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Great moments in gaming "Oh my effin' god!" histor

Posted: 2005-10-30 11:06pm
by Sharpshooter
For the last couple of weeks, I've been playing the free base version of Anarchy Online that got pointed out around that same time in this very place, and I had a rather interesting experience this afternoon.

In the game, there's this dungeon called the Temple of Three Winds, which is named from the three seperate paths that branch off from this central chamber inside. As a dungeon, it's got everything you would expect - it's dark, the halls are thin and narrow, broken by a few large chambers, and there are enemies nearly EVERYWHERE. What's worse, due to the attack-on-sight nature of the enemies, and people's tendencies to to run to the enterence at full speed (since that's the only area one can really be safe) it's not at all uncommon to see "trains" of enemies chasing after a single guy. And when that guy passes a group headed the way he's coming from...well, let's say things tend to be rather unpleasant.

But anyway, I told you that story so I could tell you this story.

Earlier this afternoon, me and a full team were having a grand ol' time in the Temple, and we decided to take the right path at the split I mentioned above. So we're going along, killing as we go, and things are really good - no serious threats, we have a doctor to patch things up, and we've all got first-rate medical supplies for ourselves.

So we're getting near the end of the path (so I've read) and we're in this long hallway that has a few bad guys lining it, and at the end of this is another room that goes off to the left, which has a higher-level enemy in there. Again, we're doing OK, and we've just finished off the higher-level guy when a door at the opposite end of the room opens, and a guy comes sprinting hauling ass for all he's worth. A few seconds later, another guy dashes out, and this time, he's heading a train of at least four, five enemies - we know what to do at this point, and we instantly dive to the corners as far away from the train as we can. We're hunkered down, it looks like things are gonna be OK, and I turn to the door they came out of -


And, I swear to god, I literily screamed as this giant thing, at least fifteen game feet high (standard human scale and all) and clipping through the dungeon walls, stomps through the door and bears down on us. There's no way we can get past this thing without a fight and it knows it - it immedietly locks on to one of our team, and - BOOM! - the guy is instantly dead. At that point, all bets are off, and we leg it like there's no tomorrow, toggling the auto-run and furiously scream-typing about getting the hell out of Dodge to every single person in the vicinity. We go through another door, and we think we're safe, since the door closes - certain AI don't seem to be able to use doors - and we are proved wrong as the Thing cracks the door open and clambers on through, spraying helllish gunfire and whatnot in every direction.

Another chorus of screams, and we're hoofing it - I'm pumping every IP I can into my run speed stat on the fly as we're fleeing, hoping to get that tiny boost, that's how bad it was! - and all the while, it's nipping at our heels, taking down member after member. Through the underground halls, up the ramp to the central chamber, through the L-bend to the main halls, it's giving us absolute holy hell. Finally, it turns to me, and I'm instantly taken down a quarter of my health, and I'm screaming on the final stretch that I'm gonna die, and that I'm gonna kill the asshat who dumped the Thing on us. But there! Up ahead, the exit! We pass through the final door before the dungeon enterence, and there rose from a party that had just entered a chorus of shouts and alarms like nothing else, and they instantly turn and flee. Another shot, I'm certain I'm gonna' die, and the obscenities are flying - but finally, I break through the door, and I spawn in the outdoors where the enterence, just a scant second behind the other survivor.

Needless to say, the commentary that followed outside was quite interesting and flavorful. Unsurprisingly, the group fell apart after that, and we went our seperate ways - but, as I told them and the crowd outside the dungeon as we wove our tale of terror and mayhem, this will always be remembered as the classic "Oh my effin' god!' scenario.

So now, I must wonder - what other great moments of "oh my effin' god!" history have been witnessed or incited?

