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Generic WoW Thread #3!
Posted: 2005-09-18 04:20am
by Nephtys
Hey. I just started playing WoW, and I figure if there's a sticky for KoL, why not this? Enough of us play that I think starting a semi-permanent thread can't be bad, right?
Anyway. I've had a few questions that I wondered if anyone could help with. First, what's with the battlegrounds? I'm a 25 Druid and can't ever get into Warsong Gulch or that other low-level one. I don't find any satisfactory answers why in-game either... and queues bite. Any help here?
Posted: 2005-09-18 04:47am
by Captain tycho
Ques. Even in the dead of night, on a medium pop server, it can take up to an hour to get in.

I don't understand why Blizzard just doesn't create multiple BG instances...
Posted: 2005-09-18 06:25am
by White Haven
I'm afraid, Tycho, that you're utterly wrong in every respect.
1) Now that Arathi Basin is out, there are almost never enough people to start a single game of WSG or AV on both sides at once.
2) With enough people, there are multiple BG instances.
Nep, your problem is the first one, sadly.
Posted: 2005-09-18 09:37am
by Mr Bean
My own comment. Being a squishy priest is not fun. On the other hand its very rewarding when grouped. But solo, being covered in cloth to defend me aginst the evils of the world...
Its not as fun as it sounds. But the group play makes up for it.
But on another note... serious, Why does the level 5 arrgo wolf still attack me when I can thump him with a single hint? Or attack the level 57 mage with the damage shield that was with me? At least her shield killed it instantly. Yet the low arrgo mobs still attack you. Normaly in other MMO's only the low instance/dugeon mobs attack you. But in WoW, everything has a deathwish!
Posted: 2005-09-18 06:12pm
by Acidburns
Mr Bean: The agro range of creatures does go down as you go up in levels, although it doesnt disapear. At high enough levels, you pratically have to touch a mob to agro it. Once your on your mount, they're not a problem, though they can be annoying if your trying to harvest something. GRrrrrr
Also, let me be first to say that swarms of low level creatures can be quite deadly
What level and talents do you have on your priest? Shadow priests are very deadly in PvP, and are fairly good soloers.
What Blizzard needs to do is to set up multi-server battlegrounds. That would reduce queues greatly, especialy since some realms have imbalanced populations, either horde or alliance.
If theres a queue for a battleground, and theres none up, it's because there arnt enough players to start one. It takes 20 horde and 20 alliance to start Alterac Valley for example.
Btw if anyone plays on Bonechewer USA, My mains name is Varys.
Posted: 2005-09-18 07:37pm
by Mr Bean
Acidburns wrote:Mr Bean: The agro range of creatures does go down as you go up in levels, although it doesnt disapear. At high enough levels, you pratically have to touch a mob to agro it. Once your on your mount, they're not a problem, though they can be annoying if your trying to harvest something. GRrrrrr
Also, let me be first to say that swarms of low level creatures can be quite deadly
What level and talents do you have on your priest? Shadow priests are very deadly in PvP, and are fairly good soloers.
Which is annoyinged as you mention when gather, I have to spend wasteful time killing stupid wolves and bears to harvest. Darwin is not kind to them.
On Cerenis which is Allance high end dominated. There are acutal more Horde than Alliance but they tend to be low thirtys high forties rather than the 9999,999 lvl 60's, 40000 lvl 59's and sixteen 50 or belows

Re: Generic WoW Thread #3!
Posted: 2005-09-18 07:54pm
by Graeme Dice
Nephtys wrote:Anyway. I've had a few questions that I wondered if anyone could help with. First, what's with the battlegrounds? I'm a 25 Druid and can't ever get into Warsong Gulch or that other low-level one.
You are playing either Alliance or Horde on a server that has a population imbalance. Most likely Alliance, as it ranges from 2:1 to 4:1 depending on the server.
Posted: 2005-09-18 07:58pm
by Lord Pounder
Things are going pretty good for me now in WoW. I had to reinstall it this morning, since the 1.7.0 patch was relased the game had been playing laggy as shit for some reason it thought i installed a new gfx card, but i uninstalled it and when i loaded it back in it looked better than ever. My Guild got a few new members at the weekend including our own Lord Revan, plus i picked up a very nice Massacre Sword of Strength, quite simply the most vicious looking sword i've seen in the game. My Alt has also managed to break the 200 mark in both enchanting and tailoring, in short all is peachy on the Horde side of Dreanor. If any more European players wanna join up send me a PM we'd be happy to have you.
Posted: 2005-09-18 08:14pm
by White Haven
Mannroth tends to be about 1.5:1, which is actually one of the better-balanced's just that nobody's screwing with AV or WSG, too obsessed with OMG ARATHI *fapfapfap*.
Posted: 2005-09-18 11:00pm
by Nephtys
White Haven wrote:Mannroth tends to be about 1.5:1, which is actually one of the better-balanced's just that nobody's screwing with AV or WSG, too obsessed with OMG ARATHI *fapfapfap*.
And notably, the non-60 Hordies seem to suck miserably at PvP. I've seen a 15 warrior kick the crap out of a 24 Shaman, and every single person no more than 5 levels above me can't even figure out how to avoid being root-kited.
Posted: 2005-09-18 11:11pm
by Captain tycho
White Haven wrote:I'm afraid, Tycho, that you're utterly wrong in every respect.
1) Now that Arathi Basin is out, there are almost never enough people to start a single game of WSG or AV on both sides at once.
2) With enough people, there are multiple BG instances.
Nep, your problem is the first one, sadly.
Bah, give me some room, I haven't played for 4 weeks.

Posted: 2005-09-19 02:47am
by Silver Paladin
Nephtys wrote:White Haven wrote:Mannroth tends to be about 1.5:1, which is actually one of the better-balanced's just that nobody's screwing with AV or WSG, too obsessed with OMG ARATHI *fapfapfap*.
And notably, the non-60 Hordies seem to suck miserably at PvP. I've seen a 15 warrior kick the crap out of a 24 Shaman, and every single person no more than 5 levels above me can't even figure out how to avoid being root-kited.
Heh, I was at half life fighting a mob in STV, when a level 42 Shaman decided to gank me (I was 39).
I destroyed him utterly, which is so sad.
Posted: 2005-09-19 11:16am
by Lord Revan
I found out that Team work (or way too powerfull character) is the key on succeeding in some quests (caves especially) and Nephtys on with realm your on?
Also I found out that you can kill NPCs that even two levels more powerfull then you if you plan your attack well.
Posted: 2005-09-19 11:29am
by Ghost Rider
PvP matters in two parts.
1. Use of skills. There are some skills that are completely worthless in PvE formats that utterly rape a character in PvP(Purge for example) and visa versa. There is also the fact that some characters are just better suited for killing other.
I actually have different bars and skill set when entering PvP vs PvE.
2. Items. If your items are an order above there will rape them if you're at the very least competent. Honestly learn to recognize high level equipment to insure who should be your target or what is a good level they are at (Literally when some maniac Dwarf Warrior is running with a SPINAL REAPER...fear the fucker, he's a cuisanart, and gains rage per kill)
As for killing PvE, you can easily kill up to 4 levels if you're armed well, and 2 levels elite.
Posted: 2005-09-19 12:18pm
by Nephtys
Lord Revan wrote:I found out that Team work (or way too powerfull character) is the key on succeeding in some quests (caves especially) and Nephtys on with realm your on?
Also I found out that you can kill NPCs that even two levels more powerfull then you if you plan your attack well.
Mannaroth. And agreed, teamwork is a hideous multiplier. I was out with a 25 Rogue yesterday with my druid, and we regularly demolished 35 Hordies around the barrens.
Posted: 2005-09-19 11:46pm
by Lord Revan
Nephtys wrote:Lord Revan wrote:I found out that Team work (or way too powerfull character) is the key on succeeding in some quests (caves especially) and Nephtys on with realm your on?
Also I found out that you can kill NPCs that even two levels more powerfull then you if you plan your attack well.
Mannaroth. And agreed, teamwork is a hideous multiplier. I was out with a 25 Rogue yesterday with my druid, and we regularly demolished 35 Hordies around the barrens.
yeah healer/tank combo is best, but Ranged or Spellcarster and a tank will do also.
Posted: 2005-09-20 03:24pm
by Silver Paladin
Ghost Rider wrote:PvP matters in two parts.
1. Use of skills. There are some skills that are completely worthless in PvE formats that utterly rape a character in PvP(Purge for example) and visa versa. There is also the fact that some characters are just better suited for killing other.
I actually have different bars and skill set when entering PvP vs PvE.
2. Items. If your items are an order above there will rape them if you're at the very least competent. Honestly learn to recognize high level equipment to insure who should be your target or what is a good level they are at (Literally when some maniac Dwarf Warrior is running with a SPINAL REAPER...fear the fucker, he's a cuisanart, and gains rage per kill)
As for killing PvE, you can easily kill up to 4 levels if you're armed well, and 2 levels elite.
True, although for DPS classes, they share the same hotbar. My Priest has a PVE/PVP bar, but my hunter has his DPS bar, which is all he needs (since that's what PVP is).
It's not so much items "levels". Some of the best items for PVP are actually Green items. For example, top PVP warriors will use level 50 mail chestpiece (Savage Gladiator) because of it's +2% to crit and the Leather Eye of Rend for it's Crit bonus. Warlocks don't care about item level, they will take a green item with +56 Shadow damage over a Blue item with +40 shadow damage and +10 Sta. Remember, Damage is King in PVP, so you don't need all purples to be the best. Just look for more +crit and +ap and +spell damage gear. The one point is that weapons for the most part, obey the rule. The best PVP weapons are all purple, but it's not the same case as armor.
In terms of PVE, My hunter can beat mobs way higher than him, because I can kite them forever until they die, or I can ping pong them between my pet and me to distribute the damage. Meanwhile, my Holy Disc's a pain fighting an even level mob at 60, and I and equipped with Transcendence, Prophecy and Benediction/Anathema.
Posted: 2005-09-20 03:41pm
by White Haven
Hehe. Raw damage is fun.

I find my 60 Humter squabbling for topslot on the damage charts in MC and ZG with a single frost-mage loaded down with damage gear and a Frostbite/Shatter build. Of course, when HE gets topslot, he tends to soak one hit and die in the process. Mail armor, beefy stamina, scattershot, disengage, wing clip, and feign death for the win.

Posted: 2005-09-20 11:37pm
by Lord Revan
I have to say it almost impossible find good looking armor for the Undead though Pounder did pull it of quite well in the armors he made for me and it did look 100% as as I would was not he's fault (it seem the undead hater intact clothes as a "race").
Posted: 2005-09-21 01:21am
by NeoGoomba
I would love hiding somewhere outside Ratchet and sending my Voidwalker out against one or two Horde, then just start pelting them with spells. Did it make a difference? Not really, but it was more fun than kicking around Infernals in Desolace.
Posted: 2005-09-21 11:48am
by Lord Revan
Does anyone known what's wrong with European servers the lantency has gone thru the roof (something like 600 ms).
Posted: 2005-09-21 10:30pm
by Lonestar
Seriously, I'm never, ever, going to do a "look for all 1 bajillion pages of this book/manual" quest again.
Posted: 2005-09-21 11:58pm
by Nephtys
Lonestar wrote:Seriously, I'm never, ever, going to do a "look for all 1 bajillion pages of this book/manual" quest again.
I keep getting em. But all I need is that darn elusive page 11....
Posted: 2005-09-22 04:58pm
by Middleclass
Lonestar wrote:Seriously, I'm never, ever, going to do a "look for all 1 bajillion pages of this book/manual" quest again.
I'm with you on this one. I've done both Shredder pages and Green Hills pages twice. So now I have a druid and a warlock to play with. I kinda want to try some other classes (for PVP, raiding doesn't impress me that much), but my absolute disgust with these quests force me to reconsider. Also, if I run WC one more time I'm going to vomit. And all the quests in Shimmering Flats, those can blow me too. And the robo-chicken escorts. Oh, oh, and the Sons of Arugal in Silverpine can go straight to hell too.
Newb quests suck.

Posted: 2005-09-26 04:34pm
by Lord Revan
Anyone here know where I can find Dalin ForgeWrigth (I need it for the Level 20 Warlock Quest).