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A question for the WoW Players
Posted: 2005-09-13 06:59pm
by Lord Revan
OK I'm finally able to play World of Warcraft (due to a malfuntioning memory my PC crashed previously), So what server do you use and what's your primary characters name
My characters name is Sampot and he's a human Paladin (level 5 IIRC), as server I can't recall the name at this moment I'll have say it later.
EDIT:OK I checked and the realm/server(/whatever it called) I'm in is Arathor (or something like that).
EDIT2:removed European from the title.
Posted: 2005-09-14 07:50pm
by Lord Revan
do you have any hint on any easy ways how to make money.
Posted: 2005-09-14 08:48pm
by Master of Ossus
Lord Revan wrote:do you have any hint on any easy ways how to make money.
Find and exploit market failures. I made tens of thousands of gold playing the auction house by taking advantage of simple tricks that other players were unaware of. Find what people are paying out the nose for, and find ways of getting it more cheaply from other items.
Posted: 2005-09-14 10:40pm
by Ghost Rider
Like MoO said, but for easy tips.
Take up collecting professions for the first 60 levels. Skinning/ Herbalism or Mining(not bopth Herbalism and mining since they both use the radar). And ALWAYS sell at the AH. Check prices and determine your wait.
Do not take up something else until around 60, or preferably at 60, wherein you can take your likely wealth but more importantly the ability to enter about anywhere and take up another profession such as Enchanting or Tailoring...Blacksmithing and Leatherworking can be extreme sinkholes.
Sail through either and find what is popular...not what is elite or any junk(Why? Because Crusader is extremely rare, but Fiery isn't...same goes for Tailoring...Mooncloth bags seem awesome but you can sell shirts by the dozen simply saying you can make Swashbuckler shirts).
Posted: 2005-09-15 12:02am
by The Grim Squeaker
speaking of skinning, is it better just to sell the light leather or to make it into clothing then sell it? (cash wise)
Posted: 2005-09-15 12:10am
by Ghost Rider
DEATH wrote:speaking of skinning, is it better just to sell the light leather or to make it into clothing then sell it? (cash wise)
Never sell the end product unless it sells for more then the raw materials involved. Usually this does not happen.
In fact the only thing that produces a high end of money really is enchanting but this requires an immense amount of start up which is experdiated by being 60 and able to get a boatload of cheap greens and Blue to level up.
Posted: 2005-09-15 12:52am
by Lord Revan
Something I've noticed as my main Character is a Paladin (I also have night Elf priest, but I don't play with that so often) I found a quite easy (though not very quick) way to make is beat the shit out of local brigand and/or kobolt population (they typically have few copper coin or something you can sell).
Posted: 2005-09-15 03:39pm
by Lord Revan
BTW what best weapon type for priests (and don't say spells or I'll smite you)
Posted: 2005-09-15 03:58pm
by Utsanomiko
Considering Priests only have 4 weapon types available (three with the exclusion of wands, which are obviously good to have in addition for ranged attacks without mana use), I doubt it really matters. You're probably best to stick with the mace + offhand item (with bonuses to spirit and intelligence).
Even though a staff would do more damage, it would also increase your threat to aggro enemies which is something priests already have trouble avoiding. Same goes for daggers to a lesser extent, at least on the condition that I recall discussions about certain weapon types having higher critical/aggro rates than others.
Posted: 2005-09-15 04:23pm
by Lord Pounder
Move your ass to Dreanor, Revan. Victory to the Horde! Why a Paladin though?
Posted: 2005-09-15 04:26pm
by White Haven
Dureck, 60 Hunter, Hezra, 40 Warlock, Aidon, 30 Mage, and Boneweaver, 12 Priest invite you to Alliance on Mannoroth server.

Posted: 2005-09-15 04:29pm
by Lord Revan
Lord Pounder wrote:Move your ass to Dreanor, Revan. Victory to the Horde!
is that a sever, since do now have a Orc Character (a rogue).
Why a Paladin though?
healing skills, while still having good enough melee skills to not get assraped by a kobolt
Posted: 2005-09-15 04:45pm
by Utsanomiko
Lord Pounder wrote:Move your ass to Dreanor, Revan. Victory to the Horde! Why a Paladin though?
Because everyone and their old lady is a Paladin. That and they don't know just how little damage they do late in game while still being regulated to barely secondary tank and tertiary healer.
I may have a couple Horde on Dreanor. Hagendas and Mukao, but I haven't played them in ages and only to 4 and 8. My main Horde server is Hellscream and my Alliance alts are now on Perenolde.
Posted: 2005-09-15 04:49pm
by Nephtys
Nephthyis, 24 Druid, on Mannaroth. ....Join ussssss...
Posted: 2005-09-15 05:16pm
by NeoGoomba
Goddamn, if only my comp didn't die, Rubicante, level 45 Warlock would tell you to go to Cenarion Circle...but...he's gone...
Posted: 2005-09-15 05:17pm
by Nephtys
NeoGoomba wrote:Goddamn, if only my comp didn't die, Rubicante, level 45 Warlock would tell you to go to Cenarion Circle...but...he's gone...
Give me your password and login and I'll handle the rest.

Posted: 2005-09-15 05:18pm
by White Haven
Tsk tsk, Neph, no exodus for you!

Posted: 2005-09-15 05:22pm
by Nephtys
White Haven wrote:Tsk tsk, Neph, no exodus for you!

*whips* Quiet and back to the gold mines, Slave!
Posted: 2005-09-15 09:03pm
by Lord Pounder
Revan, i'm a Guild Master, Sith Lord actually, on my server. My char is Pounder a lvl 55 Tauren Warrior. Drop me a wee line if you wanna join, we lost most of our members a while ago to one of the larger guilds, *coughfuckbrutesquadcough*, but if u want to join a small but determined Guild with good support you're more than welcome.
Posted: 2005-09-15 09:38pm
by ArchMage
Best way to make money is to farm MC and sell the shit you get.
uh. but if your not there, Herbalism is a killer. Everone buys Major Healing pots/ Fire resist pots.
Posted: 2005-09-15 11:00pm
by Sriad
Herbalism can make you a chunk of money on the way up too. High level rogues pay out the nose for Swiftthistle.