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How many Cells can dance on the head of a 12-inch wafer?

Posted: 2005-10-31 10:50am
by Ace Pace
Apprently not many...

The Inq wrote:How many Playstation 3 Cells can you get on a wafer?

Can you count?

By Charlie Demerjian: Monday 31 October 2005, 10:39

IBM WAS WAVING a lot of cells around at MPF. It had CPUs, dies and wafers of shiny Playstation 3 goodness.

If you ever wondered how many Cells can dance on the head of a 12-inch wafer, all you need to do is count. So, without further delay, here is a wafer of Cells, a closeup of four chips, and the back of the finished CPU. The front is entirely a thermal lid.

Enjoy. ยต