Posted: 2005-10-30 11:36pm
by mauldooku
You play AO too? I'm badme on the RK1 server, send me a tell sometime ;)

I had an interesting experience in TOTW that's worth mention. I'm in a group with a lower-level guy like myself, and a higher-level friend of his. The friend is going to get us Exarch robes, very good armor, by killing higher-level monsters for us. We thank him profusely, and wait in the room while he goes and kills stuff. In between spawns, there's really nothing to do, so I start running around. Suddenly, I get a /shout on vicininity chat: "STOP!" I look forward: I had ALMOST run right into the second most powerful boss of the dungeon, Uklesh. The high-level guy freaked out; if I had taken one step further, we'd have all been toast. I thank him for the warning, get a phone call, and run upstairs to answer it.

Three minutes I head back downstairs, to find myself back at my home city with half-health. Uh-oh. I must've died. What the fuck happened? I'm going over the chat logs when I see the following:
Low Level Teammate: It's too bad that he's AFK, there was a robe on that guy he can loot.

High Level Teammate: Well, he'll get it as soon as he comes back. Hey, what's that other guy doing?

Low Level Teammate: omg run

Uklesh the Frozen hits you for 400 damage.

Uklesh the Frozen hits you for 500 damage.
Some idiot had woken that fucker up, everyone else (20 or so) hightailed it out of the temple...while my poor away-from-keyboard self was thoroughly manhandled. Never again will I leave my computer in that kind of situation.

Posted: 2005-10-31 12:14am
by Ryoga
I'm sure I've told this story before, but I think it qualifies.

So I'm playing Counter-Strike, and the map for this game is de_aztec. I end up getting sent over to the Terrorist side.

We go a few rounds, and like most noobs, everyone on my side ends up rushing the same spot in the same way, round after round after round. It gets so predictable, that one round the CTs end up right on top of us. I was at the back of the train, so I see a flashbang coming in and look to the side as fast as I can to try and avoid it. No good; as I come back I can see that my screen is still almost impenetrable, and I can't hear shit. Apparently everyone on my team died, judging by the profanity and the bodies I could dimly see on the floor. So, I duck back around the corner, wait 'til I hear footsteps, and let rip with the P90. I killed at least two guys before I went down, as they rushed blindly around the corner, to a chorus of "omg camper!"

Frikkin' sweet. :lol:

Posted: 2005-10-31 12:21am
by Gandalf
Mine would still be back in my Goldeneye days.

Level: Facility. In License to Kill mode. (One hit kill)

I was unarmed, my opponent had a pistol.

Starting up the end of the tanks, I was looking for something to arm myself with. Before I could get a gun, my friend jumped me. I started running.

I ran in the direction of the main part of the level. Continually strafing as I ran forward, making it hard to hit me.

I got to that central hallway, and ran aorund the back of it, with those green corridors. My opponent was still a few metres behind me. I ran around those green corridors until I came to the back staircase to the loo.

I ran up the staircase, got a gun, turned around and shot my opponent.

Posted: 2005-10-31 12:57am
by Praxis
I was trying to distract the T-Rex in King Kong on the XBox 360. The thing was HUGE. I'm just a little guy. I punch it in the nose when it is walking by, and it gets mad. I start running. Fast. The roar of the T-Rex even scares the people behind me (surround sound speakers rock, and the blast of sound is translated into visual effects onscreen). Everyone is screaming at me to run. I make it to this wall of a destroyed building and make it through the door like an inch in front of the T-Rex, which snaps at me and BARELY misses because the mouth won't fit through the door. I laugh at him...and he walks around it. No problem; I start to run around the wall as well. We start running in circles, except I get to run through the doorway while he has to go all the way around the wall...

I'm thinking this is a great way to distract him while my buddies open the door, when I suddenly he gets mad and smashes the entire wall. This is a Jurassic Park moment. Remember when the T-Rex knocked down the bathroom and the lawyer was left sitting out in the open, with no cover, terrified with the T-Rex standing over him? Well, that's where I was. It went something like... "Oh...oh crap...AAHHHH!" Everyone behind me was screaming, "Run! Run!" The T-Rex practically pounced on me in a split second while I screamed, "MOMMY!"

King Kong on an XBox 360 w/ surround sound speakers and HDTV is the way to play. :D

Just to give you an idea...

