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The Joy of the Warrior
Posted: 2005-10-19 07:13pm
by NeoGoomba
Wow, after apparently pissing my time away in World of Warcraft as a Warlock, I started a warrior today. Goddamn they are great. None of this "hide and snipe" crap. Blast right in and Rage the hell out of them.
Much better than a Warlock, and less lame than a Paladin, IMO. Your thoughts?
Posted: 2005-10-19 07:26pm
by Rogue 9
Paladins rock. That is all.
Posted: 2005-10-19 08:18pm
by Dark Hellion
Feel good to be playing in 1.8. Up until 1.3 except for lock, warrio was the absolute worst class in the game. The problem was that it was literally needed to be able to do dungeons, so you always had 3-4 completely subpar characters running around who's literal abilites where
1)I wear plate, har har
2)I spam revenge
3)I can taunt while doing the above 2.
It was sad when you used a one handed weapon not for the damage, but for giving more stamina. It was sad when you contibuted less than 1% of the total damage over a 10 man raid, it was sad when you where the only class that could be tank though.
'Lock has been massively improved over the last couple patches. It is now the premier grinding class, and has slowly gained a large amount of PvP respect as well. I started a l'lock up after having played through on old warrior. Actually doing things during combat is so much fun than spam MS constantly.
Posted: 2005-10-19 11:22pm
by Sriad
I know that as far as twinked out alts go, warriors rock. (because I have one, training to be my main's alchemy bitch)