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Official Dawn of War/Winter Assault game coordination thread
Posted: 2005-10-28 04:02pm
by Rogue 9
Okay, this thread is for coordinating multiplayer Dawn of War and Winter Assault sessions. List your user names on the Gamespy servers, whether you have the expansion pack or not, and what mods you use, if any. If anyone wants to try direct IP connection sessions, it would probably be a good idea to leave IM contact info as well, so you don't have to post your IP on the board. I'll collect the info in the OP, and then we can use the thread to discuss game times and so forth.
Rogue 9:
Dawn of War 1.4 with Winter Assault expansion pack
Rogue_9 on Gamespy; usual server room Armageddon.
Mods run:
Steel Legion
Community Map Packs 1 through 3
Brother-Captain Gaius:
DoW 1.4 with Winter Assault.
BrotherCpt_Gaius (I think)
No mods
DoW 1.4 with Winter Assualt
Acidburns, usually in the EU HQ
No mods
The Yosemite Bear
Dawn of war 1.4 with winter assault
YosemiteKodiak on Gamespy
Mods: Most, usually not running them.
Dawn of War 1.4, Winter Assault
Akhlut on Gamespy
No mods
Limited availability
Dawn of War 1.4, Winter Assault
Nephtys on Gamespy
No mods
Chris OFarrell
Dawn of War 1.4, Winter Assault
Rogue-Cannon on Gamespy
No mods
DoW 1.4 with Winter Assault.
DocHorror on Gamespy
No mods
DoW 1.4 with Winter Assault
No mods
Posted: 2005-10-28 04:38pm
by Dartzap
Well, if I happen to get to play it online, it will be with DoW with the most up-to-date patch and with the same Nick as here.
Posted: 2005-10-28 07:40pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
DoW 1.4 with Winter Assault.
BrotherCpt_Gaius (I think)
No mods at this time.
Posted: 2005-10-28 08:03pm
by Acidburns
DoW 1.4 with Winter Assualt
Acidburns, usually in the EU HQ
No mods
Posted: 2005-10-28 09:36pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Dawn of war 1.4 with winter assualt, usually not running mods. (but has most of them)
erm messed this one up, it's so long since I played gamespy
Posted: 2005-10-28 10:42pm
by Akhlut
DoW 1.4, WA
known as Akhlut on gamespy
However, it might be a while before I can play; I've been having issues with my dorm connection as of late
Posted: 2005-10-29 03:28am
by Nephtys
DoW 1.4 WA
Name: Nephtys
If you want a game, just PM. I don't regularly play but will with you gang.
Posted: 2005-10-29 05:33pm
by Rogue 9
Anybody up for a game today? I've got literally all day from here on.
Posted: 2005-10-29 07:48pm
by Uraniun235
I just picked up Winter Assault, so I'm up for action.
Posted: 2005-10-29 08:58pm
No mods as of yet.
Posted: 2005-10-30 12:17am
by Chris OFarrell
1.4 / WA
Gamespy is Rogue-Cannon (as is my BF2 gamespy account)..
I have played almost no online games though. But those I have its all about minefields, minefields, minefields...
Posted: 2005-10-30 01:12am
by Nephtys
Uraniun. Specify a time, for I have just handed you my glove. WE MUST BATTLE.
Posted: 2005-10-30 01:54am
by Rogue 9
Chris OFarrell wrote:1.4 / WA
Gamespy is Rogue-Cannon (as is my BF2 gamespy account)..
I have played almost no online games though. But those I have its all about minefields, minefields, minefields...
Want me to put you through the paces? I've got time, and it's always fun stringing a newbie along, feeding him tips, and then having him realize I've got a Baneblade sitting back in my base all this time.
Oh wait, did I just say that out loud?
But seriously, it helps to have someone run you through a couple rounds before you jump into the crazy mess that is the Cadian Gate.
Posted: 2005-10-30 01:07am
by Uraniun235
Nephtys wrote:Uraniun. Specify a time, for I have just handed you my glove. WE MUST BATTLE.
I would be honored to face you on the field of battle. Would Sunday evening, say, 2030 PST, work for you?
Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base.
Posted: 2005-10-30 02:02am
by Rogue 9
You know, if you're going to note time in 24 hour format, there's little point in specifying AM or PM.
Posted: 2005-10-30 02:14am
by Uraniun235
Posted: 2005-10-30 02:54am
by Nephtys
Uraniun235 wrote:Nephtys wrote:Uraniun. Specify a time, for I have just handed you my glove. WE MUST BATTLE.
I would be honored to face you on the field of battle. Would Sunday evening, say, 2030 PST, work for you?
Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base.
8:30 PST huh? I accept. Well bargained and done.
Posted: 2005-10-30 03:15am
by Rogue 9
I'm playing right now, if anyone wants to meet on the server. I'll keep the game minimized for about twenty minutes while I do other stuff; if anyone wants to play, post here to tell me and then hit the server. If there aren't any posts here, I'll just get back to playing the comp.
Edit: Ah well, back to compstomping.
Posted: 2005-10-30 07:36am
by DocHorror
DoW 1.4 with Winter Assault.
No mods
Posted: 2005-10-30 07:46pm
by Rogue 9
I recommend that everyone at least get the
map packs. A lot of them are really good, including a few with non-standard scenarios. Also the only place you'll find three player maps, for those times when we have three people and don't feel like a compstomp.
Also, they're really easy to use; it just adds maps to the existing map list. You don't have to turn on the mod in the mod manager or anything.
Posted: 2005-10-30 09:45pm
by Nephtys
Uraniun, meet me at Armageddon room. What's your ID? I've got Nephtys of course... (I'll be there in half an hour)
Posted: 2005-10-30 10:11pm
by Uraniun235
Er. Have you forgotten to account for the switch from Daylight Savings Time to standard time? It's nowhere near 8:30 yet. (And I'm going to be eating dinner soon...)
My ID is also Uraniun235.
Posted: 2005-10-30 10:32pm
by Nephtys
Uraniun, I'll be logging on to see you in 45 minutes, Armageddon room. What's your ID?
Edit: Oooops. Didn't refresh. And fix my clocks...
Posted: 2005-10-31 01:01am
by Rogue 9
Dropped in to see you two and say hi before going on to pwn newbies in the Cadian Gate, but you'd already started.
Anywho, the newbies were being idiotic, so I went to play the comp. Damn, that was the most disastrous drop pod assault EVER. Dropped two full Space Marine squads with attached apothecaries, 20 men, into the oncoming enemy. Less than ten seconds later, 14 men were dead.
Posted: 2005-10-31 01:29am
by Uraniun235
Holy shit, Rogue! Where in Hell did you drop those poor sons of bitches?
Things I learned tonight:
Assault Marines are great for holding ImpGuard's nose while the regular Space Marines kick them in the ass.
The Space Marine "heavy armor" upgrade is a pain in the ass.
Assault Terminators will fuck up armor but good.
Ogryns stand up pretty well to Assault Terminators.
Assault Terminators, therefore, will not carry the day by themselves. (in the future, throw a couple of regular Terminator squads into the mix)
Sentinels fuck up Dreadnoughts but good.
Nephtys is a worthy opponent.