This is the T-Rex...
Pic 1

And this is the location.

Pic 2

Do NOT inline huge pics in this forum!


Posted: 2005-10-31 01:07am
by DPDarkPrimus

The long stretch of road below the overpass that leads to one of the bomb sites. A bunch of CTs were running through there, and all I had was a shotgun.

Headshotted one of the CTs from across the map. He was too stunned to even call me a hacker. :P

Posted: 2005-10-31 04:22am
by Mr Bean
Forgotten Hope.

Calling in a Artillery strike on Woodland flag which for some reason suddenly got me the combined firepower of half a dozen player controled artillery batteires. In half a second I had about seventy plus explosions going on all over. I was safe due to the engine bugs but everyone else died. Team-mates, enemies. About thirty people died in six seconds in this massive bombardment... holy shit.

The other time I said ohshitoshit was the first time I saw a TRUE train in any MMO(Oddley enough AO) where in an duegon called the mines one level 200 Martial Artist(They can kill with their bare hands and dodge most attacks) who had grabbed with care and attention every single MOB in the entire area. Since he could heal himself and had crazy high defensevs and these things were about a hundred levels lower than him.... Well suffice it to say he lead the train all the way to the door and left them.... Where I was standing. Some fifty odd mobs were standing all around me looking dzed and confused and were not arrgoing me but slowly started walking back to their patrol routes ignoring me. I could not run outside due to the same MA pulling all the local mobs to the entrance and now he had all the internal mobs at the inside.

No idea what to do or where to go, I have around sixty plus baddies within a hundred meters of me. Any two of which could kick my ass.... And then because I was stupid I decided to try and calm one... The calm failed and one technocolor explosions later I was staring at the massive explosions where they ALL had turned and fired and found myself back in Tir much the worse for wear.

Posted: 2005-10-31 05:10am
by Rogue 9
Twenty Space Marines. One drop pod. Ten seconds. 14 casualties. That's about all I'm gonna say; an entire squad basically died on impact. :wtf:

Posted: 2005-10-31 05:34am
by Dahak
Fun moment in Halo. Girlfriend of a friend at a multiplayer gaming session proudly proclaimed "I found you!" to her boyfriend. She was in a car. When she "found" him, she drove over him by accident. His reply "Don't find me ever again!" Was very hilarious.

Posted: 2005-10-31 07:09am
by felineki
Hmm... I remember one time while I was watching a friend play one of the GTA games (forget which one... 3, I think), he was walking along the side of a wall, and all of a sudden he slipped through the ground and fell into a black void. He was in free fall in this glitchy abyss for a good 10 seconds or so, then all of a sudden he was OVER the play area far above the tops of the buildings, still falling at the same velocity. He hit the sidewalk with a splat and died.

It doesn't sound like much in text. but seeing it actually happen was pretty hilarious.

Posted: 2005-10-31 08:04am
by 2000AD
My housemate is part of a realism mod for Battlefield 2 and one of the maps they played was a long valley with shed loads of tanks. My housemate likes to fly helicopters, but in this map they'd stuck ina massive duststorm that just killed visibility. So he and a bunch of other people stuck a shed load of C4 on the front of the attack chopper and took it in turns to do kamikaze runs into enemy tanks. The C4 made the resulting explosion massive and they were killing like 3 or 4 tanks each run and just racking up the kills.
The funniest thing was the guy playing support class who kept on reloading them and got a massive score without even getting a kill.

Posted: 2005-10-31 09:43am
by BloodAngel
Warcraft 3, more specifically the Defense of the Ancients map.
I pick the Broodmother (spider that has a very good lifeleech as an ultimate, and does damage and slows upon hit), they pick a team of all stunners. Remember, ALL of them can stun me! Meaning if they actually timed it right, I would be "permastunned", and couldn't do shit.

