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My DI-624 wireless just blew up, recomend me a new!

Posted: 2005-09-11 02:36am
by Faram
As the title say.

I have not kept up with wireless tech and I want to hear what you think I should get to replace my DI-624.

The stuff I need is Wireless and some Ethernet ports, so here is your opportunity to earn some brownie points with a mod ;)

Posted: 2005-09-11 02:39am
by Glocksman
Let me pimp my favorite manufacturer Zyxel.
Newegg's Zyxel wireless router page

Unless you have your heart set on SuperG, I'd get the Prestige 334W.
I have one and it's given me no problems at all.

Posted: 2005-09-11 02:42am
by Faram
Glocksman wrote:Let me pimp my favorite manufacturer Zyxel.
Newegg's Zyxel wireless router page

Unless you have your heart set on SuperG, I'd get the Prestige 334W.
I have one and it's given me no problems at all.
I do not care about Super G I want reliability and the DI worked great until 2h ago or so.

I know you had trouble with the 624 and I don’t want to risk getting a lemon so DI-624 is out.

I will see if I can find that zyxel in the local computer shoppe.

Posted: 2005-09-11 02:46am
by Glocksman
To be fair to D-Link, any manufacturer can turn out a lemon and I have friends who swear by D-Link even though I was swearing at mine. :D

Oh, and the 334W has an actual mini-PCI wireless card in it instead of the transmitter being hard soldered to the circuit board. :shock: