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Next Gen console?
Posted: 2005-10-07 01:06pm
by Dorenn Stark
Which of the 3 (if any) of the Next Gen consoles do you plan to buy?
Leave your choice and your reasons for the rest of us to enjoy.
1. Playstation 3
2. XBOX 360
3. Nintendo Revolution
Posted: 2005-10-07 01:08pm
by Ace Pace
I'm not a console shoper, and the few things I want out of a console are there on a PS3, so PS3 it is for me.
Posted: 2005-10-07 01:13pm
by Dalton
Nintendo, now and forever.
Posted: 2005-10-07 01:29pm
by Arrow
None, for the moment. The vast majority of the games I want will be out for the PC, and I just upgraded mine. However, if the 360 gets another exclusive game or two that I find really interesting, in addition to Gears of War and Mass Effect (and assuming those two don't come to the PC - something that hasn't been ruled out), I might pick one up.
Posted: 2005-10-07 01:41pm
by Master of Ossus
I'll definitely get a Revolution. I'll get an X360 or a PS3 depending on game selection, but Mass Effect has me leaning towards the X360 if Microsoft can get FF games.
Posted: 2005-10-07 01:46pm
by Silver Paladin
Where is the "More than 1" option?
Posted: 2005-10-07 02:17pm
by Duckie
Revolution because it is shaping up to be the best of them, but only after I see games that I want for it (that'll be real hard, no?).
360 because I am a Halo fanwhore. And maybe some other games if they look cool.
Posted: 2005-10-07 02:20pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
I'll stick with my PC.
Posted: 2005-10-07 02:21pm
by The Grim Squeaker
I'll wait, I'm not interested in anything on the x360 except for Halo and Nintendo has my favourite console series (Metroid, Smash brothers, mario, etc...) I'm leaning towards the revolution due to the awesomness that a
SW game would be with the control "Drool"

Posted: 2005-10-07 02:44pm
by wautd
I really don't know yet. I might buy one, maybe two or none at all
Posted: 2005-10-07 03:00pm
by McNum
I'm getting a Nintendo Revolution. That much I'm sure of. I might get a PS3 when the bigger titles start showing up and/or are going Platinum. But the Revolution, even though it's the one I know the least about, seems like the more appealing choice.
Posted: 2005-10-07 03:02pm
by Soontir C'boath
I was never much of a fan of consoles except for FF3 and that's it.
My brother would buy consoles but they're doing nothing but collecting dust most of the time.
Posted: 2005-10-07 03:10pm
by Praxis
Revolution at launch, for certain.
Lowest up front cost, lowest cost over time (free online), built in WiFi (requirement for me), DS connectivity, hundreds of downloadable games straight from launch, the controller, and most importantly, Nintendo's game. Super Smash Bros Online at launch. w00t.
PS3 or XBox 360 later on, depending on the games lineup and pricing.
By pricing, several things come into consideration. Not just the up front cost. I intend to have online play, but can only get online play via WiFi. Therefore, WiFi is a requirement, not an option. PS3 and Revolution have WiFi built in- 360 has it as an addon. Also, will the PS3 have free online as the Revolution, or charge as the XBox 360? What about peripherals- the XBox 360's 20 GB hard drive is $99, and a memory card is $40 and a wireless controller is $50. The PS3 uses SD cards which I already have, saving me money.
So far, I have seen very few titles on EITHER the XBox 360 or PS3 that I'd be interested in playing. So whether I get them at all is up in the air. But I'm leaning towards PS3 at this point.
Posted: 2005-10-07 04:42pm
by Losonti Tokash
Xbox, definitely. Right at launch, there's several games I've been looking forward to for a LONG time. Dead or Alive 4, Ghost Recon 3, Oblivion, etc. Combined with Xbox Live, the very nice controller and the inevitable release of Halo 3 (yes, I too am a fanwhore) it's just looking very appealing. My only complaint with any actual weight is the fact that I would prefer a wireless version of the original controller. I don't like the size or layout of the Controller S. The other, totally irrelevant thing is I don't like the color scheme so much.
Were I to get a second console, it'd likely be the PS3. Nintendo doesn't have much besides Smash Bros, Zelda, and the backwards compatibility thing, but I'm not spending $300 on a brand new console just so I can play old SNES games. Besides, the controller is just...god, there aren't words for it. It's even worse than the PS3 controller, which shouldn't have even been possible after the first pictures of it were revealed.
Posted: 2005-10-07 05:04pm
by Bounty
I have been, and always shall be, a Nintendo fan.
I wasn't sure about the Rev, but the controller sold it. Can't wait to try it.
Posted: 2005-10-07 05:16pm
by Dark Lord of the Bith
I'm pretty much broke at the moment, so I won't be getting any of them at launch. The Xbox 360 really only has DOA4 that appeals to me (Halo 2 disillusioned me for any hope for Halo 3), and that's not worth buying a whole new console.
Metal Gear Solid 4, however, does warrant the purchase of a new system just for it. I'll wait until after it comes out and gets reviewed before I give in to the hype too much, but for me, it's making the PS3 look much better than the others at the moment.
Posted: 2005-10-07 05:51pm
by Noble Ire
XBOX 360, simply for Halo 3, and KOTOR 3 (although I'm not sure which system they will be releasing the latter to when they finally get around to making it.)
Posted: 2005-10-07 06:03pm
by Archaic`
Revolution. I might consider another console in future, after the price drops, but that'd depend on the game selection. I'd probably prefer PS3 over X-Box360 though, if only on kneejerk dislike of Microsoft.
Posted: 2005-10-07 06:09pm
by Erik von Nein
For certain? Revolution. They seem to be at least trying to be innovative and that's always a plus. The backwards compatability, downloads for old games, free online, etc. etc. Oooo, baby, that's gonna be sweet. I'll probably get a PS3 if only because most of the RPGs are made for the PS-line instead of Nintendo or X-Box. I'll probably avoid getting an X-Box if only because any game I'd be interested in playing I can play at someone else's house.
Posted: 2005-10-07 06:24pm
by Embracer Of Darkness
Where is the PC option? Vote: Sticking with PC, for it is the ultimate.
Posted: 2005-10-07 06:37pm
by Dillon
Revolution. Not just because I'm a Nintendo fanboy, but because so far it seems like it will be the best of the three. After a while, I may buy a PS3 or X360, depending on games and price.
Posted: 2005-10-07 06:47pm
by General Zod
Probably the Revolution myself. I'm a Nintendo fanboy and it seems to have the most interesting game selections. To say nothing of its download service.
Posted: 2005-10-07 06:54pm
by Rogue 9
Mmmmmmmmmmm, Halobox.

Posted: 2005-10-07 07:00pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Revolution. Maybe the PS3 later on, but never the X-Box 360, because it's dumb.

Posted: 2005-10-07 07:16pm
by Anarchist Bunny
I am an unyielding and completely shameless Nintendo fanwhore and will be getting a Revolution.