Now, I walk through the river area and next to Roshan (a golem that gives 800 gold to the team when killed) I find the whole other team trying to kill it. They have it almost dead, but are weakened at the same time. So I decide to use my ultimate and try to take them all on. Not very smart, I know, but you'll see what happens. I step in, they all decide to stun me AT ONCE, doing heavy damage but not killing me. But then when I became unstunned I start attacking one of them, start getting life back. A whole lot more than they could ALL damage me for. So I keep hitting them, they keep hitting me, and by now they are wondering why the hell I'm not dying. So three of them run, and when that happens BOOM two of their teammates die by my hands. Then I take on Roshan and find the other three trying to backstab me. I immediately switch from Roshan to them and kill the remaining enemy heroes, and finally end up killing Roshan in the end. In the same process, I caused half the other team to call me a hacker and quit, and had my team laughing insanely at what I did to them. Needless to say, the rest of the game wasn't as fun as it could have been, but the expressions on the guys that I killed were priceless.

It was a good experience. :)

Posted: 2005-10-31 09:59am
by Arrow
Once, when playing the Dawnville map in CoD:UO, my team found itself pinned down in the church. We were the Axis, with 16 players per team. I have only a couple of points of health left, so I'm going downing if an Allied player even farts on me. We're about to be overrun by the entire Allied team, and they're approaching through the cemenatry, so I say "fuck it", and call in arty right on the enterance to church. The Allies keep coming in closer and closer, plinking off our guys in the grave yard, shooting anyone that approaches the MG-42, and throwing grenades through the holes in the wall and through the doors. They killed all but five of us in the church. The rest of us line up shots on the door and the big hole were the MG-42 is mounted, determined to take a few with us. The Allies are at the door and the hole, just an inch from being inside...


All 16 Allied players were killed by my arty in an instant, leaving the five of us in the church laughing and shouting "owned" to the other team! Their moment of triumph became the single greatest asswhooping I've ever witnessed, much less handed out.

Posted: 2005-10-31 10:03am
by nickolay1
FFXI for PC. I nearly shit myself after starting up the debugger for the first time to examine the game's disassembly while working on a bot with a friend. It's one of the most poorly-programmed games I've ever dealt with.

Posted: 2005-10-31 10:36am
by Captain tycho
Deep-striking at least 5 fully upgraded Terminator squads into the center of a mass of enemy Eldar. The second they popped in, Mars, Bringer of War pounded out from my soundtrack, and the killing began. Truly awesome. :twisted:

Edit: A few more.

BF2: A very well coordinated ssault on the Wake Island map, consisting of me in a Cobra with a gunner, a fully loaded Blackhawk, 2 JSFs, and around 2 squads of infantry in boats. We totally blitzed the Chinese airfield. It was amazing. First, an artillery salvo followed up VERY shortly by a pair of the JSFs scoring direct hits on enemy tanks, then me in my Cobra swooping in and strafing a fully loaded transport helo and 3 ground pounders. Then the Blackhawk started circling, raking the entire area with minigun fire before landing near the flag. Around that time, our 2 squads of infantry arrived and blunted a Chinese counter-attack from the north. Truly the best moment in MP gaming history, simply because of the amount of teamwork involved. Sadly, it doesnt happen very often in public servers. :(

Posted: 2005-10-31 12:18pm
by Arrow
Captain tycho wrote:BF2: A very well coordinated ssault on the Wake Island map, consisting of me in a Cobra with a gunner, a fully loaded Blackhawk, 2 JSFs, and around 2 squads of infantry in boats. We totally blitzed the Chinese airfield. It was amazing. First, an artillery salvo followed up VERY shortly by a pair of the JSFs scoring direct hits on enemy tanks, then me in my Cobra swooping in and strafing a fully loaded transport helo and 3 ground pounders. Then the Blackhawk started circling, raking the entire area with minigun fire before landing near the flag. Around that time, our 2 squads of infantry arrived and blunted a Chinese counter-attack from the north. Truly the best moment in MP gaming history, simply because of the amount of teamwork involved. Sadly, it doesnt happen very often in public servers. :(
That reminds me of a round on the Stalemate map that I played before the 1.03 patch. I was on the US team, and my squad and another squad, both with six members, got both blackhawks. Our pilot was a medic, our guns (one of which was your's truly) where supply, and the three guys in the back were all engineers. The other squad had a similar set, but I think one of there guys in the back was spec-ops.

