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Games you suck at.

Posted: 2005-09-15 10:25pm
by Quadlok
Inspired by my recent, pathetic foray onto, what games do you suck at? For me, WCIII, I always have half the units in twice the time! Oddly, I don't have this problem in other RTSs, but Warcraft seriously brings the suck out in me.

So, how about you? Have you been keeping your pathetic Pong ability secret for thirty years? Racked up more suicides than kills in Quake III? Does the laughing dog from Duck Hunt still haunt your dreams?

Posted: 2005-09-15 10:44pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Most popular/brainless RTS and FPS games (WC3, CounterStrike, etc., not to be confused with their more-intelligent cousins like Rome:TW and BF2). Spam x unit, bunny hop and spray'n'pray, whatever. I don't do that thing. When I play both types of games, I play to create cool battles, see the bodies pile up or the spark and ricochet of rounds next to my head. Accordingly I tend to suck at as well as despise games which focus more on winning purely for the sake of winning or tournaments. Great, you can spam steam tanks while my infantry are helplessly gunned down because you build farms around your towers which somehow block my troops. I'll find another game, thanks.

Posted: 2005-09-15 10:57pm
by Sriad

Posted: 2005-09-15 11:15pm
by Exonerate
CS. Actually, I've gotten a lot better at it. The trick is to just drag down while you spray... aim for the head region, and the rest is luck.

Posted: 2005-09-15 11:35pm
by Temjin
Simcity: This is embarassing. I always get impatiant and try to grow to fast, leaving me swimming in debt.

Starcraft: I have yet to beat Terran mission 10. I can't even beat the ai in skirmish.

FPS's on the PS2: It's hard for me to move with one stick and shoot with the other.

Posted: 2005-09-15 11:47pm
by weemadando
Micromanagement RTS - I fucking hate them.

Twitch/arcade FPS - I'm sorry that I haven't bound enough "bunny-hop rocket-jump spins" to keys and shit - and why the fuck is there bunny hopping anyway? ARAHRHAGHGHHGHGHGHGH!

Posted: 2005-09-15 11:50pm
by The Grim Squeaker
Starcraft, WC3, Civilztion and AC: I'm terrible at getting a large population and 10 turns into the game every ai has thrice my population and nearly twice as many cities :oops:

Posted: 2005-09-16 12:02am
by Captain tycho
I blow at Counterstrike and other twitch shooters, except for perhaps UT2004, which, oddly, I'm godly at. I mean, in CS:S, I'll round a corner carefully and get blown apart before my eyes have even registered the enemy.

Posted: 2005-09-16 12:22am
by Noble Ire
Age of Empires 2. I beat perhaps four of the campaign levels, and then got stuck. Which is odd, considering that I'm typically fairly good at RTS games. :?

Posted: 2005-09-16 01:03am
by Icehawk
I sucked at Age of Empires 2 as well.

Starsiege single player story mode I was able to beat but everytime I tried to play it online I would always suck compared to everyone else no matter how much I played it, it was like their mechs were ALWAYS superior and almost invincible no matter what weapons or mech I chose.

Starcraft I was also decent at when I played on my own or against my brother, but my friend would pretty much always pWn me hard whenever we played against eachother.

Posted: 2005-09-16 01:28am
by Master of Ossus
I suck at pretty much all RTS games, since I'm not into that genre very much. I wish I could say I was better at Homeworld than I actually am, since that game actually seems pretty cool and I want to be good at it, but I'm not.

Posted: 2005-09-16 02:03am
by Stark
All RTS's that depend more on tech-tree knowledge or unit spam than tactics. Then again, I just say that because I can't build units as fast ;)

Posted: 2005-09-16 02:07am
by Grandmaster Jogurt
RTSes: I tend to spend my time building the perfect-looking army, and I usually die either while I build it up or when I launch my troops in an unguided wave since I'm horrible at micromanagement.

Sims (includes EU, HoI, etc): I always get impatient while trying to do something cool and end up cheating. Invariably.

Certain FPSes: I'm fairly good at games like Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, and Timesplitters 2. Halo (one and two) and the Halflife mods, on the other hand, I've never gotten the hang of.

