Webcam vid-capture size issues
Posted: 2005-10-11 03:28pm
No, it's not naughty clips. 
That settled, I find myself in the position of making small video clips of myself signing in order to demonstrate hand motions and the like for people who i'm working with to teach. The problem is, for some reason my webcam takes ENORMOUS clips. They're only a minute or so long... but >200 megabytes in size.
I've started fiddling with the settings, but so far nothing's helped. I can get more precise stats when I get home, but I would really appreciate any advice y'all can give me between now and then...

That settled, I find myself in the position of making small video clips of myself signing in order to demonstrate hand motions and the like for people who i'm working with to teach. The problem is, for some reason my webcam takes ENORMOUS clips. They're only a minute or so long... but >200 megabytes in size.
I've started fiddling with the settings, but so far nothing's helped. I can get more precise stats when I get home, but I would really appreciate any advice y'all can give me between now and then...