dog that lives for about 2 centuries) Half Elfhound/Half Wardog would live about 50 years, which is still a lot longer.
Ahhh. I see.
Still no though. Sapient charachters only.
What's with the anti-psionic bias around here?
We hates them, yes we does.....
Or maybe I just think their broken.
Okay so there not perfectly balanced, there weak in a normal DnD game.
Compared to the other full casters.
Ha ha ha!
Stop it man, your killing me here.
Can I be a hard-assed Inquisitor? Twisted Evil
*coughs, looks around suspiciously*
I don't know. I have records here that say you once stood in the same room as someone who once spoke to a demon.
I think we need to take you into the back room for a little Q&A session....
Is the Adept class allowed? It's a class normally reserved for NPCs. They're divine spellcasters, but their spell list also incorporates some arcane spells like Burning Hands. Since they're divine casters they don't suffer arcane spell failure chance for wearing armor. They know every spell on their spell list automatically like clerics do and can cast them spontaneously like sorcerors do. BAB, saves, and skills are a lot like the wizards, and they can summon a familiar too.
It's allowed, but like NL said, I can't see why you'd want to.
Posted: 2005-09-10 02:01pm
by NecronLord
lazerus wrote:
Pfft. Please. I thought of that charachter concept years ago.
Heh. It's hardly original. But potentially very amusing. *Twitches, urges everyone to be evil with hand gestures. The world lacks enough evil parties.*
Posted: 2005-09-10 02:07pm
by lazerus
An inquisitor and a demon in the same party?
This means you either have to be one of the 1 in 10,000 non-evil demons.....or you have to be just that badass.
I'll let you and tycho work out the details.
Posted: 2005-09-10 02:12pm
by NecronLord
lazerus wrote:An inquisitor and a demon in the same party?
This means you either have to be one of the 1 in 10,000 non-evil demons.....or you have to be just that badass.
I'll let you and tycho work out the details.
Humm. You sure there's no wicked and depraved inquisitors of evil gods on Faerun... Like the historical catholic ones?
EDIT: Also, I'd like everyone else to be nice and evil so I don't have to go 'arrgh' every time someone casts something that is... unnice... to my evil nature.
Posted: 2005-09-10 02:27pm
by The Grim Squeaker
I'll keep my old concept of a paranoid, power hungry dwarf , descended from dragons who tends to turn people who look at him wrongly into non-living jigsaws

Posted: 2005-09-10 02:30pm
by lazerus
NecronLord wrote:lazerus wrote:An inquisitor and a demon in the same party?
This means you either have to be one of the 1 in 10,000 non-evil demons.....or you have to be just that badass.
I'll let you and tycho work out the details.
Humm. You sure there's no wicked and depraved inquisitors of evil gods on Faerun... Like the historical catholic ones?
EDIT: Also, I'd like everyone else to be nice and evil so I don't have to go 'arrgh' every time someone casts something that is... unnice... to my evil nature.
"Hah! Foolish zombies! Consecrate!"
"Oh god! It burns! Aggggh!"
"That's the third time ted has burst into flames when I used holy energy....freaky conincidence huh?"
In all seriousness though, if you can't convince the rest of the party to be evil, you had better get some kind of protection and conceal-alignment item.