Posted: 2005-09-16 02:34am
by wautd
I can't think of a single genre that I suck at. Maybe sport games but I wouldnt know because I hate the genre anyway

Posted: 2005-09-16 02:40am
by Captain tycho
Ah yes, some online RTS games give me a really fucking hard time. About the only way to compete in some *coughWC3cough* is to time your hotkey presses down to the millisecond so you can get units out faster for a rush. Never struck me as being fun, obviously. :P
I prefer to actually build up my base, think out strategies, instead of mindlessly spamming units and immediately sending them over to the enemy base. I'm also a defensive minded player, depending on the game, which works out really badly.

Posted: 2005-09-16 06:43am
by Ace Pace
Captain tycho wrote:I blow at Counterstrike and other twitch shooters, except for perhaps UT2004, which, oddly, I'm godly at. I mean, in CS:S, I'll round a corner carefully and get blown apart before my eyes have even registered the enemy.
Thats the mistake, they AIM for the corner so if you move slowly your right in their crosshairs, jump out abit more and spray.

Posted: 2005-09-16 09:33am
by Crazy_Vasey
I am the world's worst player of games like Thief. Stealth just isn't my thing at all.

Posted: 2005-09-16 10:20am
by Stark
Ace Pace wrote:Thats the mistake, they AIM for the corner so if you move slowly your right in their crosshairs, jump out abit more and spray.
Yeah, you want all your mobility cornering. Don't crouch, run, and jump if it's that kind of game. Suppressive fire doesn't work on most people in CS. Watching people carefully crouchstrafe around corners with irons up is hilarious: anyone watching the corner gets an easy kill.

Posted: 2005-09-16 10:23am
by Ace Pace
Nevermind that, also, if you have a sniper rifle, don't be afraid to mess it up with rifles, a prime example is the Aztec overpass, a sniper hanging around stairs can easily pick off an entire attacking team at double doors.

Posted: 2005-09-16 10:30am
by Dahak
Ego shooters against humans :D
I am the favourite target for my fellow players :)

Posted: 2005-09-16 10:38am
by Raxmei
Fighting games, and most other real time games too. I don't have the reflexes for them and I overload too easily.

Posted: 2005-09-16 10:41am
by Alferd Packer
I'm decent at almost every game I can think of, though I suffer from the opposite problem: I don't excel at most games. The only exceptions are Goldeneye and Mario Kart 64; I crushed EVERYONE in those games.

...oh, wait, I know! I sucked at Faxanadu. Of course, I was only 8 years old, so.

Posted: 2005-09-16 11:16am
by Mr Bean
Most puzzle games. Myst and Riven for example both kicked my ass and I evenutaly started sneaking peaks at the strat guides in order to beat them.

Posted: 2005-09-16 11:33am
by Lord Pounder
No real genre of game sticks out but i do remember sucking so badly at Frank Herberts Dune that i took the disk out of the drive and threw it at the wall so hard it broke, i couldn't even get away from the sand worm in the opening sequence.

Posted: 2005-09-16 12:31pm
by Vicious
I suck at CS:S. Occasionally, I'll get a god-streak and mow down 15 enemies in a corridor, but that's really rare. FPS's I'm generally good at. I've got good reflexes and I can dominate in UT2k4: eg. I went to the Gravity Games a couple years ago and the GGL had a tent set up for a tournament. They also provided 16 comps for free play in a DM on Antalus(?). I pretty consistently mopped the floor there. Same thing in Devestation (FPS from a bit ago, one of the firsts to have virtually everthing in the environment moveable). I'd win consistently.

I suck at RTS's if it's just a straight skirmish. Campaigns I can do. Skirmishes I can't win to save my life. I just never got into the whole "spam one unit endlessly" styles. Turn-Based Strategy games like Civ 3 I'm pretty good at, though. I get tired of micromaneging after awhile, but it's usually late enough in the game that I can afford to just tell everyone to manage themselves.

Sports games are a genre I suck at harshly. I also hate the genre, but *shrugs*.

Racing games I'm pretty good at. Not the best, but good enough. Same thing with fighting games. I tend to do well in button-mashing contests. Fast reflexes and twitch muscles are a plus there.