We terrorized the Chinese team. First, we quickly took all but one flag, and our ground forces moved to hold the center of the map. Then, with both Blackhawks working together, we'd take their old flag as soon as they got new one. Our pilots would orbit a flag or fly a figure-eight around it, with the mini-guns from both choppers killing anybody around a flag. Then we'd move in for the capture, one Blackhawk above the other, and our engineers would throw AT mines out around the flag. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Also, anytime our ground pounders sighted an armor vehicle, we'd attack it. Our pilots would fly either parallel to the vehicle, or cross it from front and back, and our engineers would toss out more AT mines (and they had a constant supply, with two support guys reloading them). BOOM. Good bye hostile armor! One our engineers managed to get three APCs at once with one mine, because they were pretty much parked right beside each other.

And then there's Strike at Karkand, where I've too many good firefights in the warehouses, the Suburbs and the Hotel's back allys to go into.

Posted: 2005-10-31 01:38pm
by Captain tycho
I love massive infantry assaults in Strike at Karkand. Seeing dozens of enemy soldiers running towards the building you're in while you only have a sniper rifle is quite dramatic.

Its a shame there aren't more maps where armor is present in force. Its really awesome to see a line of tanks and APCs swarming across a field, guns blazing.

Posted: 2005-10-31 01:49pm
by Arrow
Captain tycho wrote:I love massive infantry assaults in Strike at Karkand. Seeing dozens of enemy soldiers running towards the building you're in while you only have a sniper rifle is quite dramatic.
Yeah. I'm currently going for Veteran Sniper, and I know that feeling all too well. But I've spent most of my time playing support, and with the PKM in hand, all I can think about those dozen guys is "Mmmm, targets!".
Its a shame there aren't more maps where armor is present in force. Its really awesome to see a line of tanks and APCs swarming across a field, guns blazing.
That's the thing I love about the Kurba Dam map. My favorite thing to do is sit back in the mobile AA while the tanks and APCs are assaulting a flag, because you know at least one attack chopper is going to show up. Then I get to light them up!

Posted: 2005-10-31 01:50pm
by Kuja
Fighting Necron at the end of FF9. He killed Zidane with a Flare Star, then struck with Grand Cross, berserking everyone else and effectively making me an observer while the three remaining party members started hammering away. Then he used Flare Star again, killing Vivi and Garnet and leaving only Steiner to fight. Then he used Blue Shockwave to knock Steiner's HP down to 1.

At this point I was pretty sure the fight was over.

Then he used Blue Shockwave again, accomplishing nothing. Steiner got in another hit and Necron retailiated with another Grand Cross. I was all set to reset the machine.

Steiner's HP went UP to 5.

The he struck and KILLED the final boss. I couldn't believe it.

Virtually the same thing happened to me when fighting Sephiroth at the end of FF7. I'd had Vincent transform into Chaos, so he was out of my hands. Then Sephiroth killed Cloud and Tifa with his supernova attack, once again reducing me to being an observer. With Vincent at 80 HP and out of my control, I was pretty sure the fight was over. Then Sephiroth cast...I think it was Pale Horse, doing only 5 damage. Vincent retaliated with his Chaos Saber and killed Sephiroth.

Posted: 2005-10-31 02:00pm
by Losonti Tokash
Battlefield 2, Dalian Plant. Was flying between the cooling towers in one of the F-35s when a J-10 came in above, shot off a missile or two...and then smashed straight into a tower.

Posted: 2005-10-31 02:21pm
by Oni Koneko Damien
Back in my EQ days, I got invited on a raid on Kael-Drakkel, city of giants. I was level 25 at the time, the zone is designed for people levels 45-65.

Needless to say, my role was largely spectator, though, being a necromancer, I was able to send a pathetically weak skeleton after the giants, and help out occasionally by donating mana and health to the people who actually needed it.

We get to the center of the city, when our lizard-monk tells us "Pulling Derejek The Vindicator".

It wasn't until I did a little research afterward that I found out that Derejek the Vindicator was, in fact, a level 70 giant. This is, approximately, the sequence of events...

Derejek the Vindicator hits lizardmonk for 350 points of damage.
Lizardmonk feigns death.
Derejek the Vindicator hits lizardmonk for 286 points of damage.
Derejek the Vindicator bashes lizardmonk for 82 points of damage.
Ogrewarrior taunts Derejek the Vindicator.
Derejek the Vindicator hits lizardmonk for 436 points of damage.
Lizardmonk says 'Ouch'.
Lizardmonk dies, for real this time.
Ogrewarrior hits Derejek the Vindicator for 120 points of damage.
Derejek the Vindicator pwns Ogrewarrior like there's no tomorrow.
Ogrewarrior says 'Ouch,' and dies.
Derejek the Vindicator proceeds to rip a thirty-man raiding party to pieces within half a minute.
Shadowknight feigns death.
Cleric quickly disconnects.
I feign death.
Ranger gets slaughtered.

In the end, I, the lowest level character in the whole friggen raid, was one of three survivors.


Posted: 2005-10-31 03:49pm
by KrauserKrauser
That big thing that chased you out of ToTW was more than likely the Guardian of Time. Drops the Guardian Circut Board (Sweet NCU belt) and Guardian Tank Armor (Great Back Armor). I upgraded around 60 to get a new SL gun and other stuff and was still not able to solo the guy as a 60 Fixer with a QL 94 gun. Oh well. Send me a message some time /tell Caroman.

As an ex-EQ'er, my biggest OMG We are all going to die always occurred on the Plane of Hate. Every single time we went up there we got trained into oblivion. Always bad when Treasure boxes and gargoyles rape you anally.

Posted: 2005-10-31 03:59pm
by El Moose Monstero
X-Wing Alliance - final DS reactor run, I'm nearly out, I can see the exit, then I clip into something and spin the Falcon over and to a dead stop. I end up facing the other way, and I can see the big orange wall which symbolises the explosion rushing up towards me, what follows is an extremely panicked few seconds whilst I spin the ship and blast the throttle up with all power to engines, and then safe. Pulse rattling.

Most things from Freespace 2 at some point or the other, especially involving the Sathanas and it's followups.

X-Wing vs Tie Fighter, Balance of Power - destroying the ISD Rage in the second to last battle, I was really pleased with myself, flying in range of fighters and turbolasers of both the Rage and the SSD Vengeance, destroying the 'shield generators' and taking it out the usual way. I was so pleased with myself, and so pissed off when it turned up in the final mission regardless.

Only other moment where I thought that I couldnt believe that I did that was on a BF1942 Secret Weapons map. Basically, I snuck onto the enemy base and stole their transport plane that they spawned in. I flew it over to our side of the map, parked it on a hill as near to the warning zone as I could and left it there. The other team had no idea where it was, we could hear them in the next room wondering why the hell it wasn't respawning for the rest of the game. Tried to steal the other planes as well, but I think they tended to get shot down or broken in the landing process.

Posted: 2005-10-31 04:08pm
by weemadando
My fucking High Elf Army in every battle for the past decade.

They have passed less than 5% of their leadership tests.

The moment a unit breaks you can expect the whole army to mexican wave its way off the board as bad morale breaks out all over.

Posted: 2005-10-31 04:12pm
by The Guid
Anyone who has ever played D & D might enjoy these two:

1. A friend of mine in the very old edition managed to roll 18 on 3d6 immediatly followed by 100 on a d100 meaning he had INSANE strength for those days.

2. I was running a battle "off screen" as DM to see how badly a mistake the same friend had made. Basically, Lord of the First level of Hell is about to cleave into a necromancer... but then dies from a Death spell because he failed to roll over a 6 on a D20.

The amusing thing is that very same Necromancer killed an extraordinariy Demon in